Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2097: The formation of the siege

A country disappeared in a blink of an eye. This speed was too fast, so fast that the surrounding countries did not react.

When they find that something is not right, they have no chance to intervene.

"Damn it, how fast, how many element lords do they have?" The king of a country looked at the report in his hand with incredible eyes. You know, although Heartfire Kingdom is weaker than yourself, it is not much.

Even if you do it yourself, it will only make the other party suffer at most, and it is impossible to completely eliminate the other party. But those people cleaned up the other party all at once, which was a bit too scary.

"According to our intelligence, the enemy has dispatched at least five element lords, which is as many as the country’s element lords in the hostile direction. But they also have an element lord that is a mutant of the thunder element, powerful, and one can hold at least three others The type of elemental lord, the strength should not be underestimated."

"The key point is that the Thunder Elemental Lord is not their leader, so according to their speculation, their leader may be stronger. And based on the performance at the time, we inferred that the other party may have a hidden Elemental Lord."

If Du You were here, he would be surprised. This is really a talent. Although I didn't expose much, but from this little clue, I could infer so much. It's really not easy.

In such a world dominated by personal strength, it is really extraordinary to have such a mind.

It's a pity that it is not under my own hands, otherwise it would be able to be reused.

"At least five. Are there two more troublesome? In this case, we can only use the element tower to defend. If the other party does anything, we may be difficult to deal with. No, we will hold a diplomatic conference immediately. I want to talk to them. Contact, and other kingdoms will also notify us, we need to discuss a countermeasure."

People in this world still have a very direct style of doing things, so just say it directly.

Others began to get busy one after another, and other kingdoms around them sent people to contact them after they knew what had happened here. What they didn't expect was that Du You had no intention of contacting them at all.

Not only there are no diplomats, but not even a receptionist. When they entered this country, they found that there was chaos everywhere in this country, and some places had been cleared out and order was in place.

But they have no way to get close to the capital, or even close to any big city. Martial law is everywhere now, any team daring to approach, immediately check it out, or even attack it directly.

In this way, they received a lot of harassment, and after the capital, the new king did not give them a clear answer. Just sent an element lord to coerce them, explained some basic diplomatic rhetoric with them, and then let them go, or they were just driven out.

Each country now somewhat understands the foreign policy of this new kingdom.

Their plan is probably to develop their own without contact with the people around them. There are such countries, but they are very rare. Moreover, their aggressiveness is too strong, and their strength is not weak.

Now, other countries around have different ideas.

Some people want to deal with this nascent country, but their strength is insufficient. There are also some countries with weaker strengths, but they are worried, and some are worried that they will suddenly attack themselves. This is not impossible.

Many top large empires are eventually formed by continuously annexing other surrounding kingdoms. Therefore, there are always some kingdoms with strong offensiveness that will often attack the surrounding areas, and their elemental lords are similar to lunatics.

With all kinds of different ideas, these kingdoms began to unite.

Faintly, a huge group is taking shape. Because there was no way to establish diplomacy with the new kingdom, they began to isolate, and various commercial trades were gradually separated, as if this place was all isolated inside.

But Du You didn't care at all, the outside world didn't know, could they not know here. As long as buildings similar to life-style functional buildings are built, people in the country will have no shortage of food and clothing.

As for resources, as long as the rich elemental environment can be used well, there is no shortage of resources for ordinary people. Besides, the country is now in a period of great development, and there is no need to contact other people around.

"Did they isolate us? We have to attack and test locally. This is great. When they attack, we have a reason to fight back." Reasons and no reasons are completely different.

Counterattack with a reason is a just cause, even if the people under his staff go out and say that they can straighten up, but if there is no reason to attack, then it is another matter entirely. Even if you are not afraid, you should always let the people have a good mood.

After finishing this period of time, as the country continues to get on the right track, Du You has gained more and more points. A large number of points were scattered, and although there were no violent soldiers, the number of element lords in his hand was constantly increasing. As the country gradually stabilizes, this income is getting less and less.

Seeing more and more element lord spirits accumulated in his hands, Du You was also full of helplessness.

Your own points are simply not enough to completely transform them. In the end, Du You could only use wasteful methods to absorb part of the element lord spirits as resources to improve his strength.

But with the increase in Du You's own strength, he soon reached the peak of the eighth rank, and Du You could only stop. Because it is impossible for Du You to experiment with his own host, he needs to wait for his clone to rise first in order to reach the ninth rank. After discovering that there is nothing left, I will improve, at least, I will not be the first to be concerned by the will of the world.

As a result, there are more and more resources in his hands, and even the two sisters have reached the eighth peak, which is completely useless.

This trouble of happiness is really getting bigger and bigger. Of course, all the seals already known in the country were cleaned up by Du You. These time bombs are gone. There may be hidden ones, but certainly not many.

Unless these seals broke out at the same time, they would not cause any trouble by themselves. Even if it all broke out, it would be like that for Du You, and it wouldn't be too threatening at all.

After all, his subordinates are now just the element lords, and there are already a large group.


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