Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1526: The green-skinned and the black-skinned struggle

Entering the Black Lanxing Star, Du You directly chose a big city to land. Just ignoring the situation in this world, Du You didn't reveal his identity, but secretly hid it in it.

When he found an opportunity, Du You got into the crowd who came to support him.

None of these people came from one place, or even one planet, and they were not familiar with each other. So there are so few people like Du You who don't know them, they won't be surprised.

Entering the city is time for free activities. As soon as he came here, Du You saw a group of blacks coming.

"Haha, it's great that the human brothers came to support, walk around, we just held a banquet, let's go together." This group of black people directly took Du You and the group of people and ran in the other direction.

Only after passing by some green-skinned people, the people on both sides directly lost their previous enthusiasm, spitting at each other, and waited for the past to regain their previous appearance.

"Who are those people? How do you look like you don't like them."

Without Du You speaking, someone asked.

A black-skinned person said with a disdain: "Hmph, they are also a group of invaders, but they are better than those monsters. Although everyone is a human race, sooner or later we have to divide them."

After asking the curious people around, these people gradually said the matter. But Du You could also hear that these words contained very strong personal emotions, and that was to belittle the green-skinned person.

After careful analysis, Du You gradually understood what was going on here. It turned out that the original natives on this planet were black skin people, and they were also a kind of humans, or should be said to be similar to demihumans, but with different skin colors.

As for why humans are born on different planets, that is because of the laws of this world.

On the Black Lan star, the black skin people have lived here for generations, and of course some have gone out. The greenskins are their neighbors, the indigenous inhabitants of a planet closer to them.

The natural environment on the Green Skin Man planet is very good. This green skin may be similar to a protective color. This is Du You's idea. But the greenskins are not conservationists, but people who destroy nature.

Their abilities are more inclined to use nature and directly extract the vitality of plants to launch attacks.

But over time, the planet’s environmental problems have become more prominent. In the last war, the vegetation on their planet, Girlia Flower, almost disappeared, and the entire planet became dilapidated.

The green-skinned people who have no choice can only choose to emigrate, and then choose the relatively small population of Hei Lanxing.

But when the black-skinned people on the Black Lan star heard about the green-skinned practices, they treated them as scourges, cosmic locusts. The black-skinned people resisted fiercely, leading to hostility between the two races.

At that time, the green-skinned man had no retreat. After their only space-powered people consumed the last plants on the planet, they successfully established a channel with Hei Lan Star, and those people had also lost their lives.

Only one planet can provide them to transfer, there is no other choice. In the end, the green-skinned people could only transfer to the black haze star, which is the reason for the hundreds of years of war between them.

Had it not been for this dragon invasion, they would probably continue to fight.

In order to deal with the Dragon Clan, the people of these two races can only temporarily unite. Even if they dislike each other, it is not the time for infighting. Moreover, even if the two races are united, they are not the opponents of those dragons, they can only continue to ask for help. This is why Du You saw the arrival of those other human races.

The races in this world are really interesting. Intelligent creatures are only humans, but most of these humans have a slightly different skin color. Of course, the most common ones are white and yellowish skin.

Therefore, Du You's skin color belongs to the vast majority in this world, and it is not very conspicuous.

At the banquet, Du You banged on the side and inquired clearly about the situation on the other side.

"It seems that these dragons are not only invading themselves, but there are many other affiliated races. Let me just say, how can it be possible to control a world with only the dragons."

The number of dragons is small, which is a problem that everyone knows, but the blood of dragons is very special.

It is difficult to produce offspring among the same kind, and even if they do, they are easy to die. However, there is almost no reproductive isolation from other species, and the ability to reproduce is very strong, which is also a special ability of the dragon clan.

This is the case on the Black Lan star, I don't know if it is because the planet is black, which led to a black dragon.

The black dragon was sleeping all the time, but the ordinary dragons under his command and the dragons, beasts and dragons attacked the entire planet. Especially the dragon people, that tree is definitely not younger than them.

I don't know how the dragons raise so many dragons. It is said that the number of dragons who came to Black Lanxing this time is close to 100 million. Of course, most of them are ordinary people who work in logistics and cultivation and planting, not all of them are troops.

But even so, the troops brought by the dragon people are no less than 10 million, and these troops are at least Tier 3 strength.

"The bloodline of the dragon race is too advantageous. These dragon people can cultivate to a certain level without any resources. But dealing with the dragon people is not difficult for us, whether it is the demon flame bones or the demon extinguishing spirit, Or vines can be I think these should be left to others to do, our purpose is not this. Next, we have to investigate the situation on the dragon clan, after all, the dragon clan information is only It is what we need to find. Moreover, my bloodline also needs to be hunted and killed to be able to be promoted." Even at the seventh level, the easiest thing is to hunt and kill the dragon.

And the two sisters, like Du You, hunting demons can also increase their bloodlines, but they all have to reach level seven or higher. It may be difficult for other people to do it, but Du You is different here, their strength has already begun to explode.

After a little understanding of the situation, after leaving the banquet, Du You and the two sisters secretly left the city.

With their strength, the people here have found no problems at all. After leaving, Du You flew in the direction that the black-skinned people had found out clearly.

It is said that there is the largest gem mine on the entire Black Lantern Star. It was originally buried deep underground, but was only discovered after the earth split to form a canyon. And this place was also occupied by the black dragon who likes treasures and turned into his own residence.


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