Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1538: A sensational group of professionals

While the dragon made a decision, the human professionals were actually faster, and they had already reported the news.

The corpses were sent back one by one, and then placed in the skill hall for transformation. Dragons do have some understanding of professionals, but this understanding is not so clear.

For example, they don't know that the transformation of these corpses takes time, and it is impossible to complete them all in a short time.

And they also didn't know that a lot of amethyst coins were needed to transform the corpse. Amethyst coins need to be transported from the rear, and it is impossible for those Tier 7 professionals to contribute their own amethyst coins, especially exclusive amethyst coins.

As a result, now only one giant dragon has been transformed into a special powerful dragon beast guardian.

The other corpses in the back are still in line. And because the value of dragon corpses is very high, it is impossible to leave all the corpses for them to reform, most of them still have to be sent back for use as materials.

But even so, the human professional side is also very sensational. This time the plan went very smoothly. There were a lot of enemies that were hunted directly, and the effect was much better than what they had previously expected.

What they didn't expect most was Du You's actions, and he was being discussed everywhere now.

"Master Du You, isn't that just a short time after breaking through the seventh rank? How could there be such a strong strength."

"Yes, five dragons directly, this is almost one-sixth of the total number of Tier 7 dragons killed on our side."

"Cut, there are three people in the house, and the three seventh-tiers besiege together, that strength must be very strong."

Some people are not convinced. "Even if it is three, what can be done, those two absolute followers are part of my own strength, do you know how much it costs to cultivate absolute followers?"

This is true, the person just now closed his mouth. He wanted to cultivate, but he didn't have the energy and resources. Looking at the two powerful followers that Du You had cultivated, he could only envy and envy.

"But even so, they are still a bit too strong. After all, they have just broken through. It is difficult for people of the same level to hunt, let alone the dragons, the defense of the dragons, that is..."

Needless to say next, those who have fought against the Dragon Clan certainly know what's going on with the Dragon Clan.

Although not all dragons were born in Longdao, some of their characteristics are still very similar. Dragon clan exists in many worlds, and I don't know if it is originally there or for other reasons.

But for the strength of the dragon clan, this is recognized by everyone, even if they are all professionals.

"You can kill dragons of the same level just after breaking through. It's still five at once. It's really too powerful. In this mission, Master Du You's contribution is probably the biggest."

All the people around were complimenting and admiring him, even if Du You was not in front of him.

When someone's achievements far exceed their own, human jealousy will continue to weaken, until it is completely replaced by admiration, and now Du You is like this.

Du You is young, but what does it matter? The strong are regardless of age.

Since Du You reached Tier 4 or 5, the aspect of age has been deliberately ignored. Only the Capital University and those students who are about to enroll will consider age very important.

As for whether Du You would lie, no one would believe it at all. After all, there is a contract, and even the seventh-order powerhouse does not need to lie, because paying the price may make them painful.

Besides, this kind of lying will not do any good, and it will be easily dismantled.

Apart from other things, if five dragons were killed, the corpses of the five dragons would naturally exist. It's just because Du You is more in-depth, and he also said that he has some things, will he come back for a while.

The most important thing is that after their investigation, the places where the seventh-order powerhouse was suspected to exist before are now completely empty. Moreover, on-site inspections can also find traces of the seventh-tier fight, including those left by Du You. As long as it is not deliberately hidden, they can still analyze a little clue from the trace.

There are even places where the planet collapses, which cannot be caused by ordinary battles. Even if the seventh-order powerhouse is fighting on the planet, it will not necessarily cause the planet's collapse. It all depends on the strength of the warring parties.

On the other side, Du You didn't know how much he caused a sensation. Because Du You, who is healing, doesn't care about all changes in the outside world. The injury, which was originally expected to take more than two months to recover, recovered within a month.

During this period, no one issued any new task guidance to Du You, so that Du You could stay here peacefully.

The reason is simple, because in the last few days, the skills of the bubble have advanced.

That's right, the bubble's healing skills had never been level 7 before, so even if it was healed with the power of the law, Du You's injury recovery speed was still very slow, but after advanced, that speed was very fast.

A single target within the range of sacred healing, has a strong healing effect, and has a lethality equal to the healing effect on evil creatures. The law of dispersing different species, the targeted restraint of negative types. (Level, star)

The advanced Holy Healing technique does not seem to have changed much, but it adds some abilities to the law. But just such a little ability is the key to Du You's quick recovery. If the bubble's sacred healing technique was at the seventh level at the beginning, it would probably not take more than a few days for Du You to recover from his injuries.

"Great. With the seventh-order sacred healing technique in the future, we don't have to worry about getting hurt."

Lin Yucha knocked her sister's head angrily. "Don't talk about these It's better not to get hurt. Don't we still have a lot of defense skills? Let's improve all the defense skills first. , It’s definitely not that easy to get hurt in the future."

After all, the ability to directly break through their defenses and hurt them was not much. It was an accident in itself that hurt Du You's earth dragon before. Their defensive skills are sufficient in most cases.

Besides, Du You's defensive skills are not the only one. If other defensive skills are also advanced, such as dark absorption, I am afraid it will be able to absorb the missing law power.

Lin Yushi was embarrassed and stuck out her tongue. She seemed to be helpless by her sister. She ran behind Du You, hugged Du You's waist and watched her sister smile. In the end, Lin Yucha was helpless. .

"Okay, come here quickly, the master recovers from his injury, and the next step is to class, don't make trouble.




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