Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1842: Let's destroy a few worlds first

Now that the location has been determined, the next step is to act. Du You just went to make a record, and soon someone helped him complete all the remaining things.

Du You just arrived at the frontline world over there, and then stationed there, there was nothing to do next.

The spatial passage has been established, and Du You can directly return to his territory through the spatial passage at any time. Of course, for Du You, it was okay for him to go in the past, but it would be more convenient to have a passage.

And Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao just came over to take a look, and then helped Du You arrange the residence, and then went back with the others. Although they knew that they might not be able to catch up with Du You's strength, they also hoped to increase their strength as much as possible, which would reduce Du You's worries.

Of course, there are still some inconvenient troubles that need to be improved in order to solve them.

After Du You came here, he cast his gaze on other worlds from a distance.

"There seems to be a little more world here, and there are some worlds close to us. Since they are all demon worlds, then destroy them." Du You didn't talk nonsense, and took the two sisters directly into the void.

Soon, Du You came to some worlds closer to him, most of which were below Rank 7. Du You did not hesitate to stretch out his hand, grab it lightly, and crush the world completely.

Once upon a time, Du You also longed for this kind of power, but now he can do it easily.

Crushed the world, the origin of the world is caught in the hands. Although it is the origin of the world below the seventh level, it still has a little use for oneself, but this effect is not that big.

But these things are different for the seventh-order.

What Du You didn't tell others was that his advancement was different from others. The two sisters and their pets only need to create strength to fill their own shortcomings, and the others seem to do the same.

But after reaching the limit, Du You felt that he needed not only creative power, but also destructive power.

To make up for their own shortcomings through the power of creation, and then temper them with the power of destruction, this is their way of advancement. Although I don't know why my advancement is so strange and completely different from others, this is my own way.

Du You didn't tell others that he was worried that it would leak out and cause any danger.

After all, the power of destruction is the most hated power in the world, and it will make people regarded as the world's public enemy.

Every time the world is destroyed, Du You will quietly absorb one of the purest destructive powers. The easiest way to gain destructive power is to destroy a world directly.

For others, try to avoid getting infected with this power, because this power will threaten your own safety, erode your own power, and gradually turn yourself into a madman, or impure power.

But Du You didn't feel this at all, because this power was directly absorbed by him, and then he didn't know where it was, so he couldn't use it at all. It's like this at the ninth level, one can imagine that he is really special.

Perhaps this is the special feature brought by high-stars, after all, there is no other place where you are different from others.

As for the two professions, Du You still didn't think it was the cause of the special situation.

Although the two sisters didn't know why Du You wanted to destroy these low-level worlds, they didn't say anything. Anyway, these worlds have long been occupied by demons, it is difficult to purify, and the price is too high, but there is no benefit.

This kind of world that has no normal creatures, destroying it won't make them feel any burden.

"There is a Tier 7 world ahead. This kind of world is harder." Du You smiled.

Although it was a Tier 7 world, it was nothing to Du You now. This kind of world is not something that Du You can easily crush, but it is not too troublesome.

Du You also stretched out his hand, then brewed for a while, injecting his own strength into it.

It took a few minutes to start working. The demons inside the world also discovered that something was wrong, because a large shadow appeared on the periphery of the world, and the sky seemed to be cracked like broken glass.

Some seventh-order demons rushed out of the world directly, wanting to see what's going on outside. Just came out, facing the arrows of the two sisters. Arrows flew out, and these demons were easily solved.

The gap between the ninth and seventh orders is too big, killing these demons is as easy as crushing an ant.

Du You didn't let go, and continued to exert force. After half an hour, the whole world suddenly became fragmented. And a complete world origin fell into Du You's hands.

"It's really troublesome. If it wasn't for this origin, I would only need ten minutes to destroy the world."

Du You curled his lips, there was no way, violence to destroy the world, he needed attention. Otherwise, once the source is broken, it is not a joke. The origin of this world, the color itself has tended to black, full of chaos.

It will take some time to purify this thing.

Putting it away temporarily, Du You quietly absorbed the purest destructive power emanating from this world, and then flew towards the next world. If it is an eighth-order world, this crude method is not so easy to destroy.

At the time of destroying the world, it is very likely that you will encounter people who come to stop you.

The goal this time is mainly those of the seventh-order Unknowingly, Du You and others have found more than a dozen of the seventh-order worlds nearby, and even went deep for this purpose.

The people behind obviously also knew what Du You was doing. They just didn't expect that the man who came this time was so hot and did such a big thing when he first came. I am afraid that in the next period of time, the demon who reacted will attack even more frantically. But Du You is the ninth rank, they can only make a suggestion, and they dare not object to anything at all.

On Du You's side, before he got the creative power, Du You first absorbed the destructive power to reach Consummation.

Although he didn't know where the destructive power was, he could feel a sense of fullness.

Although continuing to absorb it is not harmful to oneself, it is also useless. Looking at the original source in hand, it is almost enough, and there is no need to continue. If the destruction continues, those high-level demons will not sit back and watch.

Speaking of this time, I was already a bit out of bounds, a bit breaking the rules, and continuing to be an annihilation war.


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