Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1817: Meet the advanced requirements

"The kobolds are about to enter our area. Those kobolds in the south are not easy. What should we do."

On the fringe of the southern region, some senior werewolves gathered for a meeting. After all, the kobolds left the south and entered their area. This is not a trivial matter, and it might affect their status.

If it's another ethnic group, that's fine, but this is a kobold. Kobolds have always been a slave race of their werewolves. These years, even if they escaped from the slave race's fate, it didn't matter, but suddenly they couldn't ride on them.

"What can we do? We have tried these guys. Their strength is really strong, they are very difficult to kill, various technologies are also very advanced, and there are many sacrifices. It is difficult for us to be their opponents. Besides. Kobold’s reproductive ability is really strong, far surpassing us, and there is no way there are too many."

Over the years, the kobolds have been walking around constantly, nominally speaking for trials.

After all, the number of kobold armies hired everywhere is limited, and those created in the future are not their mercenary armies in name unless they increase the cost of employment.

Otherwise, these people would not follow their orders. In order to reduce their hostility, these people will leave their own ethnic group and go out for trials, but in fact they will basically never come back.

Orcs don't have an incomparable attachment to family and land. Orcs generally become an independent individual after they reach adulthood.

Therefore, their departure did not arouse any bad remarks. It's just that these kobolds who left are all walking outside, and they will form new groups as they walk, and then continue to accept new employment.

This is why it has continued to spread over the past few years and eventually spread to the entire southern region.

Of course, when they were walking outside, they all used the name of the Kobold United Empire. With Du You's secret help, otherwise it would not be easy to spread so quickly.

Now, these guys are finally going out of the South.

"Damn the kobold empire, how can they do this, so that these **** **** have such strength."

"It's not just strength, I found that their minds are much clearer. If you say that ordinary kobolds are idiots, whatever we order, these kobolds are normal people. Maybe, it has something to do with their secret practice."

The people present were silent, and they all knew some of the kobold cultivation secrets, which was a way to quickly improve their strength. The speed of improving their strength makes them very envious.

It's a pity that that kind of secret technique seems to require some special conditions, at least the secret technique cultivation method they got, direct cultivation has no effect, which makes them feel angry and liver pain.

"The question is, how should we deal with the situation now. If the kobolds are really allowed to come over, we will have to be laughing stocks like the werewolves in the south. Now those werewolves in the south are almost faceless."

This was originally what they did, and they have been using this method to demean the Southern Werewolves and improve their status. But who can think of how long it will take before it is actually his turn. If you become like this, it will be even more shameless. Thinking of this, the faces of all the werewolves present were very ugly.

"Well, let's just assassinate, as long as the leader of the kobold empire is assassinated, they won't have such an empire name. We will talk about other things later, at least we have succeeded."

The others immediately looked at the guy who had just spoken with idiot eyes.

"I'm afraid you haven't looked at the information carefully. The leader of the kobold empire is not easy. There have been many assassinations. The most serious one was organized by our werewolves, two powerful men of the late stage of the seventh stage. But the result, Two people were seriously injured and the other stayed there, because there was no resurrection, the specifics are still unclear."

Yes, the resurrection takes time, and they don’t know what they have experienced before the resurrection. The other seriously injured, because he was worried that others would take advantage of his injury to deal with himself, has been hidden.

Although the orcs have rules and must let the spirits escape, they have not said that they can't chase after being injured.

After all, they are still orcs respected by the strong, and their situation is different from that of humans or other races.

Thinking that the two late stages of the seventh stage had been left behind, they had no choice. Not only are they unable to produce such strength, but even if they can produce it, I am afraid they will not do it. Who knows how strong the opponent is.

From the day the Kobold United Empire was born, it seemed that they liked to hide their power. This is completely different from ordinary orcs. Among the orcs, only the snake people used to like this approach.

At this moment, a messenger suddenly shouted: "It's not good, it's not good, the kobold is fighting over."

"Damn it, how dare they? What the **** is going on."

"Oppositely, the cat people on the opposite side hired these kobolds who had just come here. Now the kobolds are their mercenaries, and they are also meant to attack us." In this area, the strength of the cat people is far worse than the werewolves.

However, their relationship is hostile, which can be said to be incompatible with fire and water, so it is normal to hire them to attack now.

"Damn it, solve those kobolds first, now we have to go to the battlefield."

A group of werewolves helpless can only mobilize the army and begin to resist. But what they didn't expect was that the strength of the kobold was too strong. Without Tier 7 interference, these kobolds are simply not something they can deal with.

As the kobold walked out of the south, Du You's influence further expanded. On this day, Du You saw that his territory experience had finally reached its limit, and he could advance towards the eighth level.

That's right, this is the first time Du You has advanced to the eighth level before his own strength has not reached the eighth level. It is really not an easy task to increase the experience level purely by relying on influence. Fortunately, this is not the first time Du You has done this kind of thing. It can be said that he is familiar with the road. Next, he only needs to upgrade with the coins he brought.

"But, in order to hide it, you still need the deity to take action."

Du You waited, and at a special time, used special means to spread the situation here. In other words, this is the deity who grabbed the world and took the initiative to contact, and there was no way for him to contact outsiders.


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