Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1536: Difficult injury

There were no dragons in the starry sky nearby, so no one would notice Du You even if he left in an open manner. Every time they leave, those dragons under the seventh rank will be cleared out by Du You.

After killing so many dragons, Du You felt the blood in his body boil. He knew that the next step of his bloodline was close at hand. What needs to be done now is to find a safe place to advance.

Once his bloodline advanced, Du You dared to fight with others across three levels even if he was in the seventh level.

The advantage of the bloodline is not only reflected before the seventh rank, but also after the seventh rank.

The dragons themselves have the bloodline of the dragon family, but it is difficult for them to fully utilize this bloodline advantage when they grow naturally. Du You is a professional, he is very powerful, and with the full use of bloodline power, this is the true ultimate strength.

What Du You didn't expect was that when he found a safe place to advance, he found that he had no way to advance. If you want to advance your bloodline, you must first have no injuries on your body.

But Du You suddenly realized that he was hurt.

Regardless of the previous toxin or the situation of being injured later, although on the surface it has recovered, in fact there is no. The remnants of that different kind of law can't be cleaned up in a short time at all.

"Unexpectedly, the battle after the seventh level will be so troublesome, no wonder those people above the seventh level rise so slowly."

"Master, let's quickly treat the injuries on our bodies first. Keeping them on will easily leave hidden dangers."

Lin Yucha frowned, because it was Lin Yucha who was hurt the most. At that time, the black dragon counterattacked and hadn't found it yet. This could only be attributed to their lack of experience, but now it is discovered by feeling carefully.

It's true that the injuries on his body have recovered, but the power of the law that originated from other creatures has always remained in his body. As long as this power is still in one's body, it will hinder the understanding of one's own laws. The time is too long, and if it is serious, it will even distort one's own understanding and perception of the law.

If they have really reached that point, then it will be very difficult for them to go further.

Anyone who has reached Tier 7 is most worried about this type of injury.

Du You finally realized why it would take hundreds of years or even longer to recover after many seventh-order strongmen were injured. Injury itself is not a big deal. What is really serious is the conflict of laws.

Fortunately, their injuries were not very serious before, so this kind of injury is still very easy to treat.

"Bubble has the ability to heal injuries. Why don't you let Bubbles have a try." Suddenly, Lin Yucha said.

Du You slapped his head. It's really dark under the light. Other skills have been improved. There is no reason why his healing ability has not changed. Du You thought for a while and summoned the bubble. "Come here, give us some treatment."

Bubble raised his head and gave Du You a blank look, and then directly activated the healing spell. When the spells shrouded himself, Du You found that the conflict of laws on his body had weakened a lot.

When the treatment was continued, Du You found that this weakening did not last.

There is no way, Du You can only let the bubbles continue to experiment with treatment. After a few days of experimentation, Du You discovered that to treat this conflict of laws, bubble therapy is indeed useful, but it must be done once a day.

Too frequent, then only the first time will be effective, and the second time will have to wait until the next day.

But this also greatly speeds up this speed. Du You originally felt that it would take several years to fully recover from the injury. At the current rate, it should be able to fully recover in less than two months.

In the past two months, Du You didn't plan to go out. After submitting his task, Du You hid it with peace of mind.

Unlike the giant dragon, where it will transform the surrounding environment, or bring a large number of dragons, dragon beasts and even many dragon people. Du You didn't carry these things, just a few of them.

Because of the sparse population, it would be impossible for the dragon to find Du You, the culprit.

Under this environment, Du You's heterogeneous law was dispersed bit by bit, and the blood boiling in his body became more and more obvious. "It seems that after the injury has recovered, my bloodline will be able to advance."

Du You is still very satisfied, as long as the bloodline advances, his strength will be greatly improved. At that time, whether it is to save your life or continue to hunt, it will be very helpful to yourself.

Until this time, Du You finally had time to see what he had gained from hunting the dragon before.

In addition to the corpses of dragon crystals and giant dragons, there are also things exploded from completing missions and hunting. Of course, most of them are materials. After reaching the seventh rank, the possibility of wanting to obtain equipment is even lower.

However, the crystal coins I got are very large, which will be very useful for comprehending the law in the future.

But among these things, Du You still gave Du You a surprise, and that was a special piece of equipment.

Longyan head ring: Through the eyes of the dragon, you have a real vision. In this field of vision, no illusion can be hidden from your eyes.

Yes, this is a special piece of equipment, not useless. If he had this when he dealt with the earth dragon last time, at least Du You could see that his opponent was fake and would not be attacked so easily.

The most serious injury on Du You's body came from the sneak attack of this earth dragon.

The earth dragon did not break through his own defensive shield, but used a special force to directly injure himself. The power of that law is also the most difficult to clean up today.

Apart from the longan head ring, there is nothing left to look forward to.

That is to say, some materials, I hope that after they are sent back, they can be exchanged for some equipment they need from the earth. Apart from other things, at least the bows of the two sisters still need to be replaced.

There is no good bow and arrow, only relying on the rule skills formed after the advanced skills are advanced, which is a huge obstacle to their own combat effectiveness. A shooter with a good weapon is tantamount to doubling his strength.

While Du You was recovering from his wounds, the outside world blew up the pot. First of all, this raid was never thought of by the dragon clan. They did not expect that their plans would be discovered by others, and they are still professionals on the earth. What was even more unexpected was that these earth professionals would actually be so crazy, directly launching the most violent attack on them.

Under a series of blows, the dragon suffered huge losses, and many of them were even directly beaten up.

There were not many dragons who really died on the spot, but many were injured and had to withdraw.

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