Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2070: Combat the Shadow Guild

Early the next morning, Du You walked out refreshingly. As for the two sisters, they are still sleeping. No way, in this world, Du You's physical fitness is really much better than the two of them.

"Du, Du You, good morning." Xiaobai who saw Du You suddenly said with some embarrassment.

"Good morning, I got up so early to exercise. It happened that I haven't seen you exercise for a while. I'll take a look."

Xiaobai turned around a little awkwardly and showed off his skills. As the action progressed, Xiaobai gradually found the feeling of two people getting along with each other. The movements were no longer rigid and became natural.

Du You nodded in satisfaction. Xiao Bai's talent is really good. From Du You's eyesight, Xiao Bai's skills have reached a very high level under this strength. Few people can match it. .

As for the use of strength, there may be some differences, which require a long period of exercise.

There is no way, in this world, many special resources are not available, and you need to be careful to obtain resources, otherwise it is easy to be targeted by the will of the world. Du You, who didn't have so many resources, couldn't help cultivating Xiaobai.

It might be okay before the seventh level, but after the seventh level, then Xiaobai can only realize it by himself. In this world, there is no such thing as law crystallization for Xiaobai to increase the speed of comprehension.

But by then, I will probably have finished my layout.

There are already many worlds separated by magic circles, and the will of the world does not care about this change at all. This is Du You's true chance of winning. When the world will find that something is not right, it is the time to do it yourself.

When it was noon, the two sisters walked out, and when they saw Xiaobai, the two sisters were also a little embarrassed. But after all, the two sisters lived a long time, and the thickness of their skins had long been developed.

So it didn't take long before it returned to normal. There is nothing embarrassing about the four people living together now.

I just don't know when I can accept this little girl, the two sisters couldn't help but think of it.

One month passed quickly, and the major forces outside prepared very quickly. Because the high-level meeting directly, even if Du Yousa's large number of clones went out, it would be difficult to detect this kind of news.

But fortunately, many of his clones are in high positions after all, so Du You still got this kind of news.

"Cooperate against us, let me see how powerful you are together."

Du You is not worried about this, after all, the power he hides is not the point on the surface. But the fact that the other party can unite to deal with himself really opened Du You's horizons.

Although they have been prepared for a long time, it is amazing to see that they can do this.

On this day, the avatars resolved everything early, entered the dormant warehouse for the first time, and then entered the outer world. In some worlds controlled by itself, some people enter it in advance to start preparations.

When the time arrived, the opponent's attack really arrived. Not to mention other places, but in the world controlled by the city where Du You is located, many spatial passages appeared for the first time.

Then, the space channel opened, and the army on the opposite side had arrived. When Du You received the news, the army was too late, but it was not too far away. Soon the army blocked the surrounding important locations, and the war of the lower army began like this. On my own side, there are a lot of quality and quantity, so don't worry.

"The ability to open the space channel so quickly shows that there are traitors in our guild."

"I know. After all, not everyone is controlled. It is normal for someone to defect. But it is not very difficult to find out. I wonder why there are so many traitors."

One clone smiled and said: "It's not that there are many traitors. Although there are traitors, most of them are not. In fact, more of them are our people. We just assisted them to open the passage, and then opened the passage to some special positions."

In the world, there are always some very dangerous places, or places that are not suitable for attack.

Opening up the passage to such a place is actually beneficial to them. Instead of letting them prepare more time to find a better place, it is better to take the initiative and ask you to enter the urn.

Du You smiled, his avatars are indeed very sinister one by one.

In other words, why these people are not like themselves at all, they are all contaminated by the people before. However, this kind of approach is quite what I want, Du You thought with pride in his heart.

"Look, it's already started." A clone pointed to a screen and said.

Here, they all use screens to observe different battlefields. At this moment, a group of soldiers were rushing into their own world, but what they didn't expect was that the place they just came out was actually a swamp.

But the war had begun, they couldn't stop at all, and they could only be pushed into the swamp by people behind. Then one by one fell into it, and was stepped forward by the people behind. This is very morale-affecting, even if it is a manufactured army, in addition to the undead and the like that do not need morale, morale is also very important to other people.

But this kind of thing can't stop, they can only move forward. Then, the crocodiles living in the swamp and other beasts and monsters dispatched one after another, becoming the first line of defense against these people.

At this moment, countless black spots appeared in the air. It turned out that Du You's air force was dispatched.

Without the cooperation of other troops, the air force appeared alone, and then threw the javelin After one round, before the opposing air force and the strong did not appear, these people went away, leaving only Corpses all over the floor.

For these, the forward is more chaotic. After this kind of news spreads to the rear, the army is not so well controlled.

Although the army created is not afraid of death and loyal, if they are sent to death in this way, their mood will also be bad.

Not to mention, many of the people who came were not made troops, but adventurers themselves. After these adventurers heard the previous things, they didn't want to rush over like this, and then they began to object.

They are the culprits of the chaos in the team. Their behavior finally attracted the attention of the senior management.

A seventh-order powerhouse flew over and released his breath to suppress the audience. "Shut up all, a bunch of trash, this time I will be the vanguard." There is no way, relying on these guys to continue like this, the army will die and be clean.



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