Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1678: Again because of the sensation caused by advanced

As the web of laws continued to improve, Du You found that his soul gradually began to twist. The soul, which was originally the same shape as himself, has changed again and turned into a rune.

Yes, this is a rune, a rune constructed from one's own soul.

But I don't know why, Du You looked at this rune as if he was looking at himself. He knew that this rune represented himself, unique, as if this was the essence of his soul.

The rune gradually touched the surrounding network lines of the law, and then perfectly formed a whole with the surrounding lines, connected to each other, and this state was the same as his advanced skills.

Du You knew that his soul seemed to merge with the web of laws step by step.

Du You now has a very weird feeling. He doesn't know whether his soul has become part of the web of laws, or whether the web of laws has become part of his soul, or that each other is part of each other.

The feeling is simply indescribable, but a refreshing feeling hits my heart.

A special power burst out of Du You's body, it was just a power derived from the source, and it was also something similar to the power of the world. Du You's whole body began to sublimate.

Both the body and the soul began to evolve towards a higher level at the same time.

Some special power lines extended from the web of laws and spread to Du You's whole body. These are not the lines of the web of laws, but they are closely related to each other, just like the meridians in the body.

But it was not exactly the same. Du You could feel that these special powers could directly allow the power of the law to flow through his body. His own divine power and legal power have been completely integrated.

If you used the power of the law in the past, you could only use your divine power to mobilize external laws or mobilize your own laws. But now it's different, the law of oneself has been merged with divine power. Divine power is the power of law, just use divine power. With one less step, it will be easier to fight.

Moreover, the perception of the law is even greater, and it is more flexible to use. The skills now are much easier to use than before. Even I can do things that I couldn't do before.

Until now, Du You had a feeling of being a god. Although the seventh-order is powerful and can destroy the world, it is only a destructive power, and other things cannot be done by itself.

And now, the origin of itself has reached the level of the origin of the world, and many things can be done.

Even some ordinary material transformations can be done by oneself. For example, things like turning stones into gold are directly changing the structure of the substance itself, which was absolutely impossible before.

Of course, this kind of manufacturing is just ordinary things, really precious items containing laws, Du You can't make it out of thin air without a corresponding profession, so although this ability is magical, it is no different from chicken ribs.

But in any case, this is also an essential change.

What Du You didn't know was that with his advancement, the laws on the earth began to oscillate.

Shocks on a certain level, but coverage is global. The closer to Du You's direction, the stronger the vibration. In this shock, the earth sends out a happy message.

It seems to be celebrating the emergence of a new powerhouse. This kind of shock has Du You's web of laws as the core, gradually spreading, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger. In an instant, everyone who felt this feeling raised their heads.

"Someone has advanced to the eighth level. In that direction, it seems to be near the capital, and immediately send someone to investigate. No, I will see it myself.

Feeling this wave of fluctuations, the eighth-order powerhouse can't sit still, and there are not many eighth-orders in the entire earth, of course, there are even fewer people sitting here. It didn't take long for these people to come to Du You's advanced area.

"I haven't seen each other for many years. I didn't expect to be together suddenly this time."

"Hahahaha, yeah, but this is a good thing. Our earth's strength has increased by a bit. Speaking of which, the pressure from the outside world is increasing. If there is no new generation of strong people, we will almost be unable to suppress it.

There are many dangers to the earth in the outside world. Although it seems to be thriving on the surface, only when they reach their level can they know what the earth is facing now.

Although there are many internal contradictions, they can only put them aside for the benefit of the whole.

Especially when they reach the seventh rank and above, each one is very precious, and they are definitely not allowed to kill each other. As for the eighth rank, there are only a few, definitely not too many, each one is a real treasure.

It didn't take long for some seventh orders to come here. "Masters, can you tell us what happened. We feel that the laws of the earth are shaking. This has never happened before."

"Haha, it's not that I haven't appeared before, but I have been blocked when I appeared before. This kid doesn't seem to know these things, but you only feel it when you advance so honestly."

What, advanced? Everyone's eyes widened, and of course they knew what was going on in the seventh-level advanced stage, and it would definitely not be the case. And this affects the global level of advancement, is it an eighth level of advancement?

"If I remember correctly, this is the city of the archipelago."

"Why, do you know the people inside?" Someone asked that this city belongs to Du You, which is our seventh-tier rookie. In fact, the combat effectiveness is very strong, but very young. In such a short time, can he advance to the eighth level? "

Hearing the name Du You, many people who didn't know where the archipelago city was also reacted. Du You's reputation can be said to be thunderous in the seventh rank, and the eighth rank is not completely unheard of.

After all, this kind of powerful rising star is qualified to enter the eighth rank, how can they not pay attention to it.

But they believed that it would take at least a hundred years for Du You to advance to the eighth level, but how long is it now. When did the eighth-level advancement be so easy?

"If it's really that kid, we should think about it."

Many people changed their minds at the same time and looked at each other. Some people were upset and didn't seize the opportunity. Some people are a little scared because they have offended Du You before.

The people headed by Capital University are very fortunate because they have a very good relationship with Du You. It's just that the relationship between the two parties is about to change now.

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