Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2064: Are expanding outward

No one thought that the forces split up by the Shadow Guild would not attack their former colleagues in the first place. As if they had been negotiated, these people directly attacked the surrounding forces.

"Damn bastard, how come these guys attacked us. Have the internal affairs of the Shadow Guild been dealt with."

"The guild leader, they are now the Dark Night Guild."

"Shut up, I know, the current situation is very dangerous, and any of you can figure out a way to deal with it."

No way, their current situation is indeed very dangerous. No one thought that the Dark Night Guild would actually attack them in this situation. This time entering the outer world, the space channel between the worlds was opened for the first time.

You know, this is their own world, the one that is completely controlled by their own guild.

In other words, people who do not belong to their own guild cannot enter after the world is controlled, unless they have the permission of their guild. There is another way to open the channel besides that the two worlds are close to each other and open naturally. That is, the inside should be combined with the outside, and the people inside and the outside together connect the world coordinates.

So the current situation is that there is a traitor in his own guild, and the strength of this traitor is not weak.

Because the strength is weak, there is no qualification to open the coordinates. To open up this kind of coordinates, at least several Tier 6 powerhouses must unite, with the help of a certain magic circle.

As a result, things developed so fast that no one thought that these guys who were splitting up would still be in the mood to attack themselves.

In fact, what they didn't know was that other places were the same, and many forces were attacked by the Shadow Guild on this day. Of course, now this shadow guild is not a whole, but has become a different guild.

But even so, there are even more than one rank eight powerhouses in each division. The previous battles let them know that the members of the Shadow Guild were all cultivators, and their use of power far exceeded them.

The president looked around, and now he felt like a traitor no matter who he looked at.

"President, think of a way to resist. Their strength is too strong. If this continues, our world will probably be uncontrollable."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there a guild leader? You will die as many as you want."

A reckless man yelled loudly. Their guild leader was the only eighth rank in the entire guild, but he was only in the middle of the eighth rank, and the guy on the opposite side was much better than himself.

Although the Dark Night Guild was split, it was also stronger after the split. There are two eighth-tiered guilds. One of them has reached the late stage, how can I deal with it?

If it hadn't been for the fact that he had discovered that his world had been blocked before, and now he couldn't quit, he would have wanted to surrender.

But they also knew that the people of the Shadow Guild would not accept the surrender of a high-level existence at all. As long as the powerhouses surpassed the seventh rank, they would all kill without mercy, which also left them no retreat at all.

"Damn it, how could this happen." The president was angry, but he didn't say anything.

The people around them all watched their noses and noses, as if they didn't know anything. These guys must be thinking about surrendering at that time. Anyway, as long as it does not reach Tier 7, there is a chance of surrender.

"Don't think about joining the other side, don't you know that even if you join in the past, there is basically no good position left for you. You want to be like this in the future, don't you want to go further."

There was still no one to speak. At this time, the president was angry. "I'll leave it to you. At this time, there must be no people with different intentions within us." The president turned his head.

The other seventh-order powerhouses who also had no retreat, immediately released their aura and suppressed these people.

"You guys, what do you want to do, you will..."

These people didn't care what they said, they directly controlled everyone, and then forced them to sign a contract. In their words, either die clean, or sign a contract and then do it according to the contract.

In the end, everyone had no choice but to sign the contract, and once signed, the next battle must go all out.

Because they don't even have a chance to surrender. This contract is signed, and once they surrender, they will automatically lose their identity as adventurers and become ordinary people. For them, they would rather die than become ordinary people.

After he died, he was still an adventurer. After all, he didn't have three times, and he still had the opportunity to continue to attack the legendary level. But if you directly become an ordinary person, it is better to fight.

Du You didn't know what they were doing, of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

Because his army has entered this world. As before, the high-quality and well-coordinated military forces are simply not able to fight against them.

The entire world's teams were retreating steadily, each city was overthrown, and finally moved towards the central city.

Just before the army arrived, the masters had already appeared in this place.

"Everyone, are you doing a bit too much? Are you here to attack us at this time, do you want to offend the surrounding forces? This is not good for your affairs."

"Then you don't have to worry about it. We just need to expand to deal with other branches. As long as you swallow your guild, our strength will be stronger. This is our goal."

Du You's clone speaks nonsense seriously. Even if you swallow it, if there is no increase in masters, the increase is only the guild's background and future. Does it help the present?

It's just that the two of them didn't mean to talk nonsense with him at Hurry up and do it, this guy will have another one after the fight. "

That's right, in another place, everyone is ready to open the space channel, so you can't waste time.

Under this unlucky guy's incredible gaze, two eighth-tier stronger than him shot at the same time. In desperation, the president hurriedly resisted, but in the end he did not stop it for long.

After a few fairly satisfactory skills were issued, he was overwhelmed by the attacks of two enemies.

When the guild leader died and the high-level seventh-tier was almost completely destroyed, the remaining people also lost the courage to fight. Although they were still unable to surrender under the contract, they didn't have any thoughts to resist.

Du You's clone didn't care, anyway, as long as he didn't surrender, he would just kill him. This time, the entire senior guild was almost completely wiped out here, but it didn't cause anyone's mood swings.


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