Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1551: People are not rich without windfall

There are a lot of crystallization of laws in their hands, which is a rare opportunity for Du You and others.

First, the rule crystallization harvested before was sent to Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, and then Du You and the two sisters began to use the skill hall to absorb these rule crystallizations, and at the same time began to select their own skills to advance.

The crystallization of these laws is the origin of a seventh-order world, and it is completely in line with its own level. Although the law crystal itself is not complete, the law power inside is also broken. However, after absorbing, he can also complete his own skills, allowing his understanding of the law to be continuously improved and strengthened.

With the passage of time, the skills of Du You and others gradually began to advance.

Du You started to choose from the beginning based on his own situation. There were too many rules in his hand, so he didn't need to choose so seriously.

Therefore, Du You first chose to decompose the spell and the split spell, followed by the dark flame arrow array used in regular combat. The Dark Flame Arrow Array is different from the Shadow Aura Orb, and it is a spell suitable for large-scale battles.

Decomposition spells: The law-type spells can decompose matter or energy or rules and laws from the essence of existence, and cannot be resisted by skills and goals that are not as good as their own.

The first thing that changes is to decompose the spell. This skill has changed from a rule type to a rule type, and it can directly act on rules and laws. This skill helped me a lot in the early days.

Later, although his enemies were always stronger than his own, and the magic resistance was too high, this skill was not very easy to use, but Du You still valued this skill very much. It has a miraculous effect to deal with a single goal that does not exceed oneself too much.

And now, although it may be less effective against targets that are stronger than yourself, it is very effective against the skills released by the opponent. Seeing that the other party releases skills to oneself, one's own decomposing spell can easily decompose them to offset them. Therefore, this skill is very good for disintegrating the opponent's defense or attack.

The only pity is that although this skill is a rule-type skill, which is not a rule-type skill for a level 7 or higher skill, it's just not specifically marked.

Next, is the advancement of the spell splitting technique.

Splitting spells: Pay twice the power of darkness, and release the number of spells up to one. The power spells of Tier 6 and below can be split up to 10 at most.

This skill is also a special type of skill. The changes on the surface can be said to be unchanged. It just continues to improve according to the level, and the effect is the same as before.

But in fact, after Du You experimented, the effect was different. Because now this split can be split up to Tier 7 skills. The power of the seventh-order skills is completely different every time one is added.

Perhaps the dark energy consumed is also doubled, but this efficiency is definitely not simple.

If he had such a skill when dealing with the three-headed dragon before, even if it could only double the split, the result would be completely reversed. I am no longer being pressed and beaten by the other party, but the kind of being pressed and beaten by myself.

But now it doesn't matter if he improves, he will definitely be able to break above level 61 this time, so that his various skills will have very good effects.

Then, it is the skill of the main combat type, the advancement of the Dark Flame Arrow Array.

Dark Flame Arrow Array: The dark attribute flame turns into arrows, hitting the area within the area, the damage to the light creature is doubled, and the damage to the dark creature is reduced by 10%. The number of arrows. Arrows have soul destructive power, which can condense all the arrows into a huge arrow to exert a stronger effect.

The change in this skill is a bit big, the previous introduction is still the same, Du You experimented, and it was basically the same. It's just a Tier 7 skill, and the power of each attack is not something that I could write a fan before.

When a piece of arrow was released, Du You had the confidence to directly turn a planet into a sieve.

After reaching the seventh rank, that is the existence that can destroy the world at will. Even many times, Du You had some doubts whether he was still alone, but this doubt quickly disappeared.

The Dark Flame Arrow Array still has a restraining effect on the attacks of bright creatures, and the increased effect remains unchanged, but doubled. However, the killing effect of dark-attribute creatures has been improved a bit, from a 20% reduction to a 10% reduction.

Although it is still weakened, it can be said that the dark attribute creature has a slight advantage over itself in this respect.

But it doesn't matter, at the seventh level, this advantage is nothing at all. With Du You's particularity, the combat effectiveness that he exerts in battle is only strong but not weak.

The soul-killing effect that follows, it seems that many dark attributes have this effect.

The original Soul Eater Demon Flame is already very good, but it can be enhanced with this. Dealing with powerhouses above the seventh rank, the final finishing touches are somewhat troublesome, and the opponent's spirit must not be allowed to escape.

The last effect added is that all the arrows can be condensed.

This was absolutely impossible before. Du You could only gather all the arrows together to form a torrent. Each arrow is still one, and it is impossible to exert a stronger attack power.

But now it was different. After condensing, a pitch-black arrow more than two meters long appeared beside Du You. Du You went out of the world to experiment, and finally found that this attack was very impressive ~ In a single attack, the Dark Flame Arrow Array had completely surpassed his Shadow Aura Orb.

It's just that the consumption will be greater and the time will be longer when using this trick, which is not so applicable.

But the arrows that he condenses can be condensed into one or several, free and flexible.

It's just a pity that, in terms of power, it may be much worse than the powerful attack of his own shaped energy magic cannon. Although there was no experiment, Du You could still feel it. Therefore, I am afraid that this skill will rarely be used in the future.

But in any case, a convenient large-scale attack technique can also make up for its current deficiencies.

After completing these three skills, Du You began to focus on the other skills below. You can say that your own skills have their own uses, and you can't give up each one.

Looking at the crystallization of the law in hand, fortunately, this time I don't have to make a hard choice. I will advance the skills I like first. Soon, Du You chose the four skills of Soul Piercing, Darkness Absorption, Shadow Teleport and Energy Concentration Cannon.

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