Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2063: Anxious people

"Du You, the guild split into this way, it should have a great impact on us."

Xiaobai rarely did not train, but sat beside Du You and said with a worried expression. A smile flashed in the eyes of the two sisters, but there was no explanation. Du You didn't want to say it, and of course they couldn't say it.

Although some opinions may differ from Du You, the two of them only discussed with Du You in private. Once the master decides something, the two sisters say they will not do anything against each other. This is the principle of the two of them.

Du You said indifferently: "Split and split. Anyway, the guild is as strong as it is. As long as we don't encounter powerful enemies, our guild will not be destroyed. Don't forget, we are also a top guild now."

"Yeah, it is still a top guild, and there is still a guild list for them to choose. Even for those of them who use cultivation methods to improve, the guild list has no meaning to them, and it has no effect at all.

Xiaobai still worried and said: "Now they have become the Dark Night Guild, the general guild is too strong, what if they accidentally hit the door."

"It doesn't matter. The high-level fighting has nothing to do with us at the bottom, and it won't affect us. Besides, there are many other forces around, so it is impossible to fight like that. After all, they were originally from the same guild. Some scruples." Du You said indifferently.

Xiaobai had no experience, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it was the same, so he nodded to understand.

Before long, Xiao Bai's worries disappeared, and he habitually began to practice again.

Little Bai doesn't know that under normal circumstances, the more people who have such contact, the more serious the trouble will eventually become. It's like if a family is torn apart and fights, the relationship is often worse than that of passersby.

Just under Du You's control, this kind of life-and-death situation would never happen.

"What an interesting person, I don't worry about anything so soon, how did you find it, Master."

The two sisters smiled more intensely in the face of this heartless Xiao Bai. Such a person is really rare. Who would have thought that there would be such a existence in reality.

Du You spread his hands: "I didn't find this, but I met it on the first day of school after I came here."

After thinking about it, Du You continued: "Okay, don't say so much, let's plan what we should do next."

Xiao Bai was so cheated, even if he made a plan under Xiao Bai's nose, Xiao Bai couldn't find it. Just find a reason to prevaricate in the past.

Xiao Bai's curiosity is not so heavy, and Xiao Bai will not explore things that Du You does not say.

But there is no problem on their side, and the outside world is not like that. In the cities controlled by the Shadow Guild, the people are worried every day, even in fear.

Only ordinary people don't care, after all, they don't provoke these people, and no one will slaughter ordinary people.

Besides, these ordinary people spend a lot of time at work all day, so who is in the mood to take care of them. Even after the Shadow Guild took control, they already had time to rest.

Of course, some people are worried that the guild after the split will change their treatment, but what they can do now. Who doesn't know, common people can only solve some common things together. Once a principled problem is encountered, even if they unite, they will be the only one who will be unlucky in the end.

It is the adventurers and reservists in the city who are now very worried.

"The guild is actually split like this, and the internal problems seem to be very serious. If this goes on, it is likely to become a big melee, and it will be dangerous at that time."

Not everyone is the same as Xiaobai, many people know that the traitors are often the ones who slaughter their own people the most. After the division of the same organization, the fiercest fight was also the former colleague.

Even if there is a certain amount of external pressure, the organizations that have splintered out are all top guilds. As long as they are given enough time to develop, a terrifying battle will definitely break out in the future.

This kind of worry continues to spread, and even if no one says it, there are still many people who are secretly worried in their hearts.

After the split, the guild was fighting with each other, and various small battles continued to occur.

Of course, the people above are also suppressing, this suppression is not to resolve the fight, but to buy time. Everyone can see that the divided guilds are constantly integrating their strengths.

Because they were worried about being involved, the surrounding forces were just watching, and no one dared to come up to dissuade or help. Only a few who are not afraid of death dare to offer some weapons or something and make a deal with them.

This kind of integration seems to be the eve of the outbreak of the Great War.

For this reason, many people began to secretly prepare. Some people left their cities and used their own means to escape from this place that was about to be involved in the battlefield. Of course, there will be no war in the real world. They are worried about the Outland World.

Unless you don’t enter the outer world, when the same city enters the outer world, it is easy to enter the same world, and then it is easy to be involved in it.

At that time, it's not that you don't want to join. If someone discovers the identity of an adventurer, if they don't join, they will be attacked by both sides at the same time. In fact, there have been many cases of such things before.

So those who are able to flee and those who are not able to think about not entering the outer world during this time.

Although the shortest time to enter the Outland World is once a month, the longest time is one year. I believe that within a year of the real world, this dispute will almost end.

All people think so, even the other big forces around them are similar. But no one thought that the development of the next thing would actually develop in another direction that no one had thought of.

It only took a few days before Du You and the two sisters had already worked out their plans.

Then their clones communicated and perfected with each other and dealt with all the details, and then they should develop according to this line.

When the new round began, everyone suddenly discovered that the war had broken out. But it was not an internal battle, but the guild launched against the innocent other forces around it. This battle came very suddenly, all people were involved in it without reacting, and many people had always been dumbfounded.


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