Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1889: Easy to start the giant world

"Human professional, you are very strong, really very strong. Even if I blessed with the power of the world, I am not your opponent."

Those were Du You's summoned beasts, and the Giant King didn't think they were bullying too much, because this was originally their own power. Although the giants rarely have the ability to summon, they still recognize this power.

In the heart of the giant, as long as it is his own power, it can be used in battle. No matter how weird the power is, they all admit it. This is the nature of the giants.

Du You nodded softly: "Your strength is also very strong, you are the first existence that made me only head-to-head throughout the whole process."

Power can be blessed by the world, but skills and skills can only be one's own. That kind of technique is too exaggerated, and it is absolutely unattractive to replace it with other evenly matched enemies.

Du You even felt that the Supreme Dragon God, who was stronger than the Giant King, might also be suppressed by the opponent when fighting the Giant King. This special skill is so unreasonable.

"Human, what's your name."

Du You didn't hesitate either, he saw that the Giant King was about to die. "Du You, known as the Dark Lord."

After thinking about it, Du You worked hard again: "You have lost now, how about joining my camp after resurrection, I will treat your race kindly." The giant clan is more convincing than the dragon clan.

Giants are not arrogant and very loyal. But dragons are different, these guys are too arrogant. The wild dragons, I am afraid that countless years later, they will not be willing to surrender to humans, and will still find ways to resist.

The Giant King smiled slightly: "Hahahaha, I didn't have any resurrection methods at all. We giants came from the earth, and of course we have to return to the earth after death. If we use special means to resurrect, then I am the one who is resurrected."

Du You was a little disappointed. He didn't expect the giant to have such an idea.

Although humans and people of other races also have some similar ideas, they think that using special resurrection methods to resurrect with their own soul fragments and blood is no longer theirs. It's just another person with his own abilities and memories, but once you reach a high level, everyone will still prepare the means of resurrection.

If it weren't for Du You's improvement speed too fast, I am afraid he would prepare one for himself.

The previous resurrection altar was useless for him now, and Du You did not prepare for it later. He didn't think that he would be killed by those ninth-tier guys. With his current strength, it would be good if he didn't kill other people.

"Then in the future, our world will definitely not be able to withstand you, so we will leave it to you to manage."

The Giant King was killed by Du You, but he didn't have any resentment. In the hearts of giants, people who can defeat or even kill themselves in a fair fight need to be respected.

Not to mention, this battle was not fair at all, and he had accepted the blessing of world power.

If it weren't for protecting his own world, he would never do this shameful behavior that was absolutely unfair in the eyes of the Giant King. But since you lose, then give it to the other party.

Suddenly, the Giant King said loudly: "Listen to me, everyone. We are your patriarch. I have been defeated by the human Dark Lord, and the return to the earth is right in front of my eyes. From now on, you must be loyal to the Dark Lord. Unless there are people in the ethnic group whose strength exceeds the Dark Lord, they will never betray."

Well, the giant is so straightforward, he can say whatever he thinks. Even if you might betray this situation in the future, you can say it directly. But they are the same, as long as they say they will do it.

The patriarch agreed, and the other giants would not resist. All the giants stopped their attacks for the first time. Even if the opponent's attack had already reached him, he stopped.

In an instant, those who attacked the giants also stopped. If these guys join their subordinates, they are equivalent to countless more loyal subordinates. And the strength is very strong, this is a very huge wealth.

Then, countless giants raised their heads and yelled at the sky to make their final farewell to their patriarch.

"The rest is up to you. I hope you can treat my people kindly. Although they are violent, there is absolutely no problem with their loyalty. I believe you know it." Finally, he said, the life breath of the Giant King completely disappeared.

The whole person turned into a flame and fell towards the ground. The flame fell to the ground, forming a huge volcano on the ground. The power of the volcano instantly changed everything around it, continuously affecting it.

At this rate, I am afraid that within a few years, the chaotic laws around this area will be dissolved and assimilated by volcanic forces. This may be the last thing the Giant King has done for his own world.

Du You was a little silent. Although it was an enemy, although this guy took the initiative to attack him, Du You still admired him a little.

"This will be turned into a forbidden place in the future, and no one can destroy it."

After speaking, Du You went to find the other people back, and then started to establish his own territory in a suitable place.

Next, Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi brought Salia to this world, and began to deal with some of the world's conditions. The surrounding world, because the giants have already surrendered, it is very easy to control.

This is much easier than the original dragon world, because they all cooperate fully. What I have to do is to choose the right place, then establish the territory, develop the territory, and then start to build the whole world with the help of the power of the large number of giants were transported back and appeared on the earth, causing once again Caused a sensation on the earth.

"No way, the giant world, the Dark Lord actually attacked the giant world."

They are not ignorant of the giant world. Since they have succeeded, the materials are of course outdated, and outdated materials can be let go. A world not inferior to the dragon clan, is it so easy to be beaten down?

"It's too powerful, attack directly, don't care about the opponent's situation at all, it's so handsome."

"This is too fast. I just received the news that he has already started. How long is this. I calculate, it seems that it will only take two days from the start to the end. It's really fast. Two days a top class The world, no, there is also a large amount of control world around, this range, this volume, it is really terrible."

Du You's performance has once again refreshed the three views of mankind, and with the continuous expansion of the earth, the foundation has been continuously enhanced. The spirit of today's earth professionals is completely different from before.

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