Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 1934: Now it's our turn

Xiao Zi, who had just been resurrected, didn't mean to evade either. The whole body's power burst out directly, following his original weapon and completely burst out, releasing all the power again on the spot.

Suharari, who added an attack to the wound just now, was seriously injured this time.

Being in the same position twice in a row, facing a powerful presence in the late stage of the Ninth Stage unreservedly attacked. Even the ice demon who had reached the peak could not resist it, this time it was seriously injured.

Suharari roared, then returned his hand and tore Xiao Zi to pieces again, this time he was really dead.

At the same time, no one continued to stop Suharari. Following the breath left by Du You when he left, Suharari chased him all the way. At this time, Du You had already flown far away.

In the distance, when the two sisters saw Du You flying over, they stopped quickly. "Master, how are you, how are you doing."

The two sisters were holding back the tears, and Du You was the only one who could make the two of them cry. Seeing the scars on Du You's body, the firm beliefs of the two sisters also trembled.

"Keep walking, don't stay, my summoned beast can't stop him for too long." Du You said weakly.

No way, the chaotic power is constantly eroding, and most of Du You's power is used to resist this power. On the contrary, there are not many forces that he can use, and he naturally appears weak.

If it hadn't been for your own body to be regularized, a normal person would have died long ago with such an injury.

The powers of the world around them have been following Du You's sight all the time. There is no way, Du You is now running away with all his strength, and there is no power to hide his aura at all, and they can naturally follow along all the way. And because of Du You's injury, these guys became even more brazen.

It was possible to see this far through special means, and Du You's usual perception could not perceive such a long distance. Du You had never exercised this ability, let alone tracked the person observing him backwards.

However, there is no need, just let them watch.

Suddenly, a powerful aura swept across from behind, but Du You suddenly stopped and turned around.

"Catch up? The speed is really fast."

"Master, this time you go, we will stay and break the queen." The two sisters looked firm. After so long, two people have already figured it out. Before Du You, he was certain to be able to escape, so he let himself go first.

But if you do it again, it won't work. If you die, the owner can at least survive, so it's best to stay by yourself.

Du You shook his head and said, "No, we will stay this time. Now it's our turn."

Facing the two sisters' somewhat puzzled expressions, Du You smiled bitterly and shook his head, really careless. "You can feel the breath of that guy, he has now lost the power blessing of the abyss."

The two sisters finally recovered and began to perceive carefully. Although he is still that crazy guy, his strength is completely incomparable to before. "We have left the core area of ​​the abyss now." Lin Yucha's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, after losing the bonus to Abyssal Strength, this guy is not badly injured. He is not our opponent at all. Moreover, with this opportunity, we have also tested the maximum range that the Abyssal Will can affect."

Du You didn't think that Abyss would let him go in order to preserve his strength. Not to mention that the chaotic abyss will not consider these, even if it does, it is impossible to have reservations in the face of this guy who is a huge threat.

Then the only possibility is that the bonus range of the abyss is only so large.

"Those demons underestimated our strength. If we continued to let us go deeper and paid the price of a Tier 9 world, then we really would not have been able to escape." Du You could feel that from Suharari's strength weakened to the present. How long, that is to say, I have just left that range, and I can't go if I slow down.

Suharari, who rushed over, was completely crazy now. He didn't care about it at all, seeing Du You rushing over. Before the madness, Suharari's last consciousness was to wipe out Du You.

It's just that he himself probably didn't expect that Du You would be so difficult to take him out of the blessing range of the abyss. If he had known this a long time ago, Suharari would probably not fully explode his strength.

The two sisters also breathed a sigh of relief. They were both in the late stage of the ninth stage. They also restrained the devil. This guy was also seriously injured, so it was impossible to fail. There is an essential gap between the peak and the later stage, but not in the later stage and later stage.

The two sisters intercepted them without hesitation, and did not need Du You to take action. The two teleported to Suharari's side, and Lin Yushi's continuous shooting skills were released. A series of thunders entangled Suharari, but Suharari's offense couldn't keep up with the two men. Under the injury, his speed is no longer as good as the two sisters.

Lin Yucha found the flaw, a spiral sniper shot out, and instantly penetrated Suharari's thigh. From injury to injury, it's time for the two sisters to perform.

The series of attacks cooperated perfectly. In the end, Suharari didn't know who to attack, let alone how to avoid it. Waving his paws and grabbing wildly, the wounds on his body are getting more and more.

Coupled with the poisonous erosion of magic gold, he became weaker and weaker. Finally, the two sisters seized the opportunity and pierced Suharari's head on the spot. The erosion of the powerful law became the last straw to crush the camel.

Under fatal injury Suharari's eyes suddenly changed from red to blue, and his sanity recovered.

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong. I underestimated your strength. But next time, it won't be like this."

Suharari is very calm, knowing he will never survive. The two sisters snorted coldly: "There is no next time. The next time you meet is the time of your death." Two arrows directed towards Suharari.

But at this time Suharari did not evade at all, but threw his original weapon behind him.

"Hahahaha, you want me to die, even if you reach the peak, it is impossible to do it." Suharari laughed, greeted the final attack, and died again, only to return to the abyss to resurrect.

"Bring things, let's go, Yucha hides our breath." Du You suddenly said.

The two sisters were taken aback for a moment, then their faces were solemn, and they went straight to collect the corpses, and then the floating clouds on the platform wrapped the three people, and their breath disappeared instantly. The three of them completely hid themselves.

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