Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2057: Sure enough, I was jealous

Through various means, Du You finally got himself out of everyone's sight, and even with Xiao Bai, both of them were able to live a quiet life for a period of time. Of course, it was Xiao Bai who was cultivating, and Du You seemed to be very leisurely.

But Xiao Bai knew that Du You had his own method of cultivation, and he didn't need to exercise like this.

Is it a mage after all? The melee skills are of no use to the mage.

At the same time, when Du You is free, other places are not so quiet. With the continuous development and growth of the Shadow Guild, other major guilds have gradually noticed this emerging powerful force.

"How about, have you found out what happened?" A group of people were getting together inside a guild.

"Well, according to my intelligence network, I finally found what happened that day. The two unions fought that day, and Hu Lie was wiped out while fighting alone. As for the others, they were besieged. The Shadow Guild came out that day. There are fifteen Tier 8 powerhouses, and we don’t know if they still have hidden ones."

"Fifteen, why are there so many? Is this really an emerging guild? We don't know who can hide so many masters."

"It's emerging. Their surface information can be purchased directly, and the establishment time is not too long. Maybe there is some powerful existence secretly proceeding. But it is not easy to be able to hide it for such a long time."

"Yeah, we don't know who those people are until now, and we have never discovered them before. Even some of them have ordinary identities. I really don't know what they think."

Collecting intelligence is also a not-so-simple task. It is their ability to check the lives of these strong men in full. But it is very strange that many strong people used to be mediocre, just like ordinary people.

And these people are scattered among different guilds, it is impossible for all of them to hide like this.

Therefore, either the other party has a way to greatly improve these people in a short period of time, or these people are affiliated with an organization, or even a single person. It is usually hidden deliberately, and when it suddenly erupts when needed, can there be such a powerful combination of forces that shocks the world.

"Maybe we also have some things that we haven't investigated clearly, but it is undeniable that the previous Shadow Guild should be this kind of power hidden in the dark. Although this kind of power is not much, it cannot be said that there is no.

"But their power is too strong, can such a strong person really be able to control it casually. I am more inclined to what they have to improve quickly." As he said, a flash of greed flashed in this person's eyes.

If there is such a method, if you can get it, you will surely be able to soar into the sky.

"Don't even think about that. We all know Hu Lie's strength. Defeating or even killing him head-on will give him no chance to escape. If he is still one-on-one, then his opponent must be the peak of the eighth rank. Kind."

At this time, everyone was speechless, and there was no Tier Nine in their guild. Besides, the existence of Tier Nine doesn't know what's going on, as if there is some agreement, it will not make a move easily.

Unless your guild faces the brink of destruction, you won't see these people.

And these people are usually also active in the ninth-order outer world, and the dragons see the beginning and the end.

The peak of the eighth rank is the most powerful combat power in normal times. People's Shadow Guild has such a strong man, they are saying that nothing is an opponent. It really doesn't do any good to provoke them.

"Then what do we do, depending on their appearance, I am afraid that we will not be too far away. If one day they come over, we won't be able to catch it with our hands." A hot-tempered mature man said loudly.

The person in the previous investigation said: "No, we are in danger, and other forces are also threatening. What we have to do is very simple, just send out the information of the shadow guild. Wait until everyone finds out that their situation will naturally recover."

"It's really a good and insidious idea to drive tigers and wolves. Let's do that. You can't let the Shadow Guild expand so unlimited. However, they can't just let them go."

The leader said, "I think it's time for us to send our special team."

Many people's faces changed for the special team. This special team was formed when their guild was established, but many people here don't even know it, because it is used very few times.

This special team is not known for its strong combat effectiveness, but they are known for their outstanding capabilities.

These people have very strong penetrating ability. In the past several shots, they have easily penetrated into the enemy's interior, and then disintegrated and split from the top to the bottom, and the enemy directly collapsed.

After that, they only need to take action to destroy the enemies one by one. However, it is too difficult for these people to cultivate, and they will suffer heavy losses each time, so they are rarely used.

There is a set of special control methods within the guild, enough to ensure the loyalty of people like them.

"But we can't use it right away, and we can't just pay. We need to discuss the compensation with other guilds around." The president continued.

"Compensation? But won't this expose our secret forces."

"You don't know so you don't know, don't worry, even we ourselves don't know who are in the secret team. They will only be dispatched if the president orders them." In order to prevent exposure, this is their method.

Except for the person in charge, even the president does not know who is in it.

The people who are in charge are only those who communicate with the president Those people do not usually join the union, but are scattered around. This is equivalent to re-training a secret army outside the guild.

If it wasn't for their lack of strength, in fact this composition was very similar to the predecessor of the Shadow Guild they had guessed.

What they didn't know was that among the people in the meeting, there was a person in the corner whose eyes flickered. That's right, this person is the person who secretly controlled other guilds before Du You, a lurking clone.

At this moment, Du You was looking at everything in front of him with the eyes of this clone.

"Differentiation? This is a good way. The Shadow Guild is too powerful. If it splits into several different guilds, then the threat will be much smaller." Du You's eyes lit up.

He intends to do everything he can, and simply dismantle his guild directly, anyway, there is no difference to himself.



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