Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1826: Arranged for many years, 1 dynasty burst

"What! You said that the kobold actually had the birth of a second 8th-order powerhouse, but how is this possible? There can be only one existence of that kind of amazing talent, how can there be a second one."

"Yes, kobolds are inherently weak, their minds are not good, and their talents are very rubbish. We all know that. Otherwise, it is impossible to use kobolds as a slave race. It is incredible to have a special existence. , If you have two in a row, then it is really terrible."

This is the seventh rank of some other races gathered together. This is the north, and the situation is very serious. Because of the repeated expansion of the kobolds, if this continues, there will be kobolds everywhere in the north.

"Hehe, if it's just two people, I won't say that. I heard that even those eighth-tier main gods are paying attention to the kobolds, and their performance is really too special. I heard that some people doubt it. , Kobolds are using faith to improve themselves. Think about it. Kobolds have a better mind, and then there are more masters. It must be this kind of thing."

"But it's not right. If you use something like faith, you should be entangled with the power of faith, and you will become neurotic."

Orcs don't care what method they use, as long as they have the strength.

Therefore, many of the orcs who have poor talents will choose to use their faith to improve, and make themselves a patron saint of the land, or a totem god, or other similar gods of faith.

However, this method is still despised by most orcs, because the use of belief ascension will lead to major problems in oneself and even loss of self in the end. This is not only the orc, but the other worlds are also the same.

Even if they can maintain themselves, they themselves will be greatly restricted. It is not only the limits of the world, but also the limits set by the people. Once the believer has a problem, he will be unlucky, and even fall into class.

Only by integrating yourself step by step into the laws of the world and becoming a puppet similar to the guardian of the world can you guarantee your eternal existence. But this is also under the premise of ensuring the existence of the world.

This practice is also common among orcs, so they are very aware of this situation.

"But it's not right. I have seen the strong kobolds. It's not a case of belief in gods at all."

"It's also possible that they used some secret method, so they reduced their harm to the lowest level. But they do have a problem. Thinking about it carefully, the kobold strong men don't seem to like to talk very much. And they are too unselfish. It may be influenced by faith, even if the influence is small, there are still some."

Hearing what he said, everyone was a little startled. Yes, think about it carefully, there are indeed some problems.

But no matter what they think, Du You's development here will never stop. With the continuous expansion of the kobolds, in the end, Du You finally began to increase the number of guardians of the eighth rank.

While secretly killing some Tier 8 monsters, while secretly manufacturing. After spending so many years and putting in countless resources, Du You finally produced what he needed.

"Thirty years, and the arrangement for thirty years is finally almost complete. Then, the world will basically belong to us."

Du You looked at the world under his feet with a smile on his face, the world was so beautiful.

Lin Yucha said, "Master, let's pay attention. The more we get to the end, the more we must be careful. Many things fail in the last step." Lin Yucha reminded me cautiously as always.

Du You nodded slightly: "That's right, but with our current strength, even if we fail, we will waste a little time at most. There is not much harm, so we don't need to be as careful as before."

"I still feel better to be more careful." Lin Yucha will not give in too much on matters of principle. Of course, Du You knows that Lin Yucha is for his own good, and he doesn't have to be different from himself.

"Master, are you almost finished? Great. I haven't done anything with the enemy for so many years. I am about to rust." Lin Yushi looked at the world below with excitement, eyes full of expectation.

After reaching the ninth level, suddenly there is no opponent, even if the layout takes a long time.

They used to fight frequently and had a short rest period. Being carried by Du You, the battle was endless. But after reaching the ninth rank, it stopped all of a sudden, which made people uncomfortable.

If it hadn't been for these years, they would often learn from each other on their own, and I don't know what it would be depressing. In a blink of an eye, thirty years have passed, and this time has passed quickly enough.

Of course, this thirty years is about the time in the orc world. The world they live in is longer, and the earth will be shorter, but it is not much shorter. The same ten years have passed.

Over the years, the changes in the family are not small. After Corgis failed once, she succeeded in the second impact and became Tier 7, but it basically came to an end. But Saria failed twice and succeeded the third time. There is no way, after all, the foundation that Saria laid down at the beginning is not good, and now there is no way to go further.

But Du You didn't care, as long as he succeeded anyway. In addition, Du Yun had already broken through to Tier 7, but Li Minglu didn't have enough talent, so there was no way to break through Tier 7, and she could only hover at the peak of Tier 6, and no amount of resources would be useful.

However, a few people in the family are improving very Now Aisha has broken through to the seventh-order peak for a long time, and has been preparing for the eighth-order.

As for Li Mengyao and Xi Qianxue, they have just reached the peak of Tier 7 recently. It has to be said that there is a Tier 9 backing that is different. As for collecting resources, sometimes the two sisters also help.

However, the two people lacked stamina, and I don't know if they can successfully enter the eighth level. I don't know how long the two can go forward after entering the eighth level. This is the problem of potential talent, what Du You sees now is very clear.

The firmness of the foundation directly affects the later stages of advancement, which has been set from the beginning.

Du You was especially fortunate that he had good luck at the beginning and was able to reach 10 stars for an unprecedented rate.

After thirty years of preparations in the orc world, the kobolds finally broke out. The advanced experience value of his own territory is also only a short distance away from the breakthrough. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, I will be able to meet my requirements.


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