Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1853: The decision of the Elf King and the Dwarf King

Du You did not show up, but hid in the dark. After all, as long as it wasn't for the ninth-order demon, he didn't need to do much. Even if the ninth-order demon appeared, he just passed directly.

Du You didn't contact other people, but hid in the dark with the two sisters, constantly absorbing and using that world origin. The world origin of the ninth rank has absorbed the effect on them, but it is not weak.

There was an uproar on the other side of the earth, and Du You did not receive too detailed news because he did not come out.

Du You only got some information from Li Minglu, and then shook his head speechlessly. This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. Speaking of which, after so many times, Du You has become a little accustomed to it.

What Du You didn't know was that what he did caused an uproar in Tier Nine.

Two ninth orders born in different worlds, together, their expressions a little depressed.

"The Elf King, Du You's strength has increased too fast. If this continues, the earth's power will become stronger and stronger, and our life will become more and more difficult."

A beautiful voice uttered from the broad robe: "I don't know, but what can be done? Our potential is too low, no matter how hard we work, it is impossible to improve."

The Elf King who hadn't spoken much during the meeting was a female, and the other one who claimed to be the Dwarf King was born in a dwarf world. In fact, they were also the kings of the world.

But after being controlled by the earth, they have a bad sense of the earth. When the earth professionals robbed things everywhere in the world of dwarves, they left a very bad impression. As for the Elf King, it is even more annoying, because there are many elven slaves on the other side of the earth, and they even captured some from her world every year.

If it weren't for breaking through to the ninth rank later and prohibiting professionals from capturing slaves in their own world, this situation would continue, but the other worlds themselves would not be affected.

Over the years, they have always wanted to change the situation in their own world, but they have been unable to do anything.

"The power of the earth is getting stronger and stronger, but they are not all the way. The people who have been promoted this time are all from the Asian League. They were originally the most powerful Asian League. Now they are stronger. Other people must also Will be prepared."

That's right, although everyone was born on the earth, they were born in different places. Although they are all humans, they have different skin colors and races, so they are not so close to each other.

"Furthermore, Du You is still a system of its own. As his power increases, I am afraid other people in the Asian League will feel uncomfortable too."

The Dwarf King has been in the Earth Alliance for so many years, no matter how simple it was before, now he has learned these conspiracies and tricks. The Elf King glanced at him. In fact, he was not like this.

"Yes, during this period of time, the people who have promoted are all from the Asian League, not only the Dark Lord, but also the broken star."

As a member of the Asian League, Broken Star directly robbed part of the world origin of the Purple Scale Dragon God last time with the help of intelligence power. During this time, his improvement was also very fast. "It is said that Broken Star is opening up a new world during this period. It should be only the last point of creativity. It is very likely that he is preparing for himself to break through 84."

Although the power of creativity can fill in its own shortcomings, if its own shortcomings are too great, there is no way.

I don't know if Broken Star can break through to the middle stage of the ninth tier, but since I'm already preparing, I have to stare at it. Du You is even more exaggerated. It has been determined that he must have reached the middle stage of the ninth stage, and now he has obtained a complete ninth world origin. God knows how far he can rise.

"I mean, we can cooperate with Du You. Although we can't improve, we also need to hurry up to promote new talented people and strive to get them to the level of ninth."

"The group of members we have invested in the earth recently already have some good people. As long as they can advance on the earth when they are advanced, they will not leave too many defects like us. "

"Cooperation? How are you going to cooperate with him? It is said that he is not very gregarious." The Elf King was a little puzzled.

"Have you forgotten? Du You is surrounded by an alien, a fox man, who is very talented and qualified to be promoted to Tier 9. We can contact her now and help him to promote to Tier 9. I think At that time, Du You will appreciate it no matter what, after all, Du You is a person who values ​​feelings very much."

These people also had in-depth research on Du You, or in other words, every ninth step would be specially researched.

After the Elf King heard this, his heart was thoughtful. If there can be a foreign powerhouse in a different world, it is indeed their natural ally, and Du You will not be too biased towards the earth by then.

Perhaps with the help of this relationship, they can do more, and it will be more beneficial to their own world.

"You may be right. Du You's wife has a realm of elves, but they have never heard of them selling elves as slaves. Except for the undead and some non-thinking races, they seem to have not actively sold other wisdom. Race. At most, it is the units created in your own territory. There should be no prejudice against the alien race, the Dark Lord."

There is no way, Du You's strength is too strong, and their current strength is not enough, even cooperation must be careful. Although everyone is the ninth rank of the earth, Du You will not be like them, but they also need to avoid some troubles.

Suddenly, the Elf King raised his head and said: "Then cooperate, first release our goodwill. Du You does not take the initiative to accept elves slaves in his own family, but we can send a group of elves attendants to them. "

It is very difficult for the Elf King to make the decision to send the people out. With the character of the elf, even if the elf king has reached the ninth rank, the decision to make this kind of decision is the result of a long time of deliberation.

The dwarf king was determined at once. I am afraid that the elf king had similar considerations before. Today, I just confirmed the idea of ​​the elf king. It seems that everyone's heroes see the same thing.

"I also sent a group of people over. The craftsmen of the dwarves are still very good."

The dwarf king was a little depressed, if he had mainly promoted his craftsman ability instead of combat effectiveness. There is no life occupation among the ninth ranks. If you are a ninth rank craftsman, your status is definitely much higher than the others.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything, and I can only re-train the younger generation from the back.


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