Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2146: Undead army swept across

"Do you want to destroy us? It's really whimsical." Du You looked at the report in his hand, and then felt the situation on the opposite side from a distance, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Although there was a huge army swept across it, in fact there was only one Tier 8.

And this strength is not as strong as the skeleton cow that he made.

"But, the methods of undead creatures are indeed a little less, so we have to use some skills."

Du You quietly hid the undead cow, but used other breath to fake a Tier 8 creature. Although Du You made the shot himself, the breath was the breath of the undead cow.

Then, the army set out, and the undead army directly counterattacked the coming army and went back, completely in a head-on-head posture. In this way, when the opponent hadn't reached the edge of the forest, he saw a large number of skeleton zombies rushing towards him like a torrent, mighty.

"My lord, the enemy took the initiative to attack us."

Such a big movement, if the other side has not noticed it, it would be too strange.

The other party got up, his eyes became hazy, and he directly saw the distant opposite side.

"Sure enough, it is an undead creature. These **** things have actually recovered again, and they are still by our side. This time we must let these things completely roll back to hell." For the undead, they hate it.

Just like this, the armies of both sides crashed together without any preparation.

Then, the other party saw a horrible scene, because they found that the skeleton on the other side was super hard, not what they thought. A slash in the past could not hurt the skeleton at all, only leaving a scar on the surface.

Then the skeletons' counterattack was different. The power made them feel terrified. A random push of the shield in their hands could blast them out, and even bring down several people behind them. The bone sword in his hand slammed down at them, unable to resist it at all, and ordinary weapons would even be smashed directly.

Right after contact, these skeletons killed many enemies by virtue of their hard power and the characteristics of being afraid of death.

Then the slower zombie-type units also came over. These guys' defenses and their own strength are stronger, and once they come into contact with battle, they can't fight against them.

The main force that he brought, did not expect this to be the case, and fell down at the touch of a touch, which made the leader extremely dissatisfied.

"You all go, let these damned souls take a good look."

They still know that although the undead are very annoying, these creatures are generally not very strong. They just have a large number, and the power of death is more troublesome.

However, in terms of high-end combat power, undead creatures are not good enough, otherwise they will not be suppressed every time the undead erupts. It is true that they hate the undead, but at this level, they are absolutely not afraid.

"Observe your command, your commander." The people who were sitting next to each other stood up.

A strong breath rose into the sky, and five powerhouses who had reached the seventh rank flew out. Powerful people of this level are very rare even in this place. Seven of them all at once, this city has lost its blood.

Not to be outdone, Du You waved his hand, and the same seven powerful undead creatures flew out, two more than the opponent. Five of them are bone dragons, one of the remaining two is a giant zombie, and one is a skeleton mage. Suddenly these powerful existences made the look of the person on the other side change drastically.

When the two sides collided and played against each other, the person on the other side became even more in a bad mood. "Damn it, where is the undead, why is the strength so terrifying." Just after the fight, he actually fell into a disadvantage.

Not only that, there are more opposing sides than oneself, and each one is stronger than oneself. In an instant, two people were injured. Then, under the entanglement of the skeleton mage, these people found that they had fallen into it.

At this moment, even if they want to escape, they have no chance.

"Hmph, as long as I can win, then the victory in this battle will be ours."

In the rear, the commander's expression was suddenly certain, he had already discovered where the powerful existence on the opposite side was.

Suddenly, the commander jumped up, and did not know when a huge white ball of light appeared in his hand. Almost like teleporting, the commander appeared directly on the opposite side, and the ball of light in his hand struck in one direction.

"Your commander has taken action, great. As long as we eliminate their leader, we will win."

Everyone knows that the class concept of the undead is very strict. Once there is a top level, the undead below will obey unconditionally. Although there will be some self-awareness after reaching the seventh level, it is much stricter than other races.

In other words, these seventh-tiers will be here desperately now, but once the eighth-tier undead are eliminated, then these seventh-tiers will flee for their lives, and they will not gather together at all. Everyone is of the same level, so no one will obey other people. Originally, these undead creatures had no relationship between superiors and superiors.

What the opposing commander didn't expect was that his attack failed.

No, it wasn't a failure, but the skeleton bull he attacked, and was hit by himself without almost reacting at all. Next, the skeleton was directly smashed, and no scum was left behind under his own attack.

The next moment a breath that made him feel palpitations appeared not far from him, and quickly rushed towards him.

"It's not good, it's hit." The commander felt cold in his heart.

Between time and time, the commander could only condense a layer of white light to defend himself, but before the defense was completed, the skeleton bull slammed into his body. The power of terror shredded his defenses on the spot.

Then the force of death spread over, and the commander who was hit and flew up from the ground embarrassed, his body was covered with dust. But if you look closely, you can see that there are a little old spots on the commander's body. It was a symbol of death, and the commander was injured. Many people feel that things are not going well in their hearts.

This time it was clearly to suppress the undead, how could it seem to have been suppressed by the undead? They dared to take the initiative to confront themselves head-on, and they really came prepared.

But what to do now, they have no chance to escape. The strong men with a cold sweat can only pray silently, hoping that a miracle will happen.

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