Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1841: New location selection

There is a problem in the background. When there is no statutory law, today's one-time update.

This time because it took a long time to leave, Du You did not do other things immediately, but stayed with his family at home. It took two months before I remembered to do other things.

Of course, two months is nothing to Du You now.

In fact, the other eighth and ninth tiers will not take two months seriously, unless it is in a special period.

However, Du You's concept of time has not completely changed. Even after decades of layout, he still feels a little uncomfortable. In Du You's view, two months of rest was already a long time.

Quietly thinking about moving, not only Du You himself, but the others are actually the same.

Du You had already noticed that even Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao wanted to continue to improve themselves. The two have now reached the pinnacle of Tier 7 and need to collect a lot of resources to be able to continue to advance. Moreover, the two people also need some other help, even through fighting to enhance their own comprehension.

Aisha has taken over the orc world, and this place will become their new location for ascension.

At this time, Du You finally put forward his idea of ​​looking for the next stationing location.

"It doesn't matter, just go if you want, anyway, with our current transmission technology, we thought it would be easy to reach in the past."

Du You smiled when he heard Li Mengyao's words, and it was the same. The transportation between my stationing location and the territory is very convenient, even if I want to come back, it is very easy.

"Okay, let's start choosing, they are all here."

Without having to apply for Du You himself, other people had already sent various goals to Du You.

Because of the outstanding performance last time, Du You has overfulfilled the task, and in the hearts of others, Du You's status is different. Besides, these ninth tiers of them could have chosen their own location.

Only because the last time was the first time, the location was specified.

"I didn't expect our earth to be so dangerous, so many places need the power of the ninth rank to manage."

Xi Qianxue looked at the large amount of information in her hand, and her eyes flashed solemnly. All along, their lives have been very stable. Everyone knows that the earth is one of the most powerful worlds, and it is the top handful.

Even at the seventh level, they felt that the earth seemed to be uncomfortable when they met anyone. But when they saw the nine levels of information, they really discovered that the earth was actually still in danger.

There are a lot of Tier 9 or some crazy Tier 8 worlds around, and even some super worlds of the same level have friction with the earth. Many of these worlds are stronger than the earth.

For those worlds, swallowing the earth is a very valuable thing.

Nowadays, the outside of the earth can be said to be eye-catching. If it were not for those worlds that are also hostile to each other, no world can cooperate with other worlds, I am afraid this is not the case. There are a lot of these worlds, and there are not so many ninth orders on the earth, so they can only be responsible for the most important places.

If there is a problem elsewhere, they will also be temporarily transferred, which appears to be somewhat understaffed.

Fortunately, there are not many Tier Nine, if there are enough manpower, it would be strange. Even if you encounter some things, generally speaking, there are so many Tier 9 powerhouses on the earth that are enough to deal with.

"Then master, where shall we choose."

Du You thought for a while, and then said: "Choose a place where there are demons. Their situation is rather chaotic and they control a lot of the world. Even if there are strong ones who surpass us, under normal circumstances, we will not encounter them. We can try to destroy them. Or occupy these worlds. Besides, if you restrain creatures like demons, we can also be safer."

Speaking of it, at the ninth level, under normal circumstances there is no longer a situation of restraint.

Being able to restrain each other, even if it's just a little bit, is very incredible, after all, the level is very high. However, the two sisters have restrained demons in their profession from the beginning, and now they also have certain advantages for the demons of Tier 9 as well.

"Does the devil exist? There are three top worlds, the abyss, hell, and the chaos. There are eight ninth worlds, all of which are attached to the three top demon worlds."

Speaking of it, this kind of attachment is only a compromise of the world, but it is impossible to cooperate with each other. Because the nature of the world is to swallow each other and grow oneself, if it weren't for the particularity of the demon world, I'm afraid they would have been swallowed long ago.

The origin of the demon world is already very chaotic. If you swallow the same chaotic world, it may not be good for you. If you want to integrate into yourself, it is more dangerous, and if you are not careful, you can cause even greater losses.

Only in this way can they be similarly united with each other. The demon world is really too aggressive, so they have more enemies. Almost everyone in the surrounding world has no good feelings for creatures like demons.

In fact, the aggressiveness of the earth is also not weak, just because the earth is a sort of ordered world, so the surrounding world has better senses for the earth than the demons. Of course, it is only a little better.

"Then, let's choose this place, the Demon World attached to the Abyss. The demons in this world are very similar to the Abyss Demon, and because of the vast scope of the Abyss, those top-level beings will not come to us for a while. We only need to Without actively attacking their homeland, then security is guaranteed for us."

"Master, are you playing the idea of ​​that ninth-order world?"

Everyone has guessed Du You's a world of Tier Nine, as long as it is destroyed, the benefits are very great.

The last time Broken Star got the origin of a Tier 9 world, although it was only a part of it, and it was only an abandoned world, it was said that Broken Star was about to reach the top of the early stage of Tier 9.

Because of the lack of talent, I haven't improved as fast as I can. But this situation also gave Broken Star a chance to advance to the middle of the ninth stage, and I don't know if it can succeed.

Although this chaotic world origin cannot be used to do other things, it is still possible to directly transform and absorb it.

If he could obtain a complete ninth-order world origin, Du You could be sure that after he broke through the 84th level, all the way up to the 86th level, I am afraid that there would not be much hindrance during this period.

"There is definitely a danger, but we don't have to act on them right away. After the past, we first adapt to our current strength, and then go to create a few worlds."


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