Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1525: Go to Hei Lan Xing

With the strength of three people, it is impossible for anyone to discover their existence if they want to hide themselves.

In this way, Du You and the others were in the air, disguised as a cloud. Although the level of floating clouds on the platform has not been improved, but because of the integration of some laws, the speed still becomes very fast.

Soon, Du You and others found the first superpower, which is a very ordinary superpower who can control the water element. Although the strength is not very strong, but I still found it, and the age is not too old.

"Looking at him like this, he should be a supernatural being who is still studying, but where did he go to study?"

"It should be the college. Looking at the learning materials and homework on his body, only the college will do this kind of thing. And depending on his state, the vacation time should be almost over." Lin Yucha reminded.

Du You suddenly, yes, except for some special workers, who would have so many documents to write. And this kind of non-serious but very anxious look, there is no one else except the students.

"Then I will wait a few days." Du You was not too anxious.

After reaching the seventh level, I should change my time concept. Although there will be no results for a while, Du You has been working hard because he knows this is a hurdle that must be experienced.

A few days later, the man really left the house, took a vehicle pulled by a special beast, and walked along the road. Du You and the others followed, and it took three days for them to reach their destination.

There is a school, but it looks more like a manor.

There is a teaching building with a huge bell tower, and there are some buildings that do not know what they are. On the whole, it looks more similar to a magic academy, but it is somewhat different. After all, there is no wizard on their side.

There is no systematic basic cultivation method, so ordinary people can't practice.

Only some people with special talents are born with special powers and become supernatural beings, that is, the favored ones. After joining the academy, you can get the basic training method.

This method is actually to help them continue to improve their abilities, and indirectly improve their physical strength and mental strength through the promotion of abilities. The main method is still abilities.

This resulted in a situation where the powerful abilities are so powerful that they are boundless, and the weak ones are basically useless.

The polarization in the college is basically the same. It's just that Du You gradually felt that the cultivation method inside seemed a bit weird, and there was always something inexplicable in it.

But Du You couldn't tell what it was, because he didn't have enough abilities, and because he didn't have enough knowledge to accumulate.

"Forget it, it seems that there is nothing to discover here, let's continue to other colleges."

There is a connection between college and college. Du You and the two sisters only distorted the surrounding perception by their usage. They wandered around the academy in such a grandiose manner, seeing all that can be seen but not.

Similarly, Du You and others also knew the locations of other colleges. Picking the largest academy, Du You and the two sisters entered directly. In this academy, there is no one that has reached the seventh rank, and the most powerful is only the fifth rank.

It is said that there is also a sixth-tier dean, but he is not here now, and he has been recruited to the front line.

Looking at the various things here again, Du You found that the different academies were all the same, and there was not much difference. The so-called training method is actually just a training method. There are several different types of training methods according to the different types of abilities, which is far from the training in Du You's impression.

I really don't know how this kind of exercise has continuously improved their strength.

Perhaps this is the difference in this world. If it were other worlds, Du You wouldn't care, but this world was valued so much by the Dragon Clan, that would be completely different.

There is no way to figure out what happened in a short time, indicating that this academy is still not high-end.

"Heilan Star? That side is part of the front line. It is attacked and the wings that cover the sky, this is a giant dragon. Perhaps, we can get everything we want to know from the dragon."

Even if the opponent is a seventh-order, as long as it does not reach the late seventh-order, Du You is not afraid. Facing the middle stage of Tier 7, Du You was sure to escape. There is a star map in the academy, and Du You can easily find the location of the Hei Lan star.

Although they are just human beings, after reaching the seventh rank, they can no longer be regarded as ordinary people. There was no need for any means of transportation, let alone any special powers, and the three of Du You flew directly.

In an instant, the three of them broke through the atmosphere and entered outer space, faster and faster.

This is the privilege of the seventh-order powerhouse, even if the three people don't need to distort the space power, the speed is not comparable to that of ordinary aircraft. It's just that outer space is huge.

With only their own speed, the three of Du You flew in outer space for a month, during which time they saw some other planets around them, but they did not stop. The most is to perceive and make sure you are in the right direction.

A month later, the three people finally reached their destination. "Look, that's Black Lanxing."

Du You was the first to stop and looked ahead. The planet was completely dark, and it seemed that some mineral caused the planet to turn into this color. But at this moment, battles on the planet are everywhere.

"Let's hide slowly take a look, go to the side of the supernatural power first."

That's right, this battle is led by the ability person, not the professional person. There are humans and various creatures in this world, but there are no dragons. The arrival of the dragon clan is regarded as a demon by the people of this world.

The world has always been controlled by humans and demihumans. When will it be the turn of a group of monsters that can only be prey to rule.

In their eyes, the dragon clan is a kind of monster, and this kind of war will naturally start. However, the dragons are not vegetarians. After the seventh-order dragons enter, the scene can be said to be devastating. If it weren't for the later Earth professionals to intervene and secretly help them, now the world still doesn't know what it looks like.

Of course, this is also due to the dragons themselves, which are very lazy.

Du You felt a breath of the seventh-order dragon clan on the black haze star, but this dragon clan has never appeared on the battlefield, but hidden in the dark. This is definitely not secretly peeping, eight or nine out of ten, this is sleeping.

Dragons love treasures and sleep, and they are well-known in the heavens and all realms.

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