Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1851: The cemetery of Tier 9 world

After a period of arrangement, Du You's formation was portrayed around the entire plane barrier. The world will in this world has long been chaotic, but it can still feel threats from the outside.

It is a pity that without the protection of strong people of the same level, a ninth-tier world simply has no ability to attack outside the world. This is the ability that the top world can possess.

Therefore, this chaotic demon world could only watch Du You's arrangement completed, and then began to activate the formation.

With the launch of the special formation, the power of the entire world was continuously decomposed, and the world collapsed little by little. Although the world is constantly struggling, it is useless at all.

"Master, do you need our help?" Lin Yucha asked.

Du You thought for a while, and then said: "Then attack those weak points, be careful, don't be backlashed by the power of this world, after all, it is a Tier 9 world, and its strength is stronger than ours."

The two sisters nodded lightly, and then began a long-range attack. Although Tier 9's world power is strong, most of it needs to be used to maintain itself, so there is not much power that one can use. There is still a lot of trouble to use this power.

This is why those high-level worlds must cultivate powerful forces to protect themselves.

Now this world is no longer protected by the ninth-order demon, it is the same as the tiger without minions, it is still the kind that is restricted in the cage, and it is much easier to deal with it.

Every time the two sisters attacked, the power of the world would become weaker. This is an external force, and anyway, the origin of itself will not go wrong. Cracks appeared on the world barrier.

When the cracks reached a certain number, the external void turbulence entered the world along the cracks. This is not the power that can be absorbed after refining, but the kind with powerful destructiveness. After this force entered the world, it began to destroy crazily. Whether it was a demon or anything else, it was crushed under the action of this force.

The whole world showed a doomsday scene, more terrifying than the original scene of demons raging.

Under this kind of destruction, even those demons can only watch their own demise.

The whole process lasted for a month, and under the influence of Du You, the two sisters, and a large number of summoned beasts, the world finally came to an end. On this day, the biggest cracks were finally connected together, and then the world was like a broken glass ball.

With a loud "click", the whole world shattered into several pieces, and then these pieces began to shatter more thoroughly.

At the very center of the fragmentation, a special force is trying to restore this fragmentation. And Du You's eyes were staring at this node of special power. Needless to say, Du You knew what it was.

Unlike the last time Broken Star smashed the world, Broken Star was originally two people competing, and they directly used their own power to forcibly destroy it. This time Du You used his own magic circle to destroy it bit by bit, so there was no problem with the origin.

The point is that the whole process has been very fast from the beginning of the plan to the present, and no one knows what Du You is doing. Even the frontline professionals just knew that Du You didn't contact them after eliminating the demon. Maybe they were recuperating, maybe they were planning something else, they didn't even know that Du You had actually acted on a perfect ninth-order world.

You should know that one of these things can't be dealt with, and it will even cause a backlash from the Abyssal World, which can be troublesome at that time.

Du You stretched out his hand, seeming to catch something in the void, and then carefully pulled it out little by little.

Soon, the power of that special power node was no longer radiating, and a colored ball of light was pulled out by Du You. This is the origin of the ninth-order world, a complete origin, which is of great benefit to the improvement of one's own strength.

If you use it well, you can definitely increase your strength by several levels again, or even one or two levels.

When the source appeared, the two sisters began to be vigilant around to prevent someone from suddenly coming out to snatch. Du You quickly sealed the things and put them in his personal space. After the breakthrough, Du You's personal space carrying capacity became stronger.

Now the personal space has been directly increased by a thousand times, from one thousand standard units to one hundred thousand, which is more than enough to put down the origin of a ninth-order world. After they were collected, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Very well, finally got it, let's see the last scene in this world."

Without the support of the origin of the world, and the whole world is fragmented, it is impossible for this world to become that kind of broken world. The powerful force directly tore the pieces of the world into pieces, and then the pieces were more finely divided.

A pure destructive power was born in the middle of this world, Du You smiled slightly, and secretly absorbed this power. Having obtained this destructive power, Du You felt that the power within his Sea of ​​Knowledge became stronger.

Although he couldn't use this power yet, Du You knew that this power was useful to him, and it was very useful.

No, I can't say that I can't use it now, because Du You found that he can already add some destructive power to his attack. Although it is not much, the effect is still very significant.

It's just that Du You didn't dare to use this power easily, worrying that he would be caught by the earth or other worlds.

Only in this situation where a world needs to be destroyed can Du You be able to use it.

Gradually, a huge whirlpool formed in the void, and this whirlpool was still brewing and growing. In the future, this place will become a forbidden place, a place of chaos for a long time.

This kind of You can feel that once it is formed, even if it enters by itself, it will be dangerous.

After all, it was formed after the destruction of a Tier 9 world, and it was really spectacular. "A cemetery in the world, this is the first time I have seen such a large cemetery."

They had seen some before, after all, they destroyed a lot of the world. However, those below the seventh stage will be assimilated by the turbulent flow of the void just as soon as they are formed. Tier 7 will last for a while, but not too long.

Only after the destruction of the world of Tier 8 will such a cemetery exist for a long time, but it is not so dangerous.

Seeing this world slowly dying out, Du You waved his hand: "Let's go, we should also go back. In the next period of time, we have to guard against the counterattacks of those demons, and we also need to digest our gains."

This time the demon killed five ninth ranks at once, two of which belonged to the subordinate world, and the loss was not small.


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