Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2015: Gradually fell into despair

Du You has been blocking the Wild Grass family and did nothing else. The Patriarch of the Arrive Family has always felt that things may not be that simple, but no matter what he thinks, he doesn't understand what the other party is going to do.

The only thing that made him depressed was that the united empire built a city wall on the ground to separate them, and an underground city wall was built underground, and they simply couldn't make it through. All five cities have been sealed off and cannot be expanded at all.

Because they are outside the territory of the United Empire, once they attack outside, they will be regarded as war.

Being fixed in a small place, people on the outside can’t come in, and people on the inside can’t get out, that's their situation now.

However, since it's okay, let's forget it, anyway, no one else has any opinions.

The most important thing is that there is no way he can do what he wants now. In his opinion, this kind of moderate empire cannot be supported for long even if it is established. Although his ambitions cannot be realized now, it will not necessarily be the case in the future.

First refer to their experience and learn. When they collapse, they can take advantage of the situation to occupy a large area around them. Now, all they have to do is to accumulate strength, nothing more.

With their example, some cities that did not want to join the Du You Empire and did not want to lose their rights also appeared.

Du You did the same as dealing with them, building a city wall directly on the border and enclosing them. This kind of project is very large to others, but it is nothing to Du You, after all, he can make a large number of craftsmen out of thin air. These craftsmen are not simple, a besieged city wall can be completed in at most half a year.

Of course, this is the result of Du You giving them some mage clones with earth attributes, otherwise it would not be so fast.

What they didn't expect was that where they didn't pay attention, the problem began to become serious. The first problem was the Wild Grass family. There was a war, and a large number of young and middle-aged people were in danger at all times.

But now that there is peace, they have no war, and those mercenaries can't get what they want through battle. But apart from fighting, they won't do anything else.

Those who can bear it will find work they can do, and those who cannot bear it will start thinking of other methods.

So some special internal organizations began to take shape, using their own force to get food or other things.

Without external pressure, internal conflicts began to appear gradually and grew rapidly. The civilians who were united in the past are now gradually becoming hostile to each other.

Just for training, the five cities are still recruiting personnel and then training them. On the contrary, the number of the regular army is increasing, so the pressure on the family is also increasing. Training soldiers requires a lot of money and food.

Usually, because everyone is fighting and people are dying constantly, no one cares about this.

But now, the officials in charge of family wealth are beginning to have a headache. At first he thought he could solve it, but later, he found that he could not continue to expand, so he submitted the matter to the owner of the family.

After seeing this, after intense discussion, the result was that the army could no longer be expanded.

If it were not for them, it would not leave a large number of young adults with nowhere to go. And more and more young adults concentrate on exercising their fighting ability, and eventually they all enter the club.

Those who are being bullied, in order to protect themselves, must work hard to exercise their strength.

As a result, various armed conflicts frequently began to appear. In the beginning, everyone went to fight outside the city. At this time, it was already safe outside, and there was absolutely no attack from demons or other things.

Later, conflicts began to appear even in the city.

Of course, this kind of thing will not affect the upper echelons. The Wild Grass Family that has always been above it has never noticed that there is a problem with its foundation. He was still immersed in learning the experience of the United Empire at this time.

This kind of problem can be suppressed. However, the population problem cannot be suppressed, and it has not attracted anyone's attention. Although the war has stopped, everyone's habits have been preserved.

For example, for the sake of the population, everyone is desperately breeding offspring. No one can stop this kind of thing.

As a result, there are more and more children in the family without death. There was nothing at the beginning, but after a few years, the number of people became obviously uncontrollable.

At this time, everyone has developed the surrounding wasteland and planted food. Because the place is relatively large, everyone can stick to it.

A few years later, the population increased and the work problem became a very serious problem.

At this time, the senior management of the Wild Grass family was a little bit burnt, and had never thought that people's livelihood would be so troublesome.

Later, someone suggested that they needed to find more jobs and provide more positions. So they began to artificially put forward a lot of projects that were originally useless, and converted these people into workers and digested them.

It seems that everything is developing in a very good direction, but no one realizes that the biggest problem is not this, but that the population is growing wildly. A group of inexperienced seniors would never notice this.

Even in their consciousness, the larger the population, the better. Didn't you see the United Empire?

But they ignore Their space is very small, and they are almost unable to bear the survival of so many people. A new profession that hadn't appeared before began to emerge quietly, and that was the beggar.

There were more and more people begging along the street. At first, some people were able to meet their own survival needs, but later they couldn't even meet this. So these beggars began to form gangs with each other, and the conflict became more and more serious.

Finally, I don't know when, the first **** conflict appeared. This matter seemed to open a new door to everyone at once. Eliminating the opponent physically can free yourself more resources and space.

This is especially true when there is no upper-level intervention and attention on this matter.

It's just a dead person, and the upper class won't care. Are there few deaths these years? As a result, the **** conflict began to expand, and gradually everyone in the five cities began to endanger themselves.

Some people who used to have legitimate jobs are now in order to protect themselves or be oppressed by others. These legitimate jobs cannot be done anymore. As the population increases, the level of production in cities is on the contrary declining.

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