Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2056: The influence is getting bigger and bigger

People in this world are indeed bold, especially ordinary people. They work every day without hope, and no one dares to slaughter ordinary people. So a group of ordinary people gather and dare to watch any excitement.

As long as they do not violate the bottom line, there will be no danger.

The same is true for low-level adventurers. They use various hype opportunities to increase their reputation, or use other famous people to gain benefits. Anyway, as long as they don't violate the bottom line, there is no danger.

This is why these guys dare to come to their own door to surround their own house.

Now, after moving to a high-level residential area, those people can't get in. Because there is no way, unless they break the law, and once they do that, the guards can have reason to solve it.

What Du You didn't expect was that when he quieted down, the Shadow Guild was also famous.

There is no way, to annex a veteran big guild at one time, this influence is not small.

When Du You appeared in a cloak the next day, he heard many people discussing this matter. As soon as I arrived at school, I realized that even the teachers and students of the school knew about this.

"It is our pride that the Shadow Guild does not lose. This time, it is actually able to directly annex the Flame Guild. I heard that the Flame Guild is an old top guild, and I don't know how strong their strength is."

"Huh, how strong it is, this has already been exposed. But there are a total of five eighth-level strong, eighth-level, I can't think about it in this life." Most people also think this way.

The eighth rank is almost standing at the top of the adventurer, in their eyes, it is almost like a living god. Although they don't know how strong the specific people are, they know that no one dares to provoke them. Even at Tier 7, once they provoke others, there is no problem with them killing them on the spot. This is their privilege.

"But our Shadow Guild is stronger. It can swallow such a powerful guild all at once. I heard that our territory has now been expanded several times." Du You wanted to laugh when he heard this.

The shadow guild's territory has expanded several times. Don't be kidding, it is obviously that the shadow guild has a larger scope, but the quality of the world controlled by the flame guild is better. This is undeniable.

After all, when the Flame Guild controls the world, it needs to be evaluated first, and Du You seems a little hungry.

"Speaking of which, how strong our guild is, it can actually achieve such results."

"What our guild, you are still a student, and only two of our students who are in school join the Shadow Guild." Someone next to him immediately began to refute.

Just now the man blushed and said, "Huh, I will definitely be an adventurer by then, and I must also join."

Since the shadow guild developed on their side, other guilds have been either annexed or driven out, and now there are only two or three big cats and kittens left. However, the recruitment of the shadow guild is not so strict, as if everyone wants it. So if you can become an adventurer in the future, it's normal to join it.

Of course, whether you can become an adventurer is really not certain. Even if they are all starting to practice the open secret method now, the ultimate achievement depends on their personal efforts and luck.

Suddenly, someone spotted Du You's appearance and immediately surrounded him.

"Wow, look, it's Du You."

"I heard that Classmate Du You has reached the fifth level, I really don't know how he cultivated. There are not many who can reach the fifth level in our college. He hasn't graduated yet, and he will definitely be even more powerful in the future."

"It's a pity, there is a Bai Zimo next to him now. If not, it would be great."

"Hmph, even without you, there is no chance for you." The person next to him said disdainfully.

Suddenly, someone leaned forward and said, "That Du You, you are now the seed of the Shadow Guild. Can you tell us how many masters there are in the Guild, and what's the inside story this time."

Du You said boredly: "How would I know that it is only Tier 5, not Tier 7, and it is impossible to tell me the above." Du You's boring appearance did not arouse other people's disgust.

"So you really have reached the fifth level, can you tell us what you know."

A large group of people around them looked interested, and it seemed that they didn't satisfy their curiosity today, so don't think about taking a good rest. As for driving away, forget it, looking at the appearance of these guys, you won't be able to drive away.

Bai Zimo next to him carefully looked around. This was the first time that Bai Zimo was ignored in front of Du You.

After all, the strong is respected, even in this world. When everyone knew that Du You's strength far surpassed Bai Zimo, Du You's current light had already overshadowed everyone.

Now people don't think that Du You is a little white face who eats soft rice, but many people feel that Bai Zimo is climbing high.

No wonder people will follow Du You all the time. It turns out that they have chosen potential stocks a long time ago.

In desperation, Du You had no choice but to say something that ordinary people knew. But speaking in Du You's mouth seemed better and more convincing.

Anyway, the appearance of these people can tell something is coming. Du You said casually, until the class, when the teacher arrived, these guys returned to their seats. It's just that they look at them from time to time, and today is not a good day.

"Perhaps, we should consider asking for leave or something else."

Du You doesn't want to waste time on He would rather sleep than be annoying.

From that afternoon, Du You applied to the college, and the application was passed very easily. After all, the teachers in the academy, the strongest is Tier 5, and Du You may not be more powerful.

Du You left here with Bai Zimo, while training, while feeling his clone, remote control command.

The shadow guild's influence is getting bigger and bigger, and now the shadow guild is discussed everywhere outside. Not only in this city, but also in other cities, and the influence is getting bigger and bigger.

If this continues, it may not be long before major cities and even major forces will know. At that time, many people would pay attention to him, and Du You didn't want to be watched prematurely.

It seems that it is time to think of a one-size-fits-all solution. The current strength of his own guild is not enough to deal with this suppression.


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