Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1840: 10 years of change

As soon as he came out, Du You saw Saria, the current chief of all his territories.

Salia's eyes turned red, and she threw herself into Du You's arms. "You finally came out." This is the first time that you have been separated from Du You for such a long time. Even if Saria, who has reached the seventh step, will inevitably miss it.

Du You was a little ashamed, he had already seen the time chart, and he had been in retreat for a full ten years. Speaking of it, because he had been comprehending all the time, Du You didn't feel anything at all. This time passed too quickly.

Before long, other people who received the news also rushed over, and Du You had to let Salia go and meet them one by one.

After all, there are many Tier 8 members in his own territory, and Du You can't completely ignore them.

These people don't have much effect on themselves, but they have a big effect on the earth. Every eighth order on the earth will make the earth safer.

"Congratulations on the improvement of Mianxia's strength. We have discovered that the earth is increasing rapidly before knowing that your strength has increased smoothly."

Du You nodded slightly: "Thank you for your kind words, this time I have gained a lot."

"Dare not dare." The person who was thanked quickly lowered his head, after all, he was an eighth rank. In terms of status, there is a huge gap between the eighth and ninth orders, and as Du You's strength gets stronger, the difference will be even greater.

Du You is now second only to Mingzun's existence. Of course, they don't know how strong Du You is, but in terms of status and contribution to the earth, Du You is definitely second only to Mingzun.

The other ninth-orders, at least until now, have not brought a ninth-order world into the control of the earth.

Not long after, Xi Qianxue and others also returned. Seeing so many people, although a few of them were watching Du You tenderly, none of them came forward. Everyone should pay attention to the impact.

They have not yet adapted to their fast-elevating status, not so much that they don't need to worry about the influence of their surroundings.

"Hey, has Aisha already broken through the eighth rank?" Suddenly, Du You realized that Aisha's breath was different.

"Of course, Aisha is the most talented among us, so it wasn't too difficult to break through the eighth rank."

When the people around heard this, their eyes were full of envy. There was a powerful leader leading the way. Aisha could be said to have a smooth flow. This orc from another world reached the eighth level with ease.

And looking at this situation, it seems that it is also the kind with the potential of Tier Nine.

Born in another world, if there is another ninth rank, there will be three. The most important thing is that this is the person next to Du You. At that time, Du You's influence was huge no matter where he was.

"Very good, good, but you guys seem to be fast too."

"It was already fast at the beginning, but because our own potential is a little bit weaker, it is not so easy to break through."

Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao said helplessly: "Let's talk about other things, you just came out, I think you should be very anxious to understand other things." The two began to talk about the territory.

When other people saw this, they retired one after another, leaving all the time to themselves.

Du You also learned some changes in the territory during this time. The biggest change was nothing more than the orc world he had just occupied. This world originally belonged to orcs, but now many humans have emigrated.

At the same time, there are some other races, because of the reason of complete openness, they have also joined. Although the orcs were very upset, no one dared to mess around at this time, and those kobolds had been acting as law enforcers.

There are too many kobolds, all over the world, and they are very knowledgeable about ethnic groups everywhere. If someone commits a crime, they can easily catch it, and they can't get away even if they want to run. How can they dare to mess around.

Since two years ago, the corpse of the Beast King left by Du You was thoroughly utilized, and the Skill Hall directly resurrected it, making it a ninth-tier guardian. Coupled with the fact that the kobold guardian of the original mage tower has also reached the ninth rank, the world is completely stable. These are two ninth tiers, and their strength is much stronger than before.

With the level of this world, the strength of the two guardians will always be improved, and it seems likely that they will be promoted to the middle of the ninth rank or even higher. In this way, the world is very safe.

It's a pity that even the guardian of Tier 9 can still only move around in this world and around the world, and can't stay away at all. Otherwise, relying on him and the guardian of Mingzun's territory can make the earth more stable.

Now the world integration is basically completed smoothly, and there are no problems in the initial stage. According to the original experience, the opening of this world will become more and more smooth.

Because of the influence of the ninth-order world, let alone the people on the other side of the earth, even if some earth forces are not familiar with the earth, many people have come here. This is why there are other races besides humans. Many other races, occupying their own world, are very inferior to the earth's style of treating foreign races as slaves.

This approach also provides a lot of valuable experience for others. Ming Zun's subordinates have been studying and observing here, and seem to be looking for opportunities to open up their world.

After all, this kind of openness will make the world more stable and development will be easier. Even in the future, he will increase his income, even if he is Pluto, he will not refuse to increase his world and increase the output of crystal coins.

After everyone was clean, Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao looked at each other and suddenly rushed into Du You's arms.

"Why have you been in retreat for such a long time, don't you know we are worried."

Li Mengyao also said: "Although we also know that will take a lot of time after being strong, we still miss you very much. Forgive us for our waywardness."

"It's my fault, which makes you worry." Du You was a little guilty, and gently embraced the two people. It was indeed a bit uncomfortable for Du You to think about it after making them wait for such a long time.

"Don't talk, we miss you, go to the room." Li Mengyao covered Du You's mouth.

Du Youfu reached his heart and directly hugged the two people, and then walked towards his room. Aisha looked enviously behind her, as if she wanted to follow, but she was stopped by Saria.

Saria shook her head slightly: "You should choose another opportunity. Today belongs to us."

After speaking, Salia turned slightly and followed, leaving Aisha alone and depressed. Fortunately, there were two sisters with her, so Aisha directly took the two people and didn't know what to discuss.



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