Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2145: The beginning of the foreign war

The corpses of Tier 8 are still very easy to obtain, not to mention other things, there are in this forest.

In fact, if there are no powerful creatures in the forest, it is impossible to preserve it. The surrounding cities have long been used as timber producing areas for development. And there are powerful creatures, plus the distance from the city, this can be preserved.

After all, no matter how powerful Warcraft is, it is impossible to build a city, it is not a threat.

And they don't want to work with the powerful Warcraft. Because once you do it, what should you do if you accidentally get injured? The powerhouses in other cities around you won't look at it like that. It's not worth the loss.

Speaking of doing it yourself, other people may appear in the first place, and then the praying mantis will catch the cicada and the oriole. It is these kinds of worries that are the most important reason for the existence of this forest.

And no one came in, and no one noticed that a huge city had appeared here.

"Very well, the city is now fully operational, bone processing factories, as well as a variety of undead creature construction sites. Then as long as there is a place to continue to earn points on it."

Du You was very satisfied. Now you don't need to transform wood and stone into bones by yourself. As long as you put it in the processing plant, you can produce a lot of bone materials, which is enough to build a city.

There are also bone processing factories, which can make bones into various weapons, even harder than metal weapons, which is also a good place.

And Du You took advantage of this period of time, secretly ran outside, and eliminated the Tier 8 monsters in this forest.

One was a huge cow. Du You didn't change its shape. He directly made it into a skeleton cow. With Du You's powerful means, this guy still maintained his previous level, which was Tier 8. And after a large number of runes on the bones, it made this guy stronger than before.

Speaking of it, being able to make the undead more powerful than before is not an easy task in itself.

The more powerful a creature is, the more difficult it is to maintain its strength after death, and it will become stronger. This requires special abilities of the maker itself, and many people have to add a lot of special materials to it.

Du You was also able to be so relaxed because his own law of death was at the peak of Tier Nine.

If you give him a Tier 9 corpse, it will be very difficult to make a Tier 9 undead. It is basically impossible to maintain the strength before his death. Du You will feel distressed if he pays for that kind of material.

Another monster, Du You himself didn't expect it to be a tree. For this tree, Du You directly sealed it up, and then infested it with dead energy every day, transforming it directly from the state of being alive.

In the end, a big tree that looked like a spliced ​​bone was created. The special ability of this big tree is to be able to bear fruit. A special corpse demon will be bred in the fruit, and the corpse demon can grow rapidly through killing.

Some of them are special, which can grow to Tier 7 in a short period of time, and are very good violent species.

Of course, the undead tree's own combat effectiveness is also very strong, but it is more troublesome to move.

The corpse demon can also explode, and generally can drag people of the same level to death. When it is put on the battlefield, this is definitely a big killer that makes people headache.

The kobolds and goblins are now beginning to improve. According to the special circumstances of kobolds and goblins in this world, Du You improved their secret methods so that he could directly explode the corresponding units.

The kobolds in this world are very friendly to the power of death, and I don't know why.

As a result, a large number of kobold warriors with death power appeared, and some kobolds even practiced for a long time, and they will cultivate themselves into something similar to the undead, instead of being the original creature.

If it weren't for their fertility, they might be able to exterminate them through cultivation.

There are also some special sorcerers who can use undead spells and can summon undead. For this reason, Du You simply gave some undead spells directly to these kobolds to practice by themselves.

And what the goblins are compatible with is the earth attribute element. These goblins are not the kind that like gold coins, so they are easier to control.

Some powerful goblins can shuttle back and forth in the earth, and can control the soil to exert the effects of unearthed attribute spells. After practicing for a period of time, the combat effectiveness will not be much weaker than that of ordinary intelligent creatures.

"Is it discovered that Tier Nine exists? Sure enough, this world is not hidden."

Du You received the news from the two sisters, and the two of them finally found the traces of the ninth-order powerhouse.

There are three holy cities in the world, that is, the three largest cities. Two people have not explored the specific situation too clearly, but it is certain that there must be ninth orders in the three cities.

I don't know how many of them, but there are three early-stage ninth-stage ones. As for whether there are mid-stage ninth-stage ones, I don't know this. If you want to continue the in-depth investigation, you can only do it. Now is not the time.

Of course, the game of occupying the world has to be completed step by step. Directly killing their top powers will only cause the world to resist. When the time comes, it won't be fun to be enemies all over the world. After all, he is only one person, it is impossible to suppress the entire world. If you want to control the world, you still need your troops.

And even if it is killed, what will With the world power still present, it is completely possible to create a new Tier 9 powerhouse, which would be very troublesome. Although this is an Outland World, let the world create more Tier 9 powerhouses, and in the end, even if you occupy the world, the benefits you get will be greatly reduced.

So when there is no shortage of time, Du You will not directly deal with the most powerful person.

"The war also needs to start. Recently, the nearby city seems to have found something wrong with our side, and it often comes to investigate. If you want to come, the war is about to break out, it is worse than I start first.

Just when Du You wanted to start, suddenly a message came into his mind. "Unexpectedly, I hadn't done it yet, they actually came first. It just so happened that the siege should be changed to an encounter."

The news Du You received was that troops from the nearby city rushed towards him.

Du You didn't even know the name of that city, so he had to fight a wave first, or maybe even occupy it. Speaking of which, the residents in that city are all human beings, do you finally have normal residents?

As for undead creatures, their fear or disgust has nothing to do with them. As long as there is strength, it can be suppressed. Over time, they will naturally accept it.

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