Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1852: It's another big news

A Tier 9 world, and also a world closely monitored by the front lines, suddenly collapsed, it was impossible to conceal it. As a result, on this day, the front line of the earth once again fell into a panic.

"What, that demon world is destroyed, the whole world is destroyed. Damn, what the **** is going on."

"This is a lot of trouble. The Demon World is a ninth-tier world after all, which can bring a lot of resources to the abyss. If it is not good, the abyss may even attack us."

"The only person who can do this kind of thing is Venerable Darkness, but he is too much this time. No, he must be sent back to alert, otherwise our earth will be in trouble." The earth's background is still too low.

If they go to war with all their strength, they know that the earth is definitely not the opponent of the abyss. However, the earth is growing fast, and they believe that given the earth a few hundred years, they will not be afraid to face the abyssal world.

Of course, it is possible that several hundred years are not enough, but several thousand years will definitely be enough.

Compared with these worlds that have existed for an unknown period of time, this point of time is simply a flick of a finger.

"Calm down, it's not as serious as you think."

Finally, the front-line commander spoke: "Although it has destroyed a world, there are too many enemies in the abyss, and they cannot be twisted into a rope, so it is not so easy to mobilize the strong. I have already mobilized once before, do it again. But no demon will easily obey orders, and besides this is not a place directly under the abyss."

"The essence of the abyss is chaos. It is not certain whether it will have the same ideas as the normal world. Besides, the loss of the abyss this time is already huge, and even the top world cannot continue to suffer such losses."

After thinking about it, everyone seems to be the same. There were five ninth orders, and they disappeared all at once. The three who were born in the abyss may still be resurrected, but the two they have been closely monitoring now have their own world destroyed, and it is basically impossible to resurrect. After all, the devil world has this ability.

The world comes to help resurrect their subordinates, and those demons themselves usually do not prepare additional means of resurrection.

"But anyway, we still have to be prepared, and Venerable Darkness must return to this place at the same time. The abyss world is chaotic, who knows what to think, if we attack again, we have only this one who can stop us. Up."

I have to say that although Du You did something fierce, his strength was recognized by everyone. The two mid-tier ninth tiers were killed all at once. What level is this.

In the entire earth, they don't believe anyone can do this except for Pluto.

Although there are more people on Du You's side, from a relationship point of view, it's all Du You's own power.

It was a pity that they couldn't contact Du You no matter what, and in the end they could only increase their vigilance and make all preparations with the highest alert. At the same time, the news was quickly sent back to the alliance.

The earth was hyping Du You at this time, and a world of Tier Nine was open, and it could not be stopped in a short time. For at least the next few decades, Du You's name will not fade away.

In the end, I didn't know how to do it, but this time the incident was leaked from the Alliance.

The Public Opinion Bureau is preparing to use other news to temporarily suppress Du You's heat and divert everyone's attention. But what I didn't expect was that suddenly Du You made big news again, and it was even more exaggerated than before.

The destruction of a ninth-order world is not a trivial matter.

The one that was destroyed last time was one that had been abandoned for a long time, was already weak to the extreme, and was the first hand of the dragon clan. This time it is different, this time it is the confidant of the earth.

Even if most people don't know about the front line of the earth, they heard that this is a world of ninth-order demons, and five ninth-order demons are dispatched. Everyone knows how dangerous the situation is this time.

However, this situation was forced down by Du You with his own power, and the result was that the opponent's Tier 9 world was destroyed. In this case, even the fantasy on the earth would not dare to write that way.

People are all over the streets discussing this kind of things, and many people even ask for leave to participate in this kind of discussion.

"This kind of thing, is it really okay to just make it public? This has too much influence on these people. You should know that we have been working hard these years to completely separate people at different levels and not to influence each other."

Yes, once ordinary people know too much about the high-level people, after a long period of time, they will feel a sense of despair and feel that they cannot improve themselves. Of course, some people will feel that they have goals and will work harder.

But for the new top world of the earth, this kind of thing is not so stable after all. At this stage, what the earth needs is a large number of professionals, and it needs a huge base and time to develop, so it must be separated.

"No, don't you think this is a good opportunity, a good opportunity to improve everyone's morale. Maybe you can also use this opportunity to improve everyone's morale as a whole, so you don't have to deliberately separate it."

"Are you experimenting, but what should you do if you fail."

"If it fails, use other news to guide public opinion, just as we do. But once it succeeds, the powerhouses on our side of the earth will begin to explode."

No way, they are the and he can only let him go.

But I have to say that what Du You did this time has indeed improved the fighting spirit of countless people. Du You's experience has been turned out again and continuously researched and discussed continuously.

From an ordinary family background, I worked hard to exercise myself, and then succeeded in regularizing, and then ascending all the way to the present. The time is not very long, it can be said to be smooth, but it is also the result of hard work. Countless professionals feel that they are not bad, and they have begun to boldly improve themselves. The dangers that they used to fear are now facing difficulties.

In the next period of time, as expected, the overall strength of the professionals improved very quickly. Then some geniuses and well-known professionals from all over the world emerged one after another, and the bottom power of the earth began to rise.

But how long this situation can last, this is not what they can understand. Anyway, the various work in the rear has been hurriedly launched, ready to respond to various emergencies at any time.

Under this circumstance, Du You brought his own people back to a secret place on the front line.


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