Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2096: Too much to make

The element lord versus the element lord, even if there is a big difference in strength, it is not easy to decide the winner in a short time. Even if he wins, it is not easy to seal the opponent.

So Du You, who didn't want to waste time in the end, had to do it himself.

Of course, I didn't just rush up to fight like this, after all, there are a lot of people watching now.

If people discover that they are powerful, then these people will not know what they will do. This is a Tier 8 world after all, and Du You has some scruples in this world.

Coming to the battlefield, Du You did not appear on the battlefield, but secretly cast a spell.

No offensive spells were used. After all, the elemental wizards who are now practicing have many special spells that they can use. Du You now uses elemental type strengthening spells, which is even more powerful for the elemental lord.

The enemy in the battle suddenly found that his opponent's strength had increased a lot. Suddenly, I didn't get used to it very much, and under the chaos, the element lords were hit hard one after another.

"Strange, how did their strength suddenly increase so much."

The other element lords around said in a bit of surprise, after all, they are not Du You clones, but similar to manufactured units, so they didn't know that Du You had shot in the dark.

"Who knows, look at it, I always have a feeling that the battle is about to end."

"Nonsense, the master has already come over here, of course the battle is over."

As soldiers, although they don't know how strong Du You is, they also know that Du You is definitely a big level higher than them. A whole level, that is definitely an unstoppable force.

As they spoke, the enemies were already under control one after another, and the preliminary work of the seal began. At this time, Du You finally appeared on the battlefield. "Clean up the surroundings and leave the rest to me."

Other people around nodded, and then began to clean up the surrounding people watching the battle and the civilians.

This is a normal practice, and all elemental lords will do this after winning a battle. Because they need to seal the element lord not far away, but the location of the seal cannot be known to anyone. Because once you know it, who knows how many people will come to destroy it, and those who are sealed are their own enemies.

It is precisely because of this that when the battle of the element lords is coming to an end, people around will flee for the first time. In many cases, the elemental lord who decides the winner will massacre the surrounding area.

It is also for this reason that many seals have not been discovered, from ancient times to the present.

When everyone around him was driven away, Du You began to seal the spirits of these element lords. The first is to seal it in the palm of your hand with your own special sealing method, and then process it slowly.

"It seems that I need to get a special sealing method, otherwise it would take a lot of energy to control so many element lord spirits." Du You didn't want to keep these guys in his palms forever.

Although Du You wasn't very good at making equipment, it was okay to make a mess of materials with materials.

"Let's go, let's go to the royal capital and occupy this country. This is our first base area."

Du You finished cleaning up the people in front of him, and then flew towards the direction of the royal capital, and the others followed closely. It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the royal capital. At this time, the balance of battle was slowly tilted.

And Du You didn't need to hide the spell at this time, and directly let the previously exposed element lords step forward, and cooperate with the thunder element lords to attack the king and kill him.

"You, how could there be so many, why don't you go to other places to build the country."

The king looked shocked, how could there be so many element lords. Generally speaking, wouldn't there be three element lords who will establish their own country? After all, if three element lords fight against one, it is not difficult to seal it.

The wild element lord occupies a large territory, and there are many wilderness areas. Most countries are established in this way. Why do so many element lords come together, but instead of directly establishing the kingdom, they come to deal with themselves. He is a human being, what do they mean by doing this?

Unfortunately, no one would answer. Everyone added a lot of effort and quickly wiped out the king and then sealed it.

Of course, it was Du You himself who sealed it.

"Then the next step is the construction of the kingdom. You immediately stabilize the country and start earning points."

Without points, many things can't be done, but there are still many elemental lord's spirits in his hands waiting for him to transform them. Du You dealt with the spirits of these element lords one by one.

Extract the consciousness from their souls, then read the memory, and then wash the entire soul.

This is a job that takes a certain amount of time, and it's a whitewashed soul, no matter what it is used for. It's just that there are too many Tier 7 spirits in his hand, but his own points are too few, and there is no way to completely transform it.

From their psychic memories, Du You got more information about the sealed element lords. From the ancient times to the present, they don't know how much they have been sealed.

There is no way to completely transform, let alone violent soldiers. This is really a trouble of happiness.

"Well, let's make their spirits into other such as tools."

"This is also a way, okay, let me first study how to use the spirit of the element lord to enchant. After all, this is not an ordinary element, even if it is washed out, it is not easy to control it completely."

Du You sighed, he had to learn more. Originally learning is not a bad thing, but I have not finished learning what I need, so I have to learn some branches, which made Du You sigh.

This is the shortcoming of living too short. If you live long enough and have enough time to research various abilities, there will be no such thing as the current situation where you can't use it when you need it.

But even in this way, Du You is better than the adventurers in this world, they have no way of learning other things even if they want to learn. Even at the ninth-tier peak, it is firmly controlled by the will of the world, and there is no ability to control oneself at all. Even leaving the suppression of the will of the local world, oneself will collapse.



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