Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2089: 14 new lords are born

Back in the city, Du You sent the spirits of these element lords into the element pool for the first time.

What Du You didn't expect was that his points were not enough. Even if he attacked the surrounding territories all the way and controlled his surroundings, he still lost a lot in terms of points.

But even if the points are not enough, it is still possible to make a part of it. Du You directly selected some of the spirits of the element lord and began to transform them. A few days later, a wave of elemental power began to appear over the city. TV debut

Fortunately, Du You had already given an explanation, so his men had already comforted the people.

"Fourteen? It's less, but it's not bad." Du You looked at the newly born Elemental Lords.

A total of fourteen were created, two of which were mutation elements, and the remaining twelve were all one of the four major elements. Among them, the water element is the most with four, the earth element has two, and the fire element and the wind element are both three.

Du You took a closer look, and the use of the elements by these element lords himself can basically be seen from his own form. The first one of the water element is a fish, which has a strong spraying ability and can swallow enemies in it. As for what kind of fish this fish is, Du You can't tell.

The second is the appearance of a big octopus, which is still very aggressive, and most of the control of the water element is the ability to entangle. Perhaps their use of elements is also related to their own form.

These methods rely entirely on instinct, and sometimes they are really similar to Warcraft.

The next two water element lords, one is the common water element giant form, and many elements of human structure are in this giant form. The last one looked like a bug.

As for what kind of bug it was, Du You really didn't see it. After all, it was constructed by a wild element lord, so it is somewhat different from human aesthetics. The human element lord rarely turns himself into a bug.

Next are the two elements of the earth, one is the form of a giant of the earth element in the form of a human. The other one is like a stone. That's right, it's just a stone, and it's also constructed by humans.

Du You didn't know what this guy thought. This stone form was not suitable for attacking or fleeing. What he was best at was defense. As long as you put yourself over there, basically no one can hurt.

Even if the opposing wind element, it is difficult to hurt yourself. It seems that this guy is afraid of dying to the limit, and actually constructed such a form and ability. Du You didn't know what to say. If he had known this a long time ago, he should abandon this guy and shouldn't construct it. This is a bit too wasteful.

However, it has been manufactured, and there is no way to rebuild it, it can only be done like this.

Next are the three wind elements. Two of them are birds, one resembles an eagle and the other resembles a wild goose. The wind element is dominated by speed and cutting ability.

But the last one is very strange, because this element is actually a flower.

In short, there are many elemental creatures in this world, and there are really all kinds of weird things. Of course, among the lord of the wind element, the most powerful is this flower. Constructing the wind element into the shape of a flower petal, it seems to attack in a hurry.

That cutting ability is stronger than other wind element forms.

Of course, the guy who constructed himself like a flower was originally a woman. Perhaps it was because he liked flowers so much that he constructed himself like this, Du You was a little speechless.

Those three fire elements are relatively normal. Both are in the form of a giant of the fire element, there is nothing to say about this, and the abilities are also quite satisfactory, and they are pretty good.

The last one is a wolf constructed of fire elements. The giant wolf is fast and has a very strong attack power, which seems to sacrifice defense. However, this guy's attack can also pose a great threat to other people.

Then there are two mutation elements, and these two are also the two most powerful.

When Du You found that the element lord he had obtained had mutant elements, he picked them out as soon as possible. As we all know, the strongest mutant elements are the most powerful, even if the number is too small, it is troublesome to upgrade. But when the mutant elemental master becomes the element lord, he is also the most powerful among all the element lords.

The first one is an element lord who has mutated thunder element. Although this guy is also in the form of an element man, his speed is very fast. Among all the element lords, he is the fastest.

Similarly, this guy is also the guy with the highest attack and the fastest attack speed. A quick performance, Du You affirmed that this guy is very strong in terms of speed. Even if he was facing several element lords at the same time, he might win in the end.

Of course, it just won, but there is no way to seal the opponent. Because you have to stop if you want to seal it, once you stop, that terrifying speed advantage will be lost, and you will naturally be besieged.

The last mutant element is the most special, because this element is actually a three-headed snake. It is not constructed by humans, but a natural elemental lord. Only born with this special situation.

Because of these three-headed snakes, each of the three heads represents a different ability. The first head is the middle head, which represents the ability of ice and the mutation of ice element. In this world, ice element is not water element, but a kind of mutation. It is also derived from water, but it absolutely restrains water and has super attack power.

The head on the left, UU Reading is a normal water element head, which controls the flow of water. There is nothing to say about this.

The one on the right is special, it's actually a poison element, which is rare in this world. Because the elements are highly toxic, the threat is very large, and this is true for any elemental creatures.

Generally speaking, when the element lord sees poisonous elements mutated, he will immediately want to destroy or seal them. The reason why this powerful guy was sealed might be due to the mutation of the poison element.

Du You didn't think too much, anyway, as long as he was strong, he would use it by himself. The poison element is very harmful to the element, but what does it have to do with yourself. With this guy, it can also be used as a deterrent.

Poison element is also one of the rare element lords that may kill other element lords.

"Then next, we have to plan for the next step. With so much combat power, we can't just waste it at home."


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