Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1529: 1 dragon is not enough

"Yucha, how are you doing." Du You said quickly with a startled heart.

Suddenly Lin Yushi said: "Master, kill this dragon first, sister is fine."

Although Du You was worried, the two sisters were connected. Lin Yushi said it was okay, so there shouldn't be a big problem.

With red eyes, Du You attacked harder. Even Du You released Xiao Zi and the bubbles. The bubble is directly suppressed by the power of light, while Xiao Zi is the crazy unfolding of the power of thunder.

The Thor's ring was directly put on Cario's body, and he would be electrocuted no matter whether he was active or not. And if the attack passes through the Thunder God Ring, it will be strengthened by one layer, and the damage will be even stronger.

The eyes that had just been pierced in order to attack Lin Yucha also became a weakness at this time.

Although Cario tried desperately to counterattack, Cario, who had no ultimate move, finally lost his life helplessly. When Du You smashed Cario's inverse scales, even the seventh-order Cario could only wait for death.

However, Cario's soul flew out of the body, trying to escape.

Du You had been prepared long ago, because people of rank seven and above all have this trick. The long-awaited Shadow Aura orb intercepted it for the first time, and hit it directly at this time. The power of the law combined with the power of the Soul Eater Demon Flame directly smashed the opponent's soul. In the end, Du You only collected some soul fragments. Looking at these fragments, Du You was a little upset.

I hadn't thought that if I had thought of it long ago, I would get some containers that could seal the soul, so that I would gain even more. Although the value of soul fragments is not low, they are different after all.

Looking back, Du You found that Lin Yucha did not come out of the gravel at all. Du You knew that Lin Yucha might have suffered serious injury, so he quickly flew over and swept away the gravel with a wave of his hand, revealing Lin Yucha's weakness.

There was no coma, but Lin Yucha's whole body's strength was obviously dissipated, no wonder it would not be able to recover for a while.

There are even more bruises and bloodstains on his body, which can beat a seventh-order powerhouse like this, the attack of the giant dragon just now is definitely not simple. It is the first time since Lin Yucha became his follower that he was so seriously injured.

"Bubble, come here and treat Yucha." Du You's heart was filled with anger and distress at the same time.

"Master, I'm fine, just careless just now."

"Yes, if my sister's Space Spirit breaks through to Tier 7, the attack just now can definitely escape."

There was only one defensive spell. After being broken open, the opponent's attack fell on him. If it wasn't for Lin Yucha's physical strength, it wasn't like that just now, but was seriously injured on the spot.

But even so, after the bubbles were cured, Du You also found that Lin Yucha had to rest for at least three days to recover.

The main reason is that the law of the black dragon is raging in Lin Yucha's body. If it is not eliminated, Lin Yucha can't even use the law. That is no longer an issue that affects combat effectiveness, but most of the combat effectiveness has simply disappeared.

"Let's go, we can't stay here anymore. By the way, Master, have you broken through your bloodline now."

Hearing Lin Yushi's words, Du You was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes and felt it. Opening his eyes, Du You shook his head and said, "No, it seems that one dragon is not enough, at least three are needed."

After reaching the seventh rank, if you want to achieve bloodline improvement, it is not only enough to kill like this.

Du You also needs to get the opponent's heart, and then use a special secret method to draw its power. This kind of secret method can only be understood and cannot be explained, it belongs to the erosion and absorption on the level of the law, so it can be done without teaching Du You.

But the power of this dragon is not enough, at least three are needed. In addition, a large number of crystal coins are needed. Without crystal coins, the fusion time is very long. It seems that after reaching the seventh rank, it is not a simple matter to improve in all aspects.

But one day Lin Yushi said that he was right, that he couldn't stay here. If you continue to stay, you will definitely be blocked by other dragons. The death of this black dragon must have been discovered by the black dragons of other planets, and they will arrive in a few days. Being blocked by so many seventh-order dragon clan, Du You is not sure that he will survive.

Collecting the black dragon corpse, Du You turned around and left.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you when I get back." Du You calmed down the dark dragon about to move. After the black dragon died, his own summon began to agitate, because he wanted the opponent's dragon crystal.

The dragon crystal and the godhead are the same thing, all the crystallization of the dragon clan belongs to a kind of law condensate. This thing is of high value, but Du You still unceremoniously sent it out, because in this way he could own a seventh-order dark dragon.

That's right, if there is no error in many guesses, this is the opportunity for the dark dragon to advance.

Du You took someone to clean up the traces and left. As for this planet, Du You didn't care about it either.

The previous battle caused the planet to begin to split. Starting from the Grand Canyon in the middle, the planet has become two halves, and it is developing in the direction of more fragments. Du You's destruction is okay, and he doesn't have this ability if he wants to repair it.

Moreover, people on this planet will not die for a while, and the disintegration of the planet cannot be completed in a day or two. After all, Du You didn't directly attack the planet before, it was only caused by the aftermath shock. At this time the planet can still last for a while, this period of time is enough for other people to react.

At that time, whether it is a special ability person to repair the planet or transfer everything on this planet, time should be enough. On the contrary, if Du You stayed here, the consequences would be very serious.

When leaving Du You glanced back at the planet that was being decomposed. While feeling concerned, he also gained a new understanding of his own power. The seventh rank is called a god, and this is not without reason.

Especially this kind of planetary world, because it is not a whole, the ability to resist blows is even worse.

In the eyes of the seventh order, these planets are similar to fragile vases. Du You also saw his own insignificance at the same time. Those ordinary people can only resign themselves to their fate under their own power, so why not do that.

Facing the stronger seventh order and even the eighth order, he also has no resistance. Thinking of this, Du You became more determined to improve his strength. In the future, she must become stronger, at least not to let Lin Yucha suffer any more damage.

The same goes for other people, Du You didn't want to see anyone hurt.

Flying all the way, I don't know how many days later, Du You and others came to a desolate planet. During the time on the road, Lin Yucha has recovered, and Du You also decided to contact the earth to obtain some latest information.


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