Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1691: I can't afford to provoke, I can only hide

Even Tier 7 has its own worries, especially those related to family members.

The two people originally thought that their family's affairs could be solved by themselves, but they didn't expect that the family would be bigger and there would be more people in it. Many people were very greedy and always wanted to get more benefits from them.

Even at Tier 7, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao are also very troubled as long as they don't do anything and use family affection to deal with two people.

"They did it too much. Can the crystal of the law be obtained casually? There are also all kinds of requirements. I really think we owe them." Lin Yushi couldn't help but become annoyed.

"But what can be done? After all, they are all members of the family, although the relationship is not very close."

Du You spread his hands: "Anyway, if you look at it yourself, you can't satisfy them with everything. In that case, the result will be very troublesome. You can ask some other people with relevant experience, and then you will know what to do."

"This can be so." The two said helplessly, never expecting that things would be so troublesome after they broke through the seventh rank. Before he broke through, he obviously didn't have so many troubles.

Why now even all kinds of small things have to come to the two of them to solve.

It's just that the two people are relatively soft-hearted, so after a period of time, the matter still has not been resolved. If this continues, it will really make the two people more and more annoyed, and things will become more and more troublesome.

Even Du You heard some strange sayings about yin and yang on some occasions.

If it wasn't for his own image, Du You really wanted to catch these guys and interrogate them.

"I have told Li Minglu about the matter. He will find a way to solve it. He has more experience than you in this regard. Let's ignore this matter and announce that we are going to cultivate and improve and ignore them."

Cultivation and promotion is a serious matter, and no one can stop it, and there is no way to stop it.

Especially since this is still a few 7th and 8th orders, no one dares to do anything.

"Well, maybe you can be quiet." Li Mengyao nodded helplessly. I originally thought that not cultivating was a kind of rest, and I could take a good rest, who knew that this was more exhausting than when I was practicing.

"Then where do we go? We don't need to go to ordinary places with our strength."

There was originally a world of melee undead, which is very suitable for two people. But there is no need to go now, because the melee undead world has solved the trouble long ago, and it is very peaceful. I can't go there to hunt and kill the gods, it will only be more troublesome. After reaching the seventh rank, even cultivation is very problematic.

"Let's go to the battlefield of the gods. That place is the most suitable for the seventh-order cultivation. If you are together, if you encounter danger, please inform me at any time. I will be there in the shortest time."

"Aren't you with us." Li Mengyao covered her mouth as soon as she finished speaking.

Also, Du You is an eighth-order, so he must go to an eighth-order opponent, it is impossible to be with them, otherwise, it would be bad for anyone. They still couldn't improve together, which disappointed the two of them.

But thinking of Du Youneng and himself in the same world, at least this is also a kind of closer distance.

After tidying up, the two immediately announced that they were going to practice, but of course they didn't say where they were going. Du You also announced that he would retreat to improve his skills, and then they all disappeared.

Now, those in the two families can no longer find anyone who can make them annoying.

At the same time, Li Minglu appeared in front of them. "Everyone, let me take care of the next thing. I don't know what else you need to communicate with us."

"What else can be crystallized by law, your company is so big, there must be crystallized by law storage."

"Yes, we are in the same family, you can't make money from outsiders."

Li Minglu sneered in his heart, how these people treated themselves at the beginning, and now as the company grows stronger, their attitudes have changed. But with Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao ascending and breaking through to the seventh rank, do these people think they have a backer? They actually show this attitude of despising themselves again.

Li Minglu said flatly: "The crystallization of the law is a very precious thing. Whether it is a company secret, I will not provide you with such a precious thing. In addition, if you want to get help from the company, you have to sign a contract. You can You can enjoy the internal price without queuing, but it’s impossible for free.”

"Li Minglu what do you mean, this is to betray the family and turn his elbow out."

Li Minglu was not angry, and continued to say flatly: "This is the basic quality of being a company executive, besides, didn't you kick me out a long time ago."

"But didn't we agree to your return to the family a long time ago."

"I didn't agree, you said it yourself." Li Minglu's words blocked everyone's mouth. It's the same for the Li family, isn't it even more so with the Xijia who has no relationship.

They suddenly discovered that this Li Minglu was much more difficult to deal with than Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao. If there are these two people, they can still use their identities and strengths to suppress Li Minglu. But now, neither of them are there, and Li Minglu, who is solely in charge of this time, would give them no bottom line.

The real bottom line is not going to mess around in this place. Those who can come here to find him are basically the same people.

Besides, although all belong to the same family, everyone is a different branch. These people with different branches have nothing to do with Xiqianxue Li Mengyao at all, they are just named in the same family.

Such a person, the two of them can't save face, but Li Minglu is different. Having been in the society for so many years, Li Minglu has come into contact with more people than the two of them, and he is really experienced in dealing with such people.

It was just venting of some grievances before, and when the venting was over, Li Minglu assumed an official business.

In desperation, these people found that there was no way to take advantage of more, and they had no choice but to do so.

As for leaving here, they really don't have one. Those who can come here today want to take advantage. Although they can't get more, but they can get a little bit, which also makes them reluctant to leave.

Under Li Minglu's coordination, these internal issues were finally resolved bit by bit. I believe that after the two people come back, there won't be such things that will continue to bother me.

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