Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1888: The end of the Giant King

What Du You didn't expect was that the strength of the giant world would be so high, and this hardness was simply stronger than that of the dragon world. Perhaps only in terms of hardness, the giant world is already comparable to the earth.

Due to the fighting style, Du You and the Giant King have not left here too far.

But the aftermath of the battle is definitely not easy, and attacks fall to the ground from time to time. But even so, a basin appeared in this area, that is, the ground was beaten, and nothing more.

If it were in the dragon world, under this level of attack, the damage area would have to be expanded at least ten times.

And although the surrounding laws are chaotic, they are also very stable compared to other worlds. Even with their current aura of law, they are still being repelled by the world's power, and they are being repaired bit by bit.

This speed is very slow, but Du You can still feel it. Although slow, it has always been.

In terms of repair speed, it is also faster than Dragon World. It seems that this world really is a very stubborn kind.

"Your people are almost dead and clean. Do you really not think about them. If you are willing to surrender, I can't let you go." Du You said calmly.

This kind of battle doesn't require too much calculation, so Du You can calmly talk while fighting. This kind of boring and direct battle, Du You has experienced for the first time since a level professional.

The dull voice of the Giant King sounded: "That's a good death. You should die for your own world. If they are strong enough, they won't die."

Du You frowned, this guy's concept was completely different from his own. Strong enough, don't be kidding.

In the entire world, there is only the ninth rank of the Giant King, and no one else, even if it is blessed by the world's power. Even if other people are suppressed by world power, they are still the ninth rank, which is the difference between the world and the eighth rank.

Without the strength of Tier 9, there is not much to kill. Why is Tier 9 the protector of the top world, while Tier 8 is just the backbone of those worlds, and that is caused by the gap in actual power.

The Giant King couldn't say anything about it, and the people outside were not surprised by this situation.

"This guy actually wants to regain the Giant King. Is this just a dream? These guys have stone bumps on their heads, and it is impossible to obey anyone's orders." A consciousness flashed outside.

"That is, I really don't know how these giants got to this point. It's strange that this kind of head is also suitable for comprehension of the law." Although everyone knows why, they are still very jealous.

Like giants, dragons often rely on their talents to comprehend the laws.

The talent of the dragon is the strongest, and his own understanding of the law is quite terrifying. The giants are even more exaggerated. These guys were born out of the law, and were born a part of the law, very close to the law.

These guys don't have to comprehend it by themselves, they will do it naturally, very similar to those elemental creatures.

Especially the King of Giants, it is said that he reached the seventh rank as soon as he was born. After that, he was the pro-son of this world, and he grew up to the ninth rank automatically.

It is also possible that this guy was born out of this world on its own initiative.

"Since you refuse to surrender, then I can only kill you." Du You shook his head.

The giants are very honest and loyal. Although these giants are very violent, they will never violate what they say. If he said he wanted to surrender, then Du You wouldn't doubt it at all.

Such a guy is very helpful for improving his overall strength. For this reason, Du You would rather give up the other party's law of origin and also want to regain this guy.

But once the other party said he didn't want to, Du You didn't need to ask too much, and it was useless to ask too much.

That's how Elm's lumpy head is, and it will never change after a certain principle is established.

"If you want to kill me, first see if you have this ability." The Giant King has already recognized Du You's strength. After all, he can only be tied with the opponent under the blessing of the world.

If it is a fair environment, the opponent's strength is far superior to one's own. The King of Giants admits this, so he admires it very much. At Du You's age, the Giant King can generally feel that this kind of genius needs to be respected.

Du You took a deep breath, no nonsense, the light around him flickered and bubbles appeared. Then there was lightning and thunder, and Xiao Zi also appeared. Then, one after another, the summoned beasts appeared around.

"You are still a summoner. These two are so strange that they already have their own origins, so courageous."

The Giant King thought that Du You left the origins of the other 9th-order beasts to his own summoned beasts, allowing them to have their own origins and become the real 9th-order powerhouses. He didn't know that these two pets are special.

They are not only the real ninth rank, even in the same level, they are also very powerful.

Du You didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered to do it. The large-scale blessings of the bubbles are activated, and Xiao Zi's paralyzing aura is also activated. Facing the giant king in the late stage of the ninth stage, this halo is useful. The movements of the Giant King were indeed affected and became a lot slower.

Immediately afterwards, the Thunder God's ring fell on the giant king's head, and the lightning directly began to attack at close range.

The flames on the Giant King suddenly erupted, shattering the Thunder God Ring. On the sharp corner of the bubble, a sharp light cut into the position of the giant king’s toe, creating a wound on Although it will recover soon, the bubble may not give the giant king this time. .

The other summoned beasts rushed forward and used their own means to restrain them. Various killer moves were directly released, especially the ritual-type big moves. Even if the Giant King could resist, he still felt that his strength was weakened a lot.

Du You was not to be outdone, and finally had time to gather his strength while other people were entangled. Although it was only three seconds, the Shaped Magic Cannon was still completed. At this level, using the condensing method of the energy-concentrating magic cannon, the condensed attack is not simple. The black beam of light burst out instantly and penetrated the chest of the Giant King.

After the penetration, the beam of light fell on the ground, making a bottomless pit.

This move was so powerful that Du You even incorporated the power of creation and destruction. Although it was only a little bit, it also raised the power to a higher level. The strong destructive power ran across the giant king's body, and the giant king's divine light became increasingly dim.

Finally, the giant king's movements stopped, and his eyes fixedly looked at Du You.

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