Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1550: The arrival of the end of the winter

Now that the dragon is gone, they don't need to worry. Although the world has undergone tremendous changes, their professionals can still leave, and it can even be said that they are more free.

The entire world has no world will, which is equivalent to the absence of heaven, or a territory without a lord.

You can only rely on special means to smuggle in and out, or buy tickets, but now you have no control, and you are free to enter and exit.

For a seventh-order powerhouse like Du You, it is even more possible to directly lock the coordinates of this world and move in and out freely. Although the seventh-order powerhouse can also be locked in the past, no world coordinates are needed for a second entry.

But it used to consume a lot of energy, and now it is not used at all, it is the same as entering and leaving your own home.

So next, the above directly issued an order to let everyone start exploring the world and find something useful to them. If there is, then the earth can continue to use this world, if not, forget it.

This kind of situation, even on the earth's side, is the first time it has been encountered, and the will of the earth has never done this before.

"The order was given above, and I just want to see what the world will become."

Du You smiled and said to the two sisters. The two sisters nodded lightly, and then the three began to explore from their surroundings.

In the whole world, countless planets are shattered, meteorites are everywhere, and the starry sky looks chaotic. There are even the bodies of many creatures floating, and I don't know how long it will take to dissipate, or never will.

After all, there are no creatures in the starry sky, so it is a very good place to keep fresh.

There are also some planets or planet fragments, which are forcibly kneaded together by unknown forces, which look very weird. This is no longer spherical, but has become a variety of curious shapes.

When Du You observed some planets where life still existed, he discovered some changes in this world.

"Is this the last cold winter?" Du You flashed such a thought in his heart.

"Master, what is the last cold winter?" Lin Yushi asked curiously.

Du You thought for a while, and then explained: "That is to say, there is no way to cultivate, and there will be no special powers in the future. All people are ordinary people in the world."

Lin Yushi's eyes lit up: "Isn't that talking about the world of science and technology."

Lin Yucha shook his head: "No, the master is not talking about the world of science and technology. The world of science and technology also has its own rules. Although it is taking the scientific and technological route, it also has transformed people and some special creatures, and some have different characteristics. Those who are able. It’s not that the world of science and technology cannot practice, but that their mainstream is not cultivation."

"Moreover, for the world of science and technology to develop, it also needs materials that contain laws. Those powerful weapons that are evaluated at Tier 7 must have such materials, and ordinary materials cannot bear it."

Indeed, although Tier 7 weapons cannot use the rules, they can still only use the rules, but if there is no material that contains the rules, they cannot withstand such a powerful force at all. This is the essential difference.

There is no law power in this world, and all the laws have disappeared. And the rules of the essence of this world have also begun to reorganize, and when the combination is completed, the essence of this world will be formed.

People in the future can only use these rules, but there is no way to integrate them into themselves and exert their superpowers.

This is the cold winter in Du You's eyes, and no extraordinary power can be born in this world. Powerful outsiders will not come to this world, and this world will probably be completely isolated.

"In the future, people in this world may only be able to develop scientific and technological power, but I don't know how far they can develop."

Du You sighed, thinking of how similar the earth and universe in his previous life were to the world today. It's just that the earth and the universe may be bigger, and it's not so lively, nothing more.

Even if it takes the scientific and technological route, the world lacks a lot of important materials, and weapons of the seventh-tier evaluation are definitely impossible to manufacture.

And low-level weapons are limited by the physical fitness of the user, and I am afraid that the power that can be exerted is also very limited.

Some exercise methods can only help them keep fit. In the future, even if a method of transformation is invented, it will not be possible for people to have extraordinary powers, at best, they will transform a little machine or genetic things.

Even Du You was sure that for a long time, people in this world would not be able to fly out of their planet.

Without evaluating weapons that reach Tier 7, they cannot break the barriers of this world, and this world will be their only world in the future. The biggest advantage, I am afraid, is safety.

Forget it, considering so many things to do, let's complete the task first. Du You and the two sisters continued to observe.

Pieces of starry sky were observed in the past, but in the end they found nothing useful to them. After the origin of the entire world was destroyed, the world seemed to become a useless waste.

Many people feel helpless when they think of their weak family members. If this world can remain the same as before, it will definitely be a good world for them to develop. Fortunately, there are still some rules crystallized in my own hands, and it is enough to go back and use it for my family. This is the case in all positions and the feedback information.

"Although it's useless, at least we know that this kind of destroyed world is useless at all."

" This kind of world may only appear in very few cases. To destroy the origin of most worlds, the whole world must be destroyed. This world is not unique and almost the same."

Du You smiled and did not speak, Lin Yushi was right, this kind of experience was really useless.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that much, let's register and go back. This time we have gained so many laws and crystals, which is enough to improve our strength. The next plan can also be carried out."

Knowing what Du You meant, the two sisters nodded slightly. As for the rear, he left the world after just a notification. There is no need for a space channel. The three people walk directly in the void. They know where the earth is.

Their actions did not cause any dissatisfaction, because they were not the first to do so.

Many other people have left this broken world, and they all need to go back to digest their own gains. When others learn about their gains, I don't know what they will be envious of.

Back home, Du You and the two sisters came to Yalan Continent for the first time, and began to retreat with the help of the skill hall here.

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