Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1828: It turns out that Beamon is the strongest race

Du You looked at the figure that appeared in front of him, the figure more than three meters high, the golden hair all over the body, plus the huge claws, and the appearance of an ape. It looked like a behemoth behemoth.

Although the height of these three meters is not too big in Bimeng, the strength of this ninth rank can't be faked.

"It turns out that you are the strongest race among the orcs."

Du You seemed to understand that Beamon had the least number of orcs, and his mind was similar to that of beasts, but their strength had always been the strongest. Just because of its simple mind, it has always been used as a weapon of war.

The orcs who rule in most of the world are also the ligers and tigers, but when the war goes to the most dangerous point, it is Bimon who turns the tide of the war. These guys are powerful, but their brains are not very good.

It is precisely because of this that even though Bimon is the strongest, he has never been able to control the world.

But things often have exceptions, just like this guy in front of them. I don't know why I have a high IQ, so I laid my foundation very firmly at the beginning.

Unlike other Behemoths, they will only have normal thinking when they arrive at the seventh level, and they will not advance to the eighth level. This one has been promoted to the ninth level. This is definitely the blessing of the will of this world.

At this time, the power of the will of the world is blessing on Beamon.

The aura on Beamon Beastmaster has been rising from the peak of level 81 to the level of 83 in the end, which is very close to the mid-term. Du You even suspected that if the world will force blessing regardless of its own damage, it would really be possible for the Beastmaster's strength to break through to the middle stage of the ninth rank in a short time, which would be dangerous.

It's no wonder that even Ming Zun dare not come into this world easily, Du You understands now.

If it hadn't been for thirty years of arrangement, Du You would still be certain, he really didn't dare to confront him in this place.

"Human professional, I didn't expect you to do so many things in the world. Unfortunately, your plan was not completed, and you dared to come to this world yourself, so you don't have to go back this time. I think, your death, It will make your earth suffer a huge blow." Beastmaster said coldly.

Just now, he has blocked the world barrier. Although Du You can also break the blockade, it will take time. Even if the time is not long, facing the Beastmaster is enough to make him die several times.

"Really, you can try it." Du You did not speak, and directly summoned all the summoned beasts. A strong breath began to spread on the sea, and this was all the breath of the ninth rank.

"Summoned beasts? It's a pity. If you are at the eighth level, these summoned beasts can indeed kill your enemies on the spot, but at the ninth level, they have no power of their own and can only borrow your power, so the strength is too bad. "

"It doesn't matter if the strength is poor, as long as there is a quantity, I don't know who will be the winner."

It's just that Du You didn't wait for Du You to make a move. What Du You didn't expect was that the Beast King had made the move first. The figure instantly appeared beside the dark dragon at an incredible speed. The huge claws pierced directly into the dark dragon's inverted scale with a golden light. The hard Inverse Scale was like a piece of paper, and the Inverse Scale skill was torn in half by the opponent before it was activated.

"Be careful, this guy is very fast, and his offensive power is very strong, and the defense is probably not weak."

No way, Bimon is such a creature with almost no weakness. In addition to the bad brain, except that the magic resistance is not as high as the dragon clan, among the creatures of the same level, it can be said that there are few creatures that can match this thing.

Being able to reach Tier Nine, although the advantages are not as obvious as before, there are still some.

This guy is now level 83, and Du You and others are only level 81 now. If you talk about their own level, they are actually about the same as the Beastmaster, they are both close to the peak at level 81. But the blessed Beastmaster is different.

The next moment, the dark dragon resurrected in a black smoke. At this time, the Beastmaster had already appeared in front of Du You. Without any fancy means, the same wave of his claws hit Du You.

But Du You was different. A black vitality shield appeared directly on his body, blocking the opponent's attack on the spot.

However, the powerful attack power still caused Du You's shield to be directly shattered, and the remaining power was absorbed by the dark shield, and then disappeared. Du You also quickly backed away, flying out one by one black light **** in his hand.

Taking advantage of the time when the Beastmaster smashed those light balls, Du You returned to a safe distance. The vitality shield on his body has also recovered again. If you continue to attack, your own vitality shield will be in danger if it is too late to recover.

"It's really not easy for you. It turns out that you all have such a life-saving method. No wonder you dare to come to my world."

The Beast King didn't care at all, seeing a few real Tier Nine surrounds himself, and so many summoned beasts that can use Du You's power to exert Tier Nine power.

The blessing of world power is complete, and the power of the Beastmaster is extremely terrifying. "If it's outside, I'm really not your opponent. It's a pity, you should never come to my territory."

Behind the Beastmaster, a huge figure appeared, somewhat similar to Aisha's image. But this thing can attack on its own, like a summoned beast. Lin Yushi's arrow penetrated the past and found that it was unable to cause harm.

"That thing is an illusory that can cause physical attacks, but his essence is the Beastmaster. As long as the Beastmaster is injured, that thing will also be injured. If his power is insufficient, that thing will disappear." Du You quickly saw through the effect of this skill, but seeing through and being able to deal with it were completely different.

Du You immediately activated all of his passive skills, while restoring his magic power, while blessing himself, and weakening the enemy at the same time. The same is true for the two sisters, and their power is directly full.

Lin Yucha summoned a large number of bloodthirsty demon wolves, and Lin Yushi also threw his large-scale demon-killing spirit into the sea. In the depths of the sea, more and more demon-killing spirits are constantly being produced, providing themselves with a far and constant source of power.

"Bubble, you are responsible for blessing and healing behind, don't rush up." This battle is a protracted battle, so the bubble is the key to the battle. If there is a problem with the bubble, the entire team may collapse.

The Beastmaster was obviously aware of the role of unicorns, but it was a pity that Du You and the others were blocked, and the bubbles were so fast, he found out after a while after chasing Du You, he didn’t want to hurt that unicorn if he didn’t solve Du You The beast's bit.


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