Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1528: This is what destroys the world

"Human? No, you are not a native of this world. They are all supernatural beings and natural rule users, but you are obviously not." It seems that Du You is a seventh-order, but the aura on his body is like a seventh-order supernatural being. different.

The power of the seventh-order supernatural power is very single, and it is integrated with the world law, almost integrated into the world. Although he is strong in this world, he will not be able to leave this world anymore.

And Du You's power comes from himself, which is fundamentally different from those natives.

"Sure enough, we were right. Someone really came into this world."

Cario looked normal, and it was obvious that he had discovered other outsiders a long time ago. It's just that there has been no evidence, and the number is too small, they are not sure whether they have attracted the attention of other worlds.

"I'm very curious, why are you competing for this world, this world is obviously only a seventh-order world, there is no need to come to so many dragons." Du You asked.

"Haha, your intelligence is really well-informed. It seems that you are not in the ordinary world. Let me think about it. There are only a few powerful human worlds. And after discovering that we are not afraid, we will send someone to investigate. Yes. If we can find out our strength in such a short time, then you are professionals from the earth!"

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in the eyes of the black dragon Cario surged, and the relationship between the earthlings and them was not good. Moreover, this world is of great importance, and there must be no loss.

Du You was also a little surprised. Generally speaking, the dragons are very arrogant, and with their arrogance, they have even reached the point of being a little stupid. But the first time Du You encountered a situation where he didn't ask any news, this was also done by the dragon clan. It seems that Cario is not an idiot dragon in the traditional sense, but a very smart one.

Since I can't ask, I can only kill it by force. The same goes for Cario and Du You.

"You go quickly, you can't get involved in this kind of battle." The flying dragon who was about to do it was scolded by Cario. But then he didn't have a chance to speak, because the two sides had already taken action.

The dragon's breath and the shadow aura collided with each other, and under that huge power shock, only the vibrating wave sent the sixth-order dragon flying out. Obviously, this giant dragon is not Du You's kind of monster. As a sixth-order, it is impossible to fight against the seventh-order power. It can't even fight the aftermath, and its strength is not too strong in the sixth rank.

The frightened flying dragon crawled and ran out, Du You didn't have so much time to target any guy at this time. Du You's body was full of shadow aura condensed all over his body, and the black dragon was also full of black spheres of light. The two look very similar, and the fluctuations caused by fighting each other are getting stronger and stronger.

The two sisters also intervened, and as they let go of their hands and feet to fight, the entire planet shook.

In the city not far away, no matter who it was, everyone ran out. "What's the matter, is there an earthquake."

"Damn it, what kind of intelligence is this? Doesn't it mean that Black Lanxing is very hard and will not have an earthquake."

"No, the vibration is coming from over there. Look at the light over there, it's only when the gods go to war. Someone is fighting that evil black dragon, and our strong has finally arrived."

Some people are more sensible: "Go fast, don't stay here anymore."

They know how strong the seventh-order powerhouse is, and once they fight, it is a natural disaster, a real natural disaster. Continue to stay here, the result is devastating.

If they were in the air, they would be able to see the largest cracks on the planet erupting colored rays of light continuously. This is caused by the friction between the forces of law, which is broader and brighter than the aurora.

At the same time, cracks continued to appear on the planet. The original whole planet now looks like a walnut that has been smashed. Although it is still a whole, there are already many cracks.

And pieces of debris on the planet fell out and flew toward outer space. This is a disaster for the entire planet.

The seventh-order powerhouse is like this, Du You has no time for him now, fighting with that black dragon with all his strength, and it is impossible for the black dragon who is at a disadvantage to care about his surroundings. Just this kind of fluctuation caused the planet to begin to collapse.

In fact, this is the power of the seventh order. With Du You's power, he can smash a planet at once with all his might.

Although the seventh-order mass compression gun will not be like this, this thing will penetrate the planet, and then the planet will collapse.

The difference is that scientific and technological weapons are done directly by using powerful forces, while Du You can do it because of the use of the law, which directly caused a shock on the level of the law.

Now that two rank 7 powerhouses are fighting, the power generated by the conflicting laws is not something that a planet can resist.

Even if the seventh-order powerhouse is willing to spend a long time destroying the origin of a world, the entire world will collapse, let alone a small planet. At this point, the power of science and technology will not work.

Technological weapons can only destroy from the inside of the world, they can't directly destroy this kind of thing from the outside.

The battle gradually entered white-hot, Du You and the two sisters fully suppressed the black dragon Cario. Du You suddenly noticed that Cario's eyes began to flicker. It was obvious that they couldn't beat them trying to run. It's just that Du You has always hidden his backhands, and none of his summoned beasts have been used.

The physical fitness of the dragon clan is too strong, if the opponent wants to run, Du You, who is similar in strength, can't stop the opponent at all. Therefore, Du You will always hide the means This is not a sneak attack, it can only be regarded as gaining a little advantage.

When the desert **** of death first appeared, he aroused the other side's alertness. It was just that Du You attacked with all his strength, leaving Cario no time for him to take care of.

Immediately afterwards, the death god's ultimate move exploded, and the death god's thorn speed was too fast, completely ignoring the black dragon's reaction, a large amount of toxins were injected into the body, and the black dragon's body began to become dull for the first time.

"It's very poisonous, you despicable people." Cario's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"Don't you also have poisonous dragons? If you say that you are despicable, you are the same." Du You knew that he couldn't ask anything, so he didn't ask about it. Kill this guy first.

But Cario knew that he couldn't escape, so he gave up. Being able to give up his life so easily as a seventh-order dragon is really admirable. Cario, who is fully counterattack, is not without gain.

The dragon's breath broke through and then waved the dragon's claws, abruptly breaking Lin Yucha's defenses. Lin Yucha has always put the most pressure on him. Now that he loses an eye, he wants to kill Lin Yucha.

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