Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1516: The second summoned beast breakthrough

Latest website: Time just passed by day by day, Du You never came out after showing up once. Either in the world of Arran to accelerate the comprehension of the law with the help of the seventh-order skill hall, or constantly integrate the law into his own skills.

Because there were too few amethyst coins in his hands, Du You couldn't bear to use them as regular supplies. It is only used for burning when it is critical, directly breaking through small bottlenecks, and accelerating the speed of their own comprehension.

Outside, the turmoil set off by Du You gradually subsided and was gradually replaced by other things.

This is not Du You's request, but an order of the Alliance. In fact, after reaching the seventh step, you can no longer run around on the earth side. This is to create a good environment for the earth side.

Without a good basic environment, how could there be so many professionals climbing up one after another.

Du You's previous incident was also because he wanted to breathe out, otherwise he would not expose his existence. You know, Du You hadn't seen Tier 7 for so many years before reaching a certain stage of strength, let alone heard of it.

Of course, after all, a seventh-order is still different. After Du You was exposed, even if the storm subsided, there were still people discussing it from time to time. Especially in the circle of professionals, Du You has become everyone's goal.

The existence of Du You let them know that this world has a seventh-order, and that they can reach the seventh-order existence at such a young age.

So because of the example of Du You, the professionals worked harder in the next period of time, and the overall improvement speed was very fast. It is precisely because of this that some people in the upper echelons are not as dissatisfied with Du You as before.

The consequence of this situation is that various materials start to increase in price, but this is only temporary.

I don't know how long it has passed. On this day, Du You suddenly stopped his movement to comprehend the law.

"Master, what's the matter?" Du You's movements were immediately discovered by the two sisters.

Du You waved his hand, and there was a huge monster in front of him. It was a big golden bird, an extraordinary horse. Just standing on the ground, it is more than five meters high, and some familiar looks can be seen faintly.

"This is Xiao Zi, who has broken through." Du You said with a smile.

Xiao Zi clearly saw the scene in front of him, let out a cheerful cry, and then kept rubbing his head into Du You's arms. Such a big head, but the appearance of a pet, makes people feel very interesting.

"Is Xiao Zi advanced to Tier 7, great. But there is nothing to see on the surface. I am afraid that the specific strength will have to be tested." Lin Yucha looked at Xiao Zi and kept thinking.

Du You nodded, but let's take a look at the panel first. Open the panel, and the new pet information appears. Du You looked surprised: "Sure enough, it's different from ordinary summoned beasts, and this title is different."

Purple Lightning Sculpture (Destroying the World of Thunder): Purple Lightning Golden Eagle evolved, containing powerful thunder and lightning power. It takes 24 hours to re-summon after death. (Level 61, 10 stars)

Thunder power: 100%

Skills: electric current around body, thunder ball, thunder clone, paralysis halo, thunderstorm, thunder flash, thunder ring, thunder wings, thunder cage, thunder seed, thunder god

Electric current around the body: a powerful electric current winds around the body, making the attack full of thunder and lightning attack effects, and at the same time playing a weak defensive effect.

Lightning sphere: Condensing lightning power to form a sphere of lightning to attack the enemy, up to 1,000 at a time.

Thunder clone: ​​Condensing lightning power to form five clones, which have the ability to fight independently.

Paralyzing Aura: The power of lightning spreads all over the void, causing the enemy to bear the paralyzing effect and slight killing effect.

Thunderstorm: Gather a large number of lightning **** to strike the area, with electrolysis effect.

The lightning flashes, the purple golden eagle incarnates into the thunder, and instantly shifts its position at the speed of thunder and lightning.

Thunder God's ring: the power of lightning forms a ring with a diameter of 2-50 meters, with the ring as the boundary, forming a spherical lightning barrier. Any matter and energy passing through the lightning barrier will experience the effects of lightning charging, and the specific effects are controllable. The longest duration is 5 days, and the cooling time is 5 minutes.

Thunder Wings: Highly condenses thunder and lightning on the wings to enhance the power and defense of the wings and can be used for attacks.

Lightning cage: Use high-strength lightning to create a cage, trap the enemy in it, and produce powerful lethality.

Thunder Seed: Condense the lightning into a seed and penetrate it into the body, continuously releasing the lightning to attack the enemy. The thunder and lightning seeds can be made into a controllable state, and those who carry the thunder seeds can release them at one time, producing a huge attack effect.

Thor is born: Thunder and lightning in the body are highly condensed and dissipated, forming a Thor state by itself. This state can mobilize the law of thunder and lightning, and the amount of mobilization varies with its own strength. At the same time, thunderclouds are gathered to create a world-destroying blow. The duration is 1 day, and the cooling time is 3 days. After the skill is over, the Purple Lightning Sculpture is in a thunder and lightning charging state, and its strength is improved to a certain extent.

Xiao Zi's name has changed, from the Purple Lightning Golden Eagle to the Purple Lightning Divine Eagle. This name is not much different from other summoned beasts. The real difference lies in the latter title, the Destroyer Thunder God.

Du You discovered that Xiao Zi possessed the laws of thunder and lightning, not the mobilization and traction laws of other summoned beasts. All other summoned beasts possess are part of Du You's own laws, and then use these laws to mobilize the laws of nature. It’s more troublesome to use, and it can’t exert too much This is why other summoned beasts are much weaker than normal strong people of the same level. Even if Du You had strengthened his skills to 10 stars, their strength was still not good, because they were not independent and did not have their own rules.

But Xiao Zi is different. Xiao Zi truly possesses the laws of lightning. Even Du You discovered that Xiao Zi can comprehend his own laws of lightning attributes from the basic laws of lightning, and they all belong to him.

Coupled with the blessing of Du You's own laws, Xiao Zi's strength may be stronger than the normal 9-star beast of Bubble.

But these will have to be tested, and Du You is not sure now. This alone proves Xiaozi's uniqueness. It is indeed a pet that passed the test just like myself when I became a professional.

As for the situation in which magic power turns into thunder and lightning power, it is not surprising, because this was also the case with the desert death **** before.

The ability of the current to wind around the body is the same as before, at least there is not much change on the panel. However, the actual ability can only be seen after testing.

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