Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1535: 5 consecutive kills

Because Du You's movements were too fast, the opponent didn't react at all. The dragons around, I'm afraid I have felt some fluctuations, but it is not so easy to figure out what is here.

Moreover, it is normal for creatures like dragons to have nerves from time to time.

Du You took the two sisters and flew towards the next target at the fastest speed. Across the starry sky, this distance is not too far for Du You and the others today.

When I flew over there, I found that a green dragon here was still asleep, and had no sense of what was happening around him. Of course, this planet has also been changed long ago, with dragons and beasts everywhere, full of vitality.

Unfortunately, although such dragons are good for the environment, they are now enemies.

Du You was not polite either. At close range, he didn't have a lethal attack, so it was Lin Yucha who shot this time.

The spiral sniper attacked directly, and the dragon quickly responded when it found something was wrong. However, he ignored Lin Yucha's hidden ability, which caused the two sides to be too close, and also ignored Lin Yucha's attack speed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Yucha's attack had already fallen on him. Did not choose the key position of Ni Lin, no one knows what kind of protection this Ni Lin has, how much power it will increase after attacking.

Lin Yucha chose a point that connects the back of the opponent's neck and body. This point can be said to be a fatal point.

The Spiral Sniper easily pierced the dragon scales, and then created a huge scar on the opponent.

At the same time, Lin Yucha's group of bloodthirsty demon wolves also released, forcibly entangled and intercepted the opponent, making it impossible for the opponent to take off. Then Du You and Lin Yushi also attacked with all their strength.

A sneak attack is an easy and easy way to seriously wound this proud dragon. This is also because Lin Yucha is too good at sneak attacks, if it is another professional, I am afraid that it will not be so easy.

Under a series of attacks, the green dragon was almost broken into pieces before he died. Under the counterattack, the green dragon's toxin made Du You and the others' faces a little green, and I am afraid it will take two hours to recover before they can fully recover.

Sure enough, Tier 7 is not an easy one, even if a sneak attack and a group fight, there is no way to not pay a little price.

The bloodthirsty demon wolves, mainly acting as entanglements, were killed by the other five, and the others were all injured.

"Let's go, we can recover on the road, and then deal with the next one." Du You did not choose to stay.

There are only five goals nearby, plus this one has solved three. When everything is solved, his task is completed, and then even if he hides himself, no one can say anything.

As for whether Du You would continue to attack later, that was the next thing.

It took a while for the three of them to arrive at the next target. On the way, the toxins have been cleaned up, and the dead bloodthirsty demon wolves have recovered one by one, and can be summoned again.

This time it was almost a copy of the last time, with a direct sneak attack and serious injuries followed by a series of attacks.

As a result, the opponent was even more vulnerable this time, because it was a fire dragon, the attack was fine, and there was no way to compare with the green dragon in terms of defensive vitality. As a result, Du You was easily killed on the spot.

But the opponent's attack is very powerful, even if the sneak attack battle time is not very long, the planet is still beginning to collapse. A huge crack filled the entire planet, and this planet would not exist unless it was patched. I just don't know whether this kind of planet can continue to exist on the surface under this broken state.

"This time it went well and it was the last one." Du You smiled at the two sisters.

This is not the first time that they have engaged in this intense hunting battle, they have long been used to it.

It didn't take long for the group to arrive at the last place. "Very well, the dragons are really lazy, all of them are sleeping."

Lin Yucha still carried out a sneak attack as before, an arrow went down, and then released the bloodthirsty demon wolf. But this time the situation is different from before. Because of the dragon hit by the sneak attack, there was no resistance at all.

Arrow easily penetrated it, and Du You felt that something was not good at this time.

"No, I was deceived." That's right, this dragon is fake, made of clay. It seemed that this was something done by an earth dragon, and it fits the surrounding environment so much that Du You didn't even notice it.

At this moment, an earthy-yellow ray of light broke out instantly on the ground, and the overbearing force directly hit Du You. The other party can also see that this group of people is headed by Du You.

There are too many ranks 7 of the opponent, and they are still the kind of professionals who are not easy to deal with. The dragon is thinking about hunting down the opponent or severely inflicting them, and then trying to escape. It’s just that this guy thinks something wonderful.

The attack hit Du You, but Du You's vitality shield instinctively wrapped Du You.

The powerful attack instantly flew Du You out, but the Yuanli shield was not damaged. However, the terrifying shock still had an impact on Du You, and he didn't know what kind of ability it was, and there was no way to achieve a perfect effect even for defense.

The two sisters exclaimed and noticed that Du You was okay, and turned their heads to launch a crazy attack on the earth dragon.

The earth dragon hurriedly hides himself in the earth, preventing the other party from discovering himself easily. After a period of management, the entire planet has become its own breath, and it is really hard to find the earth dragon hiding in it.

"Destroy this planet and find this Du You spit out a mouthful of blood and said loudly.

While speaking, the attack has been launched. Shadow aura orbs attacked in all directions, but this time they directly locked the attack on this planet. In just a moment, the entire planet became riddled with holes.

When the planet begins to disintegrate, it is much easier to find each other next.

There was only one earth dragon that was good at defense but not good at attack, even though it had a special attack ability that prevented Du You from completely defending it, it was fine as long as it was not attacked by the opponent.

A black shadow flashed over, and Du You's hidden ultimate move was finally used. The death thorn of the death **** in the desert erupted, and the poisoned earth dragon had no chance to escape, and his body became weaker and weaker.

In about two hours, the earth dragon itself was finally hit hard because of the lack of defense in time, and the next step was the familiar dragon slaying ceremony. Speaking of which, it is really not easy to kill this powerful dragon clan.

"Let's go, and these giant dragon corpses will be taken home. We can't use them. We can replace them with points or whatever we need." Du You was about to change some equipment.

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