Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1829: Rolling from the 9th order

Du You himself didn't expect that there would be such a big difference between the two levels. He and the two sisters, Xiaojin, and bubbles, these are exactly five official ninth orders.

Especially for himself, it is still that kind of super strength, which can be regarded as an abnormal situation.

In addition to his large number of summoned beasts, there are many enhancements in passive skills and weakening of opponents, and the two sisters are also the same. But even so, he was still crushed by the opponent's simple and rude style of play.

However, Du You also knew that this was simple and rude on the surface, but in fact it was not that simple. The opponent's attack seemed ordinary, but it was a condensed technique that made people unavoidable.

The strength itself is extremely condensed, and the technique of operation is also very exquisite, otherwise it is impossible to suppress yourself to this level.

But Du You can clearly see that the opponent's skills are certainly not many, at least very far away from him. It's just that those skills are all smelted together, which is formed after countless years of precipitation.

I am a mage, it is very difficult to condense all the skills together, it is probably impossible to integrate to this degree. The point is that I don't have enough time, and this guy doesn't know how long it will take to do this.

But on Du You's side, so many people were crushed and beaten, but the other side was different.

Those strong orcs who received the news gathered around Du You's main city. In the beginning, they were all the seventh steps nearby. Now none of them dare to mess around. Everyone knows that there are eighth steps over there.

And those eighth ranks have also returned to this place through various means, and they have all come back early.

Feeling the breath of that powerful eighth-order kobold, they dare not act rashly.

"Unexpectedly, these people are actually foreigners, but kobolds, how they got into it, we didn't even find out." Until now, they didn't know that these people were wrong.

"Who knows, even the will of the world has just been figured out by ourselves, and we don't understand it even more. I heard that it was the professionals who attacked. I didn't expect that their courage was so big."

"Hmph, I have long heard that all the professionals are lunatics. Today I have seen them. When you come to our world, don't even think about going out in good condition. Everyone feels the shock. Lord Beastmaster has already taken action. In our world, Lord Beastmaster is invincible, and anyone who dares to come is a dead end."

For this, everyone agrees very much, at least it has been like this for all these years, isn't it?

It was the first time that orcs attacked other worlds frantically and was invaded by other worlds.

But even so, these orcs also felt a huge humiliation, if not for their lack of strength, they had already rushed past. And they know that these outsiders don't speak their rules.

Once killed, they will never let their souls go, they will definitely be left behind. They even dig the ground three feet to find their own means of resurrection, so dying in the hands of these people is very troublesome. It is recommended to read TV//The TV update is the fastest//

"Come, finally here." Suddenly, everyone raised their heads.

A huge figure appeared, this was a giant elephant knight. That's right, this is the Venerable Colossus who has just been resurrected at a huge price, and the rank eight commander of the orc who died in Du You's hands.

Only when we met last time, Venerable Colossus was the pinnacle of the eighth stage, and Du You was only the latter stage of the eighth stage. But this time Du You had reached the ninth level, but the strength of the giant elephant had only recovered to the eighth peak, even with the saber-tooth elephant sitting down. I am afraid it will take a long time to recover to his peak.

Immediately afterwards, more and more orcs of rank eight appeared.

"Is that the territory of those outsiders? I have heard that their territory is very special. I didn't expect to dare to build on our territory. Everyone, we absolutely can't keep them."

"Don't worry, we have a large number of people. Although they don't know how to get it, there are actually ten eighth ranks, but they are all just advanced. We have gathered a lot of eighth ranks this time. Well, the number has reached one hundred. That's it."

There is no way, they have to listen to the commands issued by the will of the world, otherwise they don't have to be confused in this world.

Besides, this time it was an invasion by outsiders. If they could stand it this way, they would not be orcs. For their own face, for their own honor, they will gather even if no one orders them.

"Okay, do it, destroy everything here." Following the words of Venerable Giant Elephant, everyone rushed over.

Everyone is looking forward to it, as long as this place is destroyed, their humiliation will be washed away, and there will be awards from the will of the world, which is really multi-tasking. But the next moment, all the faces changed.

The eighth orders that were originally preparing to attack suddenly felt that he had stopped, his body was not under his control, and even the power in his body was in disorder. Even his own origin is constantly fluctuating, as if it can collapse at any time. "Damn it, why can't I control myself."

The weakest Tier 8 suddenly discovered that he couldn't help turning around and attacked his companion.

The huge power punched a big hole in his body when his companion had no way to defend. Although he would not die, he suddenly lost his control, and then joined the ranks of attacking other people.

If the Beastmaster is here now, you will see that this place has been enveloped by a special force.

This is not something else but the photon wizard. Although Du You brought all the summoned beasts with him when dealing with the Beastmaster, he only did not carry the photon elves. Because the photon elves have little effect on the strong of the same level.

In addition, his own territory needs protection, so Du You let the photon elf come over in advance.

Sure enough, the photon elves encountered the scene of orcs besieging. Next, is the performance of the photon elves. Directly spread the virtual body, as long as the orcs that enter this range, they are all controlled.

This is from the crushing of the power of the ninth rank, even if it is a pseudo-ninth rank, it is also the ninth rank.

These orcs, who are only rank eight, can't control themselves at all. Even an eighth-order pinnacle like Venerable Colossus can barely control himself from attacking others, but still cannot allow himself to control his body and strength normally.

Moreover, with the people around him constantly attacking, Venerable Colossus felt that he was about to lose control of himself.


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