Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1825: New Tier 8 and Northern Compromise

That's right, the influence has reached this point, and his territory is getting closer and closer to the final advancement.

But if you want to go further, this situation is obviously not enough now, and your own ethnic group needs more powerful people. It's not that Du You hasn't done anything in these years.

Because Du You had secretly sent his body into a Tier 8 corpse, and then secretly created a new Tier 8 kobold. Did not do anything to other orcs, but found some eighth-order beasts.

The world of the orcs is huge, and there are always some places off the beaten track. Although the eighth-order beasts of the orc world are mainly domesticated or cooperative, some of them are not very obedient, so the orcs will not care about these beasts.

So Du You secretly made the two guardians unite, and secretly attacked and killed a few Tier 8 beasts, and no other orcs could find out in the whole process. After all these years, everyone has been secretly proceeding, and it will certainly not let others realize what is happening here. These corpses were also secretly sent to the skill hall.

Now, it is time to continue to expand their influence.

On the second day, a powerful breath rose into the sky, as if it had just broken through. The location has not changed. It is still the imperial capital of the Kobold United Empire, and it is now the holy land of the kobolds.

Even this place has become a sacred place for many different ethnic groups.

Because there is a lot of knowledge here, there are powerful secrets suitable for all major ethnic groups. As these people continue to become loyal, this is also a key reason why Du You can expand his influence so quickly.

Many ethnic groups, and even many members of the ethnic groups below, are controlled by Du You. It can be said that what decision they want to make, what decision they have to make, is unknowingly controlled by him.

If the upper echelons make themselves dissatisfied, a single thought can trigger a coup and oust them.

This situation is especially serious in the South. No one would have thought that some races that had nothing to do on the surface would obey the orders of the same person behind the scenes, even those eighth-order or even beast kings did not expect them.

Du You's body is still being discussed outside the world every once in a while. Although the time interval is getting longer and longer, the movement of each exchange is getting bigger and bigger. As you get better and better at mastering your own strength, Du You's combat effectiveness is constantly increasing. Under the same conditions, the Beastmaster was no longer sure to defeat Du You.

In this case, the Beastmaster was more vigilant towards Du You, and even more afraid to move.

"What should we do? If this continues, we may not be far from extinction."

The elder of a bunny race got together with the patriarch, and the patriarch said with a sigh on his face. Because of the conscription these years, too many of their people have been sent to the battlefield.

But they are a race of slaves, and those people are basically used as cannon fodder. If this goes on, they will be almost no one. There are few young and middle-aged people in the ethnic group now.

"We can't go on like this. If the others don't collapse, we will disappear."

"I have a suggestion. Why don't we hire kobolds. I heard that there are also bunny races on the kobolds, and they are very powerful. If we hire them, maybe we can also get the secret method."

"Shut up, do you want to die? Now the whole North is resisting the kobolds. If we hire them, then we will become traitors and someone will attack us."

"Hmph, even if no one attacks us, we are about to die. It's better to fight like this."

Suddenly, the patriarch said: "It's a good way. We can only take a gamble now. We don't hire. After all, we don't have any funds. I mean, we will join them directly."

"What, join them?" Now, more people were shocked, how could the patriarch make such a decision.

"Yes, just by joining them and sending them directly to the site, our lives will not change much. No, it should be said that our lives will be better. You know what your life is like these years. If you join them, the people over there will treat everyone equally, at least we will be able to eat."

An old man next to him also said: "Yes, no matter how bad it is, can the current situation be worse? I agree with the patriarch. This matter must be fast, before others can react."

Soon, everyone agreed and contacted the kobold to join directly the next day. Then, the kobold sent someone to build a new city here. When other ethnic groups discovered that something was wrong, the cities on this side were established.

Moreover, the underground space is so large that the rabbits are all hidden, and there is no way to get revenge.

After discovering how these rabbits did, plus a few attacks, they didn't work. Some disadvantaged groups joined the kobolds one after another, and the coalition forces in major northern regions began to disintegrate.

With the first one, there is a second and a third. In fact, many ethnic groups have been unable to persist in the wars over the years.

Even the tiger and lion people, many tribes are going to be dying, after all, their numbers are too small. There can be no loss in the war. They lose one, which is much more serious than the loss of a thousand by the ordinary ethnic group.

With the passage of time, gradually more and more disadvantaged ethnic groups joined, and some tribes stopped attacking. In order to prevent others from retaliation, some people even hired some of the kobold kinsmen.

Anyway, you only need to pay a piece of wasteland and a one-time donation of some property. Under this circumstance, the situation in the north began to undergo drastic changes, and more and more areas fell to the kobold side.

They found that after working with kobolds, they can get too many benefits, why not do this.

Even if you want a war, you just need to find a random group to fight in the future, or you can find the kobolds, anyway, they don't hold grudges. This discovery has allowed more and more ethnic groups to join in.

Facing the ridicule of other major regions, the North had no choice but to hide and refused to respond.

The major ethnic groups made compromises, and the development momentum of the kobolds suddenly broke out. In the north, there are more kobolds, so they develop faster than other places. Over the years, kobolds have continued to enter the north, and Du You has also created more and more kobolds here, so this result is very normal.

Now, the development resistance of the kobolds is gone.


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