Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2088: Collect treasures left over from ancient times

The matter of attacking the externally occupied territories was directly handed over to the new puppet clones, and Du You and the two sisters began to search for those seals. Although I don't know how many seals there are, as a local lord, I still know some.

The reason why Du You was happy before was because he found this from the memory of the other party.

Among them, there are two sealed by the lord himself, and the other sealed before.

Even some seals that are too long ago may not be known to anyone now. If discovered, the seals may be strengthened, but no one has discovered that these seals are likely to collapse over time.

In fact, in the data record, every once in a while, there will always be some ancient seals broken, and then the element lords inside will appear. Some people will join the new empire, some will leave here.

But in the same way, there are some people who will madly attack everything around them, that is, the enemy. In this situation, all they have to do is to defeat it, and then re-seal it, or drive it away.

But if the opponent's strength is too strong, then the final result is to give up the territory to the opponent.

Such a consequence also represents the successful resuscitation of this element lord, similar to the resurrection of the seventh-tier powerhouse outside.

However, as long as the elemental lords recover, they will be able to restore their peak strength in a very short time. This is due to the special composition of their spirits. There are pros and cons, and it is not so easy for these elemental creatures to improve their strength.

"This is the place. I didn't expect there to be a seal here."

Du You took the two sisters to a secret cave, and then went all the way underground. Finally, everyone found an altar here. This altar is very old, with countless complicated symbols on it.

These are not artificial symbols, after all, most of the element lords follow instinct. This is a symbol that they use their own power to suppress and seal the power left by other element lords, and then power is naturally formed. These symbols also represent their own perception of the law, although they have not actively understood it.

Du You just glanced at it and understood the meaning of these symbols, the level difference was too big.

Then Du You waved his hand, and the seal was opened. The power above dissipated, and a group of special power gradually emerged.

"Hahahaha, I finally came out, **** Black Hawk, I will retaliate against you. I don't know if you are also sealed." I don't know how many years have passed, the element lord inside is not sure what his enemy is. status.

Du You had never heard of the black eagle in his mouth anyway.

"You talk too much." Du You didn't expect a guy to appear.

"Who are you, haha, no matter who you are, as a reward for releasing the deity, you will follow me in the future." Du You and the others were too good to converge, and this guy didn't feel it at all.

A swarm of earth elements gathered on his body, and his own strength was quickly recovering. But Du You didn't intend to regain the opponent, so he didn't even think about waiting for the opponent to recover before cleaning up. Anyway, he was a Tier 7 guy, not his opponent at all. Du You stretched out his hand and lightly grabbed it into the air.

Then this guy came into Du You's hands in an instant, and the power of recovery came to an abrupt end.

"You, how come you are so strong, **** it, let me go, or I will retaliate against you sooner or later."

Du You rolled his eyelids: "What a fool, he wants to retaliate against me. Let's take a look at the difference in strength first."

Du You didn't talk nonsense, and directly extracted this guy's memory, and cleaned it up while checking it. After this guy was cleaned up, Du You sealed it up, waiting to go back to deal with it.

"Well, how much news does this guy know about the Elemental Lord."

"Hehe, a lot, I know more than the former lord, but unfortunately there are duplicates, but I don't know if some of the seals have been opened, forget it, let's go and see it."

Du You didn't waste time, but took the two sisters and flew quickly towards these seals.

As long as he enters a seal, Du You can easily open it, and then pull out the element lord sealed inside to seal it again, and at the same time wash it white, waiting for the final transformation.

As long as these guys are brought back, they will have the first group of forces to conquer this world by themselves.

I don't know why. Judging from the data collected by Du You during this period, it seems that the most powerful in this world is the Lord of Elements, and there is no sign of Tier 8 creatures.

You know, this world has already reached the eighth rank. Although it has just reached the eighth rank, there shouldn't be no eighth rank creatures. After all, these derivative worlds are controlled by the will of the local world.

It seems impossible for the world will of the local world to prevent the creatures of a world from reaching the top height of the world.

Forget it, these things will be known someday. With absolute strength, Du You won't worry about them.

Unknowingly, Du You's hands already had a lot of blank spirits of the element lord. The memories of these element lords were read by Du You one by one, and this area should be almost searched by himself.

The rest of the wilderness is in the distance, and there are some wild element lords living in those places.

But Du You didn't have the intention to move them for the time being, after all, there were already a lot of spirits in his hands, and it would take a while to transform them. Those wild ones, let them go for a while.

Anyway, the wild ones don’t unite with each other, and they don’t deliberately hide. It’s so easy for Du You to find Let’s go, this time I collected 33 in total, I didn’t expect it. There will be so many seals in this area. "

"In fact, this should not be complete. I feel that there should be some seals hidden in places other people don't know. If they are all found out, then they are truly precious wealth."

For them, it is wealth. In fact, for the local people in this world, this is a time bomb. They have no way to transform other lords, they can only seal them.

Once one comes out, it's a big trouble. If the seal fails, you will be in danger.

But even if the seal is successful, it will often cause extensive damage. If this kind of destruction is in one's own city, then in the end one's own loss can be great. Therefore, no lord likes this kind of seal.

Generally, where there is such a seal, they will never build large cities nearby.


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