Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2069: Moved in 1

Du You is really strong enough to be annoyed by these people, do you really think he will collect it if you get it together?

Not to mention other things, the quality is not very good. Although there are a few of them, they are not bad, but they are far from Xiaobai's level. Besides, Xiao Bai just got in when he didn't show anything.

Even that feeling is different. Xiaobai's whole person is cute, and to Du You, he is more like a pet.

I managed to deal with these people and refused a lot of invitations. This time the graduation ceremony was finally over. I don't know what they think, how this graduation ceremony seems to be held for myself.

But it's normal. The four best are here, and all three are women, and they have something to do with them.

In the end, Du You responded to the teaching assistant invitation from the college, and after taking it for granted, he was finally able to go home.

"Now there is no need to go to school. What are we going to do next? Maybe we should live in another place."

The potential of Du You's performance is really too great. Although a large part of the people living in this place are Du You's own clones, there are still some people who are not controlled.

Their family background is not simple, seeing their talents, of course they want to win over themselves. As a result, people often come to their homes to be guests, and then raise all kinds of inexplicable topics.

For these people, Du You couldn't beat them out, which was annoying to say.

In the future, I will show stronger strength, and there will definitely be more people bothering me at that time.

"Indeed, it is going to move. By the way, do you know where there is a better place to live." Du You thought for a while and wanted to ask, he didn't usually pay much attention to this kind of thing.

Since Lin Yucha is by your side, just ask Lin Yucha. Otherwise, Du You would have communicated directly with other clones. Through those clones, wouldn't it be easy to understand these things.

It's just that Xiao Bai did not wait for Lin Yucha to speak this time. "Well, I know a place. There is a Tianshui Manor near Lujiang. It has just been built and has not been sold. There is a place where the guards gather nearby. If anything happens, they will rush in the first time. Arrived, so no one dares to go there and make trouble."

Du You stared at Xiaobai with wide eyes: "How do you know this."

Xiaobai blushed a little by Du You's eyes, and moved his head away. "Um, that I wanted to have such a residence before, so I paid attention to it." So that's it.

In fact, women are still very concerned about the house, not as if most people don't understand anything on the surface.

"By the way, where do you live." Suddenly, Lin Yushi asked.

"I'm right over there." Xiaobai said, pointing in one direction.

Lin Yucha looked at that side, her brows frowned: "I remember it looks like a slum, but it's messy enough. Xiaobai, why don't you move out." The slum is a place where many criminals gather.

Du You also understood a little bit, why Xiaobai usually wraps himself so tightly that he can't see that gorgeous face at all. If Xiao Bai's appearance were exposed in such a place, I'm afraid something would have gone wrong long ago. Later, because Xiaobai had the strength, he was not afraid of those people asking for trouble, so it didn't matter to show it.

Just because of habit, Xiao Bai is still used to hiding himself deeply.

"I, I moved out after I graduated, and recently made some money in the guild."

What a distressed little girl. Suddenly, Lin Yushi said: "Anyway, we have to move. Why don't you move over and live with us."

Lin Yucha also nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah, that place is very big. If only a few of us are a little empty, plus you, it will be just right." It didn't need Du You to say anything, the two sisters decided.

Two people knew that Du You wouldn't care about such small things. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to make up their minds casually.

Xiaobai's face instantly turned red, and she was living with Du You. "Yes, but..." Xiaobai didn't know what to say.

Du Youbai glanced at the two sisters, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded and said, "It's okay. Anyway, the place is not small. I just checked it and the manor is very good." Du You checked it with a laptop.

Seeing Du You have spoken, Xiaobai's face became redder, but at last he nodded.

He had long regarded Du You as the Xiaobai of everything, and had no desire to resist in many things. Now even if Du You wants to do something to Xiaobai, this guy probably won't object.

What a little girl who makes people seem to be bullied, this feeling came out of the two sisters' hearts.

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now, let's go and take a look. Only by seeing it with our own eyes can we determine how the place is.

Lin Yucha spoke, and then everyone took Xiaobai directly and walked over there. Xiaobai felt groggy along the way, didn't know what he was doing, the whole world seemed to be shaking.

The whole person was taken into the manor faintly, and then strolled around, remembering nothing.

In the end, Xiao Bai only knew that Du You had bought the manor, and then took him home for a trip, tidying up his own things, and then returned to the manor.

At night, lying on a bed that he didn't know, Xiao Bai's thinking gradually recovered.

Thinking of being so confused, Xiao Bai also felt feverish on his, turned his head, buried his head in the pillow, and made a whine. Voice, I don't know what came to mind.

"Master, it seems that Xiaobai really has a good impression of you, otherwise it won't be so easy to bring it back." Lin Yucha said with a smile. In fact, they had already sensed what Xiaobai was doing.

Only Du You didn't perceive it. After all, Du You was not so perverted and shameless to perceive a little girl in the evening. The two sisters have no scruples, and Xiao Bai can't feel it anyway.

"Okay, you have done everything you need to do now, then let's think about business, go to sleep."

"But this is the business, oh, master, what are you going to do, don't touch it."

Just as Lin Yushi spoke, her voice changed. Du You snorted coldly, "I have been with you all day, and now accept the punishment." It didn't take long for a contemplative voice to sound in the room.


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