Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1692: Enter the battlefield of the gods again

Just when Li Minglu took the time to help Du You's family solve their troubles, Du You had already found Aisha, and then opened the space channel together and moved forward in the direction of the battlefield of the gods.

As for the outside world, Li Minglu has already launched a plan in full, and everyone else is helping.

It would be best for Du You's family to come forward for this kind of thing, but what kind of people are there in the family? Parents are studying all kinds of things all day long, and they don't care about anything outside. It's not like being led by the nose when they come out to do such things.

As for sister Du Yun, as a junior, it was not easy to deal with these people. Besides, Du Yun is still a cultivator nowadays. Usually I can't find it at all, and doing other things is considered a waste of time.

Fortunately, it is also very easy to use irrelevant but high-status people to solve this kind of thing.

Sometimes people who are irrelevant are more able to clarify things and do a lot of things more conveniently.

The space channel was closed, and several figures appeared in the new world.

"This world feels so big, this feeling is so clear." Aisha held Du You's arm and felt everything around her. Not long after breaking through the seventh rank, many abilities need their own experience.

Before here, Aisha had been stuck to Du You, like a Siamese baby, Du You couldn't tear it off, and in the end she could only let it go. To be honest, this feeling is pretty cool. But thinking that it was Aisha stuck to her, Du You was a little at a loss psychologically. She was really too young when she met Aisha.

These years, I have been raising Aisha as a younger sister, and it is really difficult for Du You to change the way of getting along.

Du You nodded: "Yes, this world is very big. It is said that it used to be a ninth-order world. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, the strength of the laws of this world is indeed much stronger than that of the eighth-order world I have been exposed to. ."

Du You has not been in contact with other worlds of the ninth order, so he has no way of judging. Besides, this world is a world that has been severely destroyed and finally abandoned. It is hard to say what changes have occurred.

"Then next, we'll take the risk in the seventh-order area, and you can go to your own business."

Du You shook his head: "I'll take you to familiarize yourself with this place. This place is also very dangerous. Although the three of you are together, most people will definitely detour when they see you, but it is inevitable that some of the stronger ones will come out and make trouble."

The life-saving items on his body were basically useless by the seventh rank. Moreover, the structure of this world is special, many rules are even more strange, and there are many strong people here, Du You is very worried.

"What's the matter? We have three people. You were three at the beginning. As long as you don't go to those special places, you can save your life. Our skills are still small, and it will be easier for you to improve then."

This is, Du You has successfully provided a path, as long as he walks along the same route.

Everyone knows what to pay attention to next, and Du You doesn't have to worry about what hidden dangers they will leave for themselves. Under the persuasion of the two people, Du You finally had to let them do things on their own.

Why are there two people? Because only Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue were persuading them, Aisha didn't mean this at all. On the contrary, Aisha kept sticking to Du You's body, her hands harder, but she didn't want to separate. It wasn't until the end that he was dragged away by two people reluctantly, otherwise it wouldn't work.

"Big brother, you must come back soon." Aisha shouted with a face full of dismay.

What is coming back? Isn't this just to improve their strength? How can they leave if they don't meet the requirements.

Du You waved his hand far away and wiped the cold sweat from his head. "Let's go too, go to the eighth-tier area."

"Master, don't you really consider accepting Aisha? Obviously Aisha can't accept anyone other than you." At this time, Lin Yucha said, and Lin Yushi nodded vigorously.

Du You rolled his eyes: "I know all of this, but I am very satisfied with you. On Aisha's side, I have also tried to change my attitude, but I always feel something is wrong in my heart."

No way, Du You was indecisive enough in this regard. In fact, if Du You wasn't so difficult to twist his personality, he wouldn't have insisted on the most difficult cultivation method until now. If it wasn't for this kind of personality, Du You might not have the current achievements. But when it comes to treating family members, it is very awkward.

"Forget it, let's collect materials for improvement first, I can't keep going like this."

Although Tier 8 made Du You feel safe, it could no longer be fully guaranteed. After all, in this world, Tier Nine stands at the top of all professionals and even the worlds of the heavens.

The reason why the earth has the confidence to compete with other worlds is not because of the strength of the bottom layer, but because there are so many ninth orders on the earth. From the mouths of the eighth-order powerhouses, Du You inquired that there were eight ninth orders on the earth.

There is also an existence with unfathomable strength, which always appears when the earth is in danger, but the dragon has not seen the head, and has not appeared for many years, and even the ninth-order powerhouse cannot be found.

But it is because the earth has such eight ninth orders, sitting on the earth, so that the earth can be guaranteed to be safe.

The powerhouse of Tier Nine has been able to threaten the top world. Although the top world may theoretically reach Tier 10, it is impossible to freely exert this force by virtue of the special circumstances of the will of the world.

Du You still doesn't understand the reasons, but he also knows some specific circumstances.

If you want to truly become the kind of existence without fear of anyone, you must continue to improve. If you are a Tier 9 powerhouse, then you are the EU guys, and they dare not use this method to find yourself uncomfortable.

Yes, they have always had a bad impression of themselves, and they have been asking for their own troubles.

Although it is not directly hands-on, but there are a lot of troubles in business and other aspects. Although Du You himself didn't pay much attention, he also knew that his company was so annoying that he could get into his ears sometimes.

No matter how much, it is always right to improve strength. Du You took the two sisters and flew towards the central area of ​​this world. This place, even if it is the eighth level of the major worlds, many are stationed here.

Du You didn't make any moves along the way, just kept flying, constantly inquiring about some of the surrounding situations. There are too many levels of eight here, if you unite, you can't deal with so many.

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