Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1818: One step further erosion of the world

Du You slowly got up and looked at the endless void: "It's about to be dispatched again. This time it may take a few days. You are at home and wait for me to come back." Du You said to Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao beside him.

That's right, Du You hasn't been stationed in this world for a day or two. So Du You couldn't have been in this place all the time. Over the years, this place was about to become his home. In other words, the time Du You has lived here over the years has surpassed the time spent in the college or even in other places.

So later, his family Du You also took over. After all, the world he guards also has an eighth-order world. Although it is not his own, it is easy to mobilize the power of this world.

How did Du You say that he is also a ninth-order Venerable now, with a very high right to speak on earth. He needs the help of the world to mobilize resources, and it is naturally impossible for this world to act in the same way.

With a world's resource tilt, Xi Qianxue and others have become easier to collect resources in this world to improve themselves. It's just that as the strength gets higher and higher, its own bottleneck is getting stronger and stronger, which is also a problem.

Du You now understands why there are so few top masters. It's not that the forces behind them are not cultivated, but it really has a lot to do with their own talents and the strength of their foundation.

Failure to lay a solid foundation at the beginning, or not having enough stars, are important prerequisites for future development.

At this point, even if he had reached the ninth rank, he was still powerless. Even for himself, although there are still no bottlenecks in his current improvement, it is becoming more and more difficult to improve.

After so many years, I haven't even improved a level. In other words, it is far from reaching the requirements for upgrading, and he doesn't know when he can go further.

Even Du You knew that among the eight 9th-order powerhouses, three were still at the same level as their own, and had never been promoted. Two are from those two other worlds, and one is native to the earth.

Among the ninth ranks, Du You can't be regarded as the weakest, and can already rank to the middle.

"Does your clone have any actions again? There have been a lot of actions these years."

From time to time, Du You had to go out and fight to influence the attention of the orc world, thereby reducing resistance to his clone. Of course, the family knows why this is done, but the outside world doesn't know it.

And after all these years of fighting, Du You had a full understanding of his various skills. There may not be a way to fully exert all the power of all skills, but the general combat methods are no problem.

It was precisely because of Du You's increased combat effectiveness that he knew that he could rank in the middle among the ninth-ranked venerable. Of course, this is the premise of not counting your family and pets, otherwise it will be higher.

"Yes, but this time it is a big move, and the influence is enough. My clone is going to raise the level of the territory to rank 8. Next, it will be much more convenient whether it is the entry of the will of the earth or other things."

As the level increases, the invasion of the will of the earth is getting deeper and deeper.

Although everything is silent, and even the world will of the orc world has not discovered anything, this invisible erosion cannot be reversed at all. Few worlds stared at by the earth can remain intact.

Du You took the two sisters and went to the void again.

At the same time, in the orc world, many people's eyes gathered at the junction of the south of the world and other places.

In these places, kobolds are constantly spreading, of course, they are not attacking everywhere. Instead, they are constantly looking for some wasteland, and then staying here, or looking for their own people, accepting employment from other people, and so on.

These guys seem to be natural warriors from other races, especially when their thinking is improved. With the help of various techniques and sacrificial rites, the potential for war has completely burst out.

Although some people made requests to curb the development of kobolds, they were all rejected.

Even those eighth-order powerhouses want to see how far the kobolds can develop. If strong people can continue to appear among the kobolds, that would be a good thing for the whole orcs.

At the eighth level, they had already escaped the shackles of the country and race, and all the orcs looked the same in their eyes.

Besides, the behavior of kobolds is very gentle, and they did not exterminate other races. Even with the kobolds, the security of other major ethnic groups has been greatly improved, and the population is constantly growing.

As for the opportunity to fight, people who really want to improve themselves are afraid that they will not find a chance to fight.

It really doesn't work, just look for the kobolds hired by the opposing tribe. This is a good thing. Not only can you improve your own strength, but you can also reduce the number of kobolds, why not do it.

On this day, the fringe war was still going on, and suddenly the sky was bright, and then colored light radiated.

Everyone just raised their heads and glanced, and there was no attention. In recent years, this kind of color covering the sky is so common that the orcs have regarded it as a natural phenomenon.

Only those people above the seventh rank can feel the shock of the world law and know what it is.

That guy ran outside to experiment with skills again, which was provoking them. Many orcs are also very annoyed by Du You's continuous provocation for so many years, but considering the strength of the other party, they can only suppress this They have not seen their own **** king. What does it mean? This is enough to explain the problem.

Even the attention of World Will was attracted by Du You's attack.

Now the only thing that pays attention to those colored rays is the place where the rays are more intense. Because they also know that every time the colored light bursts, something good will always fall from it.

In places with strong light, as long as you wait below, this probability is very high. Over the years, many orcs and even monsters have benefited from it. How could they give up in this situation.

There is no need to think about those who are far away. The time for this kind of light to burst is uncertain, but too far away is definitely too late.

Those who are relatively close have already begun to divide the territory and wait. But there are still people who are on guard at all times, because they know that once someone can't get something and see other people get the benefits, the battle will inevitably break out. They are orcs, and most of the time the orcs are not very reasonable.


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