Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1534: There are 2 blue dragons here

Du You stayed in ambush here for only three days, and then a message came from behind. This time the news is not the news of the beginning of the war, but to let them, the seventh-tier powerhouses, take action to deal with some enemies of the other side.

The biggest advantage now is that the enemy is in the dark, so this advantage cannot be given up.

What to do with the next plan and how to do the next thing depends on the result of this first wave. Fortunately, the professionals on their side of the earth are relatively easy to talk about in this respect.

Generally speaking, the greater the external pressure, the greater the internal unity. The earth is developing too fast, it takes a short time, and there are many external dangers. So when outside, everyone can still be united.

Du You knew that he could do it when he received the news, but Du You himself did not send out, but released the dark dragon.

"To deal with giant dragons, of course the most suitable one is to use giant dragons." A weird smile appeared on Du You's face. The two sisters who are familiar with Du You certainly know that the master wants to calculate people again.

The dark dragon was released and soon flew to the front. After feeling the breath of the dark dragon, two figures over there flew out. It turns out that there are two blue dragons here.

This is also one of the reasons Du You chose this goal at first. Doing it yourself is likely to arouse the vigilance of other giant dragons around. There are two giant dragons of Tier 7 here, and Du You chose to start with the biggest trouble first.

"Who are you and why come to our territory? This is the place occupied by our sisters."

The biggest blue dragon said to the flying dark dragon. Because she can feel that the strength of the dark dragon is not as good as her own, or the law and aura it emits is not as good as her own. The most important thing is that although the aura of the dark dragon is pure, it is very complicated. In the eyes of the dragon, this is definitely not a purebred dragon.

Since they are not purebreds, their status is much lower than their purebred dragons.

The smaller dragon next to it nodded vigorously. This dragon had just broken through the seventh step, and had not had the kind of consciousness that he was a strong man. In addition, I'm used to listening to my sister's words, so I can do whatever my sister says.

The dark dragon spoke indifferently: "I just passed by this place and came here to take a look. Since this place is occupied by your two sisters, then I will just change to another place."

While talking, the dark dragon looked around. In addition to these two dragons, there were some other dragons here. But not many, and the strength is not very strong, the restrictions set around should be able to block them all.

The dark dragon has its own thinking, although the thinking is not so flexible. As for the language of the dragon clan, the dark dragon, who is a dragon clan, is instinctive. This is instinct, not a skill.

"That's good, leave quickly, this world is big, and it is not difficult to occupy a territory in this world. But it is better to hurry, otherwise there may be no chance in the future."

What this said, the dragons value this world very much, and maybe they will come to increase their troops in the future.

But just when the two dragons were about to turn around and leave, the dark dragon finally showed its fangs. Opening his mouth, Gloom Devouring started directly, and the two blue dragons had entered their attack range.

The first time he felt the attack, the larger blue dragon immediately reacted.

An icy blue halo spread out from the whole body, sweeping towards the surroundings, and the surrounding ice was visible to the naked eye.

Even the laws and gravity brought about by the gloom swallowing have produced stagnation. It's a pity that this trick is too strong, and it came too suddenly, and the larger blue dragon was still sucked in.

Until this time, the attack of the blue dragon finally forcibly broke through the gravitational action of the dark dragon.

An ice-blue spear pierced a leg of the dark dragon, even if it was the dark dragon, this leg was frozen on the spot. It looks intact on the surface, but in fact this leg has already turned into powder.

The blue dragon itself didn't get any better, one of its wings was torn off, and it was cut off. A huge wound was left behind, and cold blood was constantly flowing down, freezing the ground.

The smaller blue dragon was even more miserable, half of his body was gone. That is to say, the seventh-order creature has strong vitality, otherwise, it would have died long ago when replaced with a normal creature.

But even so, the little blue dragon lost its combat effectiveness. If it is not treated in time, I am afraid the body will give up completely. But the dark divine power raged inside the body, making the little blue dragon's soul unable to escape.

"Who are you? Your body structure is an energy body. You are definitely not our dragon."

"If it is an elemental dragon, although some dragons will recognize it, the aura of an elemental dragon is definitely not that complicated. The guy in front of me is probably not their dragon.

"Of course we are here to kill you." With Du You's voice, a series of shadow aura **** were hit. The attacks of the two sisters came first, which was faster than Du You's attack speed.

The Blue Dragon had only time to escape a thunder and lightning, and was hit by Lin Yucha's spiral sniper. Underestimating the blue dragon that attacked this time, a huge wound was drilled directly in the abdomen, and the scenery behind could be directly seen.

"Damn it, you are professionals on the earth, do you want to be an enemy of our dragon?"

Du You sneered: "Aren't we the higher worlds always being enemies? I haven't heard of any alliance."

No, there is indeed an alliance, Du You just hasn't heard of it, but there is nothing wrong with what Du You said. Even if they are alliances, they all have their own goals. The will of the world itself will not be alliance And with the pride of the dragon clan, they will not alliance with anyone, either a subordinate or an opponent. Either they are mortal enemies, and the latter two are basically the same in the eyes of the dragons.

Du You was not idle, at this time the shadow aura had completely surrounded the dragon.

The powerful blue dragon was hit continuously for the first time, and it was very problematic to exert its combat effectiveness. A gap was caught, and the dark dragon's dark claws directly hit the blue dragon's neck.

The strength was sealed, and the blue dragon's combat effectiveness was suddenly reduced to the extreme.

"Dragons won't let you go. We will not give up in this world." The larger blue dragon finally let out a roar, and Lin Yucha's arrow pierced his head, and annihilated with his soul.

In the end, the smaller blue dragon let out a wailing, but Du You didn't mean to let him go. After hunting him, he took the corpse away, turned and left the place.


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