Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1677: A thoroughly perfected web of laws

Want to break through to the eighth level, but not everywhere. First of all, you must find a world that has reached the eighth level. This is a hard and fast rule. No one can change this rule.

Among the worlds under Du You, only the world of melee undead had reached Tier 8.

However, this world has locked the upper limit, and it is not allowed to advance to the eighth level. This is to prevent the demon from outside from invading this world. It is impossible for Du You to advance in this world.

Other worlds controlled by the earth are also possible, but few people choose this way.

After all, the higher the advanced world level, the faster the advancement speed, and the effect can only be determined by oneself.

Du You chose to advance on the earth. There is no doubt that this is the safest place.

Du You was in his own city, and the surrounding area had already done a good job of vigilance. Of course, the publicity was not because Du You wanted to advance, but because of other things. In fact, this kind of vigilance is not the first time.

Therefore, this situation will not cause other people's dissatisfaction or suspicion. It's just that secretly the guards of those soldiers are much tighter than before. There are also two sisters, the two seventh-order peaks, who are also on guard around them.

Du You had already taken back all his summoned beasts. He didn't know if the summoned beasts would affect him in the outside world, so he had better take it back. If this is still dangerous, it would be really unlucky.

Even if there is a strong one, the two sisters can block it. As long as it is, this huge fluctuation will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

It can be said that Du You is safe now as long as it is not a powerful person above the eighth level. And the place where I was located was still a certain distance away from the imperial capital, even if there was an eighth level there, I couldn't feel the situation on my own side.

With everything ready, Du You started to advance. In fact, the special nodes of the rule lines were only connected before, and they were not perfectly merged together. Different laws only influence each other, and what Du You has to do now is to merge them. Starting from each node, the laws of mutual influence are becoming more and more influence on each other.

Constantly changing the other party, but also being changed by the other party, constantly adjusting to each other.

The original perception of the law began to become different, and it became more and more complicated bit by bit.

Then, these changing laws gradually tended towards assimilation. Ten different laws began to evolve towards the same breath. This is not a special law, but a higher level of power after fusion.

As for what it is, it can only be said to be the origin. That's right, the origin of every higher world is like this. It does not belong to the law itself, but is higher than the law, and is the product of the fusion of various laws. In the same way, it can also be transformed into various laws by itself, and it will be easier to mobilize other laws.

This web of laws is actually a simple world origin.

Of course, this simplicity is just to talk about it, because there are few laws of fusion, but in terms of strength, it is not bad at all. Once completed, this will exist at the same level as the world origin of the eighth-order world.

A special force gradually derives from Du You's body, which is very similar to the crystal coins formed by the origin of the world.

Perhaps, this power is the power carried by crystal coins, which is why crystal coins are not needed for advanced eighth level. Because of this power, he can already be nurtured by himself.

I just don't know if this force will continue to be generated, or if it will only be generated this time.

Only at this time, Du You no longer had the thought of thinking about these things, and all his mind was completely concentrated. Du You gradually entered a state of selflessness, and even the origin of evolving himself became dependent on instinct. Du You himself seemed to be an outsider, just watching, without any movement.

However, Du You, who was in this state, did not make any mistakes, and the speed of evolution was faster.

With the continuous assimilation, the power of the origin of the law is getting stronger and stronger, and the degree of cohesion is getting higher and higher. On the Internet of Law, forks began to appear in some blank areas, and then forks and other forks were connected to each other.

A net of laws that looked loose like a ball of thread, finally began to look like a real net.

A criss-crossed web spread over Du You's entire sea of ​​consciousness, firmly enclosing Du You's soul. With the continuous improvement of this power, Du You found that his soul has gradually entered a state of sublimation.

Even the skill runes around them began to change. The original skill gems became skill runes after they advanced to the seventh level. Now these skill runes gradually link the surrounding law lines.

Du You found that his skill rune seemed to have a feeling of being integrated into the web of laws.

And Du You knew it inexplicably, as long as his skills advanced to the eighth level, he would be completely integrated into it. It's just a state between being integrated and not being integrated.

Du You also knew that if a skill did not reach the seventh rank at this time, it would become an impurity in it, and it would not be able to exclude it. This in itself was a defect in the web of laws.

Du You understood inexplicably, it turned out that all skills must be advanced before it is possible to enter the ninth rank. Even if Du You had just entered the eighth level now, he knew how to walk the ninth level.

It can be said that everything that a person has has been determined before the advancement.

Du You is very fortunate now. Fortunately, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he left one or two skills not to advance because of the trouble, then the eighth rank would be his limit.

Similarly, the two sisters are also the same. Under their own influence, they have advanced all their skills.

Most people probably won't know this secret. Think about it, Xi Qianxue, Li Mengyao, and his sister Du Yun are like this. Although they may not be qualified to enter the ninth rank, at least the foundation is laid.

As for the others, Du You was helpless, even if Saria who had been well-trained had no advanced skills.

The little girl Aisha seems to have met this requirement, and I don't know how Aisha is doing. Because Du You didn't pay much attention and didn't know the specific situation. If there are skills but not advanced, there is no way.

Of course, the more advanced skills, the more beneficial it is for the promotion of the eighth level.

Once these runes are integrated, it will definitely help a lot. Du You didn't know the specific situation now, and could only talk about it after he advanced his skills.

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