Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1537: A world of abilities turned upside down

"Damn, another planet has collapsed. What are these powerful people doing? They don't know if this will destroy our world. There are not many worlds that can inhabit humans."

A group of supernatural beings, also known as the Favored ones, gathered together and angrily expressed their opinions.

Since the pros began to attack, powerful attacks will collapse one planet after another. Some may be patched up, but they are not much better, and some are left just like that.

"Yes, why don't they abide by the convention at all, shouldn't the god-level powerhouses stay away from the planet itself when fighting."

The god-level powerhouse in this world refers to people above the seventh rank. Because the world itself has very few special abilities, they don't want to cut off the source of the strong in the future, so they also have their own rules.

If anyone fighting inside the planet causes huge damage to the planet, he will become the enemy of everyone. All god-level supernatural powers will repel and attack these people.

But this time there are too many violations. Moreover, the enemy is still a dragon, and they will not bother about the rules between the supernaturalists. They can only watch the planets being destroyed and can't do anything.

"Well, don't say anything, these people are not people in our world at all."

Suddenly a person spoke, and the others immediately turned their eyes to him, "What do you mean, how do you know that they are not people in our world? Are there other worlds?"

"Hey, tell you, I also heard a friend of mine talk about it. There are many worlds outside of our world, those giant dragons and those humans who are different from us, they are all people from other worlds, they All intruders."

"So you mean, they don't care about the rules of our world at all, but will forcibly destroy each planet?" A group of people showed indignation on their faces.

The person just now shook his head and said, "It's not to destroy, but to occupy. Their purpose is to occupy our world. I heard that their power is too strong for us to resist. Our god-level power is not theirs in quantity at all. Opponents. Fortunately, they are hostile to each other, otherwise..."

Everyone glanced at each other, and now there was no intention to continue arguing. The person who just spoke is highly respected among them. Everyone knows that this person can't lie. No matter how unthinkable, he must think about it.

Many people now have different minds, and now this can be said to be a huge change in the times.

On the dragon's side, a group of high-level dragons was also very angry. "Damn earth professionals, they actually dare to launch a sneak attack on us." The dragon executives shouted with an angry expression.

A golden dragon sits at the front. This is the dragon's royal family, but it is not an ordinary golden dragon, but a three-headed golden dragon, but the other two heads can be put away at any time.

Three heads have only one consciousness, but they can be distracted for three purposes. Three golden dragons can be compared to the other three dragons.

At this time, the three-headed golden dragon said, "How great is our loss."

Everyone closed their mouths, and soon a black dragon in charge of frontline intelligence said, "The loss is very large. There are 30 deaths in the 7th rank alone, and the total number of injured people exceeds 70. They can't continue to fight. Go down."

"In other words, the seventh-tier powerhouse they came has lost nearly half of their combat power at once."

Everyone took a sigh of relief. Although they all knew the power of human professionals, many of them were so powerful for the first time. Half, it is also a strong force for Long Dao.

"So what about the other party's loss."

"It hasn't been investigated for the time being, but probably not many of them died directly, but a lot of them were injured. On the battlefield, there are probably less than fifty Tier 7 professionals left, and I just don't know if they will reinforce them.

"Let's attack directly, there are less than fifty. I [Shuquge quge] are twice as many as theirs, and I will kill them directly, let them know that we are not easy to provoke."

When did the Dragon Race actually become something other people can bully at will, haven't they always bullied others?

"Don't mess around. Those human professionals are different from us. Who knows what incredible abilities they have. If the other party deliberately planted special forces to ambush us, we will suffer heavy losses."

The people below were noisy in a blink of an eye, and finally, the headed dragon spoke. "Shut up, this matter must be reported. This is no longer something we can deal with."

When everyone was puzzled, the three-headed golden dragon continued to say, "Human professionals have a special ability, that is, they can build something called territories. Territories can directly communicate with the will of the earth, and now the will of the earth has begun to affect the world. It’s been eroded. As for the extent, we don’t know."

"In addition, we should also pay attention to the fact that the territories of the earth can make seventh-order corpses into powerful seventh-order puppets. What we need to deal with is that our dead compatriots are likely to have been transformed."

If you add the dead, then the combat power on the other side of the earth will be almost equal to them, this is just a quantitative comparison. In terms of strength, even if everyone is unwilling to admit it, they have to recognize it.

In terms of combat effectiveness, professionals and dragons of the same level are almost equal, or even stronger. There are many special professionals who are much stronger than them.

In the end all the dragons lowered their heads one after another, and they already understood the seriousness of the matter.

With the agreement of the first dragon, it didn't take long for all the dragons to approve the leader's approach. The matter here is not for them to decide, it must be reported to let Dragon Island make a decision.

But they believe that in such an important world, Long Dao will not give up easily, even if the opponent is a stronger earth.

In other words, with the arrogance of the dragon clan, many people inside do not think that the earth is stronger than them. Because the development time of the earth is a little bit shorter than them. How could it be stronger than them in so little time.

Among the worlds of the same level, the time for the development of the earth is definitely the least, and I don't know how they have developed all the way to this point. Next, the dragons in the entire world began to shrink, and they were no longer as unscrupulous as before.

The power of the dragon shrank, and the power of the professionals did not disperse. Everyone was waiting for the final battle.



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