Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2016: A large-scale rebellion broke out

Human beings are inherently competitive. When the external pressure is huge, human beings will unite and resist external forces.

But once the external pressure completely disappears, they will have internal conflicts, and they are still endless. The most important thing is that they can't even leave now.

The five cities were directly surrounded by Du You, severing all contact with them and preventing them from entering or leaving.

The result is that the people inside can't get out at all and can only stay inside. Even if some people wanted Du You to accept it, Du You didn't care about it, just let them stay inside. Of course, to the people inside, they are still studying.

It's just that when it can be researched and what the results of the research are, people outside don't know at all.

As a result, the inner [pencil] chaos grew.

It turns out that this situation should be the worst in those single blocked cities. But it is not now, but the combined forces of these five cities are the most serious, because only this one city has been completely blocked.

In other separate cities, they can still buy the food provided by Du You, so there will be no problems in a short time. As for the long time, some people have found that something is wrong.

Because they can allow a small number of people to enter Du You's united empire for various reasons, they can still know some news from the outside world. The first force that resisted and was unwilling to join, now everyone is watching what is going on.

And the materials they can buy food are constantly decreasing. When one day, these materials can no longer buy food, I am afraid that they will also have huge problems within them.

Although some people have already mentioned it, that day is too far away, so most people have not seen it.

Day by day, the United Empire is still expanding outside, and cities are merged into the empire, and Du You's territory is constantly expanding. With the help of rules, Du You's territory is capable of violent soldiers, and can continuously provide himself with points in the world, and these points can continue to create more troops.

This kind of expansion is like rolling a snowball, the bigger and bigger, the stronger and stronger. Of course, there have also been separate cities like islands inside, but they are not as big as the ones at the beginning.

That is to say, there is a special one that actually occupied three cities, and now it is separated by city walls just like other cities. These people saw the city wall outside, as if they had seen a ghost one by one.

They couldn't imagine how the other party built such a wall in such a short time.

After another few years, the original Wild Grass family forces finally had a huge problem. All the time, all kinds of resistance and riots have emerged one after another, but the high level has always regarded it as if they had not seen it.

After so many years of singing and dancing, the blood of these people will be worn away. Except for some people who have been dreaming about waiting for the collapse of the United Empire and then building their own empire, everyone else has no intention of fighting.

No matter how messy the people outside, what can they do about themselves, but what they didn't expect is that their soldiers are all trained by civilians outside.

Finally one day, some soldiers rebelled. When these soldiers hit their eyes, these drunken fellows finally realized that something was wrong, but it was too late.

The angry soldiers killed a large number of officials in the empire. In the process of fighting with each other, the patriarch of the Wild Grass family was also killed, so the entire sphere of influence completely changed into another situation.

The two cities farthest away became independent for the first time. The two local families directly announced their separation from the management of the Wild Grass family and became the new city owners. The members of the Aragusa family were extremely angry, but there was no way.

Because of the great changes in the family, the death of the previous Patriarch is the biggest thing.

In the process of fighting for power, a city close to them also declared independence. At this time, these guys fighting for power finally stopped, and they realized that if this continues, the family will be ruined.

As a result, the two most powerful candidates finally compromised and split the family in two. The two largest and closest cities are the last two remaining cities in their family. It's just because they are too close, so their relationship with each other is very tense. Close to the opponent's position, a large number of troops are patrolling back and forth every day.

The ones they don't trust most are their relatives in the same family. For this reason, both sides have constrained a lot of the other's forces. The two cities that were originally the most powerful did not have many troops that could be used externally.

In addition, both sides must be cautious of each other, and instead of daring to send troops indiscriminately, they can only shrink up.

This kind of performance reassures the three independent families that were a little worried. Not knowing what was going on, the three clans secretly reached an agreement, and they no longer attacked each other, but did their best to deal with the members of the Wild Grass family.

They were originally subordinates of the Wild Grass family, and suddenly became independent. They were originally unjustified, so their determination to fight back was even firmer. Without getting rid of the Wild Grass Family, they always felt a rock on their heads.

Du You looked at the report in his hand, and a smile flashed in his eyes: "I didn't expect the Wild Grass family to become like this, but it's okay, let them continue to stick to Although it is early I knew it would develop into this way, but Du You didn't expect it to develop so quickly. Such a big territory has become like this in just a few years.

He hasn't completed his foreign strategy plan yet. There is still a long way to go before unifying the entire continent.

The world is too big, and it is not easy to control it completely. Even if they are composed of separate small cities, there are too many demons here, which is very troublesome.

The most important thing is that as one's own development, the surrounding demons gradually unite. After the devil's pressure was reduced, the cities united. It is said that in some places, new kingdoms and empires have been established.

Although they are all imitating their own systems, the power of a country is stronger than a city after all.

Even if it was because of the devil, it was not easy for them to cooperate closely, but it still caused Du You trouble in the end. But they started earlier, so it is basically impossible for them to catch up with themselves.

"Forget it, leave them alone, we continue to attack, and some people in the province speak ill of us everywhere."

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