Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1933: Stage 1 battle royale

Next, those summoners didn't do nothing. Facing Suharari who had been injured, the summoners were divided into different levels and rushed over frantically.

You can't run blindly when you run away. Faced with this kind of speed faster than yourself, you must stay behind. The most important thing is that this kind of person after the break can't hurt the other party at all, so we must find a way to create opportunities for them.

Now Suharari's shell was shattered by Du You and his body was also injured. It was a good opportunity.

Du You fled, and the other summoned beasts stayed to resist. Xiao Zi circled around, blocking the other Tier 9 demons. Those Tier 9 demons only dared to attack from a distance, and didn't dare to let Xiao Zi be cautious, otherwise they would be dead. Xiao Zi's strength is in the late stage of the ninth stage, with strong offensive power. Even if these demons are blessed by the abyss, they are not opponents.

Suharari made two quick moves, tearing the fastest rushing natural disaster giant dog and dark dragon to pieces.

But at this moment, a guy with a devilish breath by his side suddenly bit himself. It turned out to be Du You's three-headed Blood Demon Dog. Three heads make three mouthfuls at once, and if you just bite the wound, you won't let out a mouthful.

A large amount of blood accompanied by vitality and its own demon power seemed to have opened the gate, and a large amount of blood flowed out in an instant. At the same time, the wound is deepening. In any case, this guy is also a ninth-order existence.

Because they have condensed their origins, these are all genuine Tier 9 summoned beasts, and they are also blessed by Du You's strength, and their strength is definitely not worse than the senior Tier 9 mid-term powerhouse.

The most important thing is that this power also contains the essence of the late stage power of the ninth stage.

With one bite, Suharari was weakened a lot. Then, Suharari turned his head and directly killed the three Blood Demon Dogs. But in front, the two summoned beasts that had just been killed turned into a black smoke, and then reunited and revived. Summoning resurrection, Du You's passive skills have always been growing along with his level.

The natural disaster giant dog directly condenses the natural disaster cloud, and uses all the natural disaster power to bite the opponent's opportunity, directly inject it, and continue to weaken the power of Suharari. If it wasn't for Suharari's body shell shattered, this kind of power really couldn't be injected.

Then the dark dragon opened its mouth, and a black ball of light directly wrapped Suharari in it.

Suharari struggled, tearing apart the black ball of light, and killing the two summoned beasts again, but this time he was completely dead.

But the three Blood Demon Dogs behind them were also resurrected, and once again bit this guy, a lot of power passed away, even with the blessing of world power, Suharari also weakened a lot.

With just a few summons, Suharari was intercepted, and Suharari was extremely annoyed at this time.

With a roar, Suharari was struck again before he could rush out. He just ran to the nearby desert **** of death, directly burning his life and injecting powerful poison along the crack. The Lich Emperor in the back also injected his own power into the finger of death, and released the power of death with all his strength, at least it had an impact on this guy.

The Dark Vine Demon Emperor used his own body to forcibly twist and block Suharari's pursuit.

Seeing this gorgeous blocking battle, the surrounding Tier 9 experts were also full of shock. Unexpectedly, under Du You's full strength, it would be so terrifying, not much worse than the ninth peak.

If it wasn't for his own fragility, I'm afraid Du You would be able to fight this guy.

There is no way, the peak and later stages have too much difference in understanding of their own laws. This is the suppression on the law level.

Du You's attack basically had little effect on the opponent, but Du You's attack was difficult to resist. This was an essential gap. In fact, Du You's ability to hurt the opponent has already proved that Du You's strength is terrifying.

Just past this level, the next summoned beasts are dispatched again. The photon elf took the opportunity to blend into Suharari's body and control his actions. Although it cannot be completely controlled, it is okay to block it.

The dead orangutan directly opened the strongest defense, and immediately enveloped Suharari. It is impossible to think of not breaking the defense. All the summoned beasts are desperately blocking the opponent's footsteps.

Suharari looked angry and suddenly raised his head and screamed, and the ice power burst out of his whole body. A terrible cold air spread, and the surrounding void was directly frozen.

The defense of the dead orangutan was also frozen on the spot, and the photon elves on his body were directly dispelled.

The ice continued to spread, and it didn't take long for it to come into contact with the surrounding Tier 9 demons. These demons are also unlucky. They did not expect that they would be attacked by their companions, or that they would be a more powerful kind.

The most unlucky one, because the running is slow, his legs are directly frozen, and the cold is still spreading.

This demon was also decisive, turning his head back and cutting off his legs, speeding up his escape. He didn't dare to stay here anymore. He was injured too badly and would become the target of other demons. Moreover, it takes a certain amount of time and some resources to restore one's legs. Staying now, it would be dangerous for me.

Even so, there were several demons staring at him from behind, their eyes full of weird sights.

Suharari, who finally got rid of the summoned beast, continued to fly forward. But suddenly a dark figure appeared in front of him, and the purple electric **** carving Xiaozi appeared in front of Suharari. Xiaozi was the last line of defense against him.

Suharari completely ignored the creature in front of with red eyes, directly stretched out his paws and attacked mercilessly.

Xiao Zi seemed to know that she couldn't stop her, and she didn't mean to be low-end, so she grabbed the opponent with four paws. These claws were Xiao Zi's original weapon, and the original weapon itself was made by the claws of Suharari's corpse.

The claws grabbed Suharari fiercely, and then a terrifying electric current was released. Various skills burst out through the claws, this is Xiao Zi's strongest attack. Unlike other summoned beasts, Xiao Zi is a genuine ninth stage late stage.

Suharari couldn't resist even Suharari's full attack with a desperate glance.

The terrifying electric current instantly flew and smashed Suharari's broken shell, and a piece of charred black could be seen inside. Under this blow, even if it was Suharari, it was definitely not a minor injury.

At the same time, Suharari's attack also fell on Xiao Zi. The ice claws easily tore Xiao Zi to pieces, turning them into fragments in the sky. However, Xiao Zi's body turned into a black smoke and dust, but it condensed again, calling for resurrection.

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