Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1517: The distinctive little purple

Latest website: Xiaozi's second skill has changed a lot. Lei Guangqi no longer can only release nine at a time, but reaches a thousand. One-time full release, great power, wide range, even the consumption is not small.

In normal battles, it is basically not used in this way. Xiao Zi didn't have the ability to restore his divine power by himself.

However, the third skill improvement is very big. Before the Thunder clone can only be divided into one, now it can fully divided into five, plus oneself is six. These clones are all incarnations of thunder and lightning, and one is more difficult than the other.

Maybe his strength is not as good as himself, but with cooperation, he can greatly improve his strength. This is not used to confuse others, but a clone that can truly compete with itself.

The paralysis aura is the same as the previous introduction, but the range and effect are better and stronger. If Xiao Zi is willing, this halo is more than just a paralyzing effect. It is not impossible for those with poor strength to be electrocuted on the spot on a large scale. After feeling it carefully, Du You found that he didn't have the power of rules, that is to say, those below Tier 4 were absolutely irresistible.

Even for the seventh-order powerhouse, this skill can also cause a lot of trouble to the opponent.

The next thing is the thunderstorm skill. The lightning ball itself has increased in number, and it seems that it can achieve the thunderstorm effect, but it is actually different. The power of a direct attack from a thunder ball is much greater than the power of a thunderstorm.

But although the thunderstorm condensed a lot of thunder spheres, the power is also small, but the consumption is even less.

Moreover, the skill increased the electrolysis effect. Du You found that although this introduction was very simple, the actual effect was very terrifying. Because Du You discovered that Xiao Zi at this time was already able to use his lightning to carry out electrolysis on the molecular level. Decomposing matter directly into particles is about to reach the point of a nuclear explosion.

This range is far beyond the so-called nuclear explosion, and this is just an additional capability.

This is direct destruction on the level of law, not direct destruction by force. Using this trick, as long as Xiao Zi is willing, no creature can resist this kind of attack without comprehending the law.

Just such a move also gave Xiao Zi the ability to massacre under the seventh rank.

The effect of the lightning flash has not changed, but Du You is sure that Xiao Zi must be faster now, and his ability to use this trick will be stronger. After all, although the speed of normal lightning is fast, it cannot reach the speed limit of a seventh-order master.

If it remains the same as before, then this skill is definitely not necessary to stay.

The so-called speed of light is indeed very fast before the seventh step, but after the seventh step, the speed of light is only a speed, even if it is not faster than this speed, it can definitely react.

Mere superposition of quantities is basically useless for the seven levels.

The existence time of the Thunder God Ring has been improved, reaching five days, but the Thunder God Ring has not changed much.

After testing by Du You and the two sisters, it was discovered that the Thunder God Ring was not unchanged, at least this Thunder God Ring could be used as a simple seal. Although there is a time limit, the sealing effect is very strong in this world.

Because the thunder and lightning attacks are powerful, it will be difficult for the controlled seventh-order powerhouse to break free for a while.

In this regard, the ability of the lightning cage is an enhanced version, which is very easy to use whether it is used to control the enemy or to seal the enemy. After using some special methods to arrange the formation, the lightning cage can also exist forever.

In this way, he now has three skills that can be sealed. The thunder and lightning cage, the ten thousand arrow enchantment, and the desert coffin that was used before. Unconsciously, he also became a master of sealing.

But Lei Zhiyi hasn't changed much, at least not on the surface. Du You knows that this type of skill is used by itself. The stronger the physical quality, the stronger the lightning power, the more terrifying the combat effectiveness it exerts. In line with Xiao Zi's size after getting bigger, this move is definitely a strong skill in melee combat.

Finally, the two more skills, Thunder Seed and Thor, are very powerful. Just like other summoned beasts, each major stage of improvement will have two more skills, and they are still very powerful.

The Thunder Seed is obviously a special skill with dual effects, directly used to deal with the enemy, that is a very powerful attack and negative skills. The seeds of thunder and lightning continue to release thunder and lightning, how can the enemy persist.

In this state, inside and outside attack, even if the original strength is almost no opponent.

There is also a method of using it proactively on one's own body, which is used for a one-time attack. Whether it is used for assassination or protection, it has a very strong effect. Released at once, that is the skill power of a seventh-order beast.

It's just a pity that the existence of this thunder and lightning seed is limited. As long as it is created, the power inside will continue to flow away, even if it is not used. When the power is completely drained, the seed is useless.

Otherwise, Du You could completely send a seed to some of his subordinates, so who else would dare to provoke him. But unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be thought of.

The last Thunder God came to the world, that belonged to Xiao Zi's ultimate move, the state of the World Destroying Thunder God was what Xiao Zi could show after all his power was exerted. The huge thunder eagle, coupled with the gathering of the laws of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth. At this moment, Xiao Zi is a monster whose strength will not be and its strength will be greatly increased, and it will not even be injured.

In this state, even if the strength of an enemy far surpassed Xiao Zi, Xiao Zi would probably be able to entangle him.

Whether it is used directly to attack or to cover oneself and others to escape, it has a strong effect.

The most important thing is that after the skills are over, Xiao Zi's strength will not weaken, will not fall into a period of weakness, but will maintain a state of enhancement for a period of time, which is absolutely not available in other explosive types of skills.

After the explosion of other explosive skills, it will become weak, which is completely the opposite. If others know, I don’t know how to envy it.

"Well, the skills have been understood clearly, then the next step is to experiment."

"Wait a minute, let the bubbles come. The ability of the bubbles is very strong. If you do it yourself, I'm afraid Xiao Zi will not be able to exert her full strength." Hearing Lin Yucha, Du You seemed right.

"Well, that's it, but it won't work here. Let's go out of the world."

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