Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 2147: Another forest

Unfortunately, it is impossible for a miracle to appear in front of them. With regard to the use of death power, Du You had already reached a level of fascination, and even the ninth-order Necromancer couldn't compare with him.

Although this skeleton bull is only the eighth rank, it was also made by Du You, so it has a strong use of death power.

Once one's own power invades, it is very troublesome to disperse it by relying on an eighth-order powerhouse who is not as strong as one's own. It takes a long time and a lot of force to disperse continuously.

But now this is on the battlefield, how can the enemy on the opposite side have so much time?

So the skeleton bull rushed over again, and the terrifying force trampled on the ground. Every time it trampled, a powerful force burst out, impacting everything around it, and shattering all the surrounding targets.

Then his own speed is still accelerating. The commander felt that he was locked, and it was difficult to avoid it even in his heyday, let alone the current situation.

The force of horror swept through, and he couldn't fight it at all. Although he had gone all out, he was still flying out.

This time, the two arms of the commander broke instantly, and the horns made a big hole in his body. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the white light in the commander's hand condensed and came up against the bull's head, trying to fight back and kill the opponent.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the hardness of the opposite bone. This white light only left a scar on the opposite bone, only one finger deep at most. This scar is far from reaching the level of damage to the inside.

"Is it true? An effective counterattack can be made in this absolutely dangerous situation, but it's a pity that the gap between the two sides is a bit big."

Du You looked at the guy who attacked the skeleton bull with admiration. This guy is definitely not a person who only knows how to cultivate. He definitely has a lot of combat experience. I just don't know who this guy usually fights and exercises.

But since I came to trouble myself, I couldn't let it go.

Du You gave an order, and the skeleton adjusted its posture, and the huge death energy directly impacted, forming two spiral attacks like drill bits in front of him, and the opponent finally couldn't resist it.

As a result, he didn't even have time to prepare for his ultimate move, so he was eroded by the force of death on the spot.

"Don't break the corpse, go help others." Du You commanded. Skeleton Bull no longer trampled on the other's corpse, but turned and rushed towards the other seventh-order powerhouses.

This Eighth Tier personally goes off the court and directly deals with the Seventh Tier, is it inhumane at all? Those seventh-order powerhouses almost scolded, but unfortunately it was useless at all. The undead and ordinary creatures are different, they won't listen to what they say at all, and even the undead won't be captured. This is also one reason why they hate the undead very much.

Fighting with other targets, even if the top powerhouse fails in the end, you can surrender and join the opponent.

But the undead will never do this kind of thing. What they have to do is to kill all the enemies clean, and then find a way to become the same kind. Especially for the Necromancer, the enemy's corpse is the best research material.

They don't know if there is a necromancer behind this, but even a simple undead can't do this.

It didn't take long for these people to die and be clean. The kobolds and goblin troops in the rear screamed loudly, their morale rose instantly, while the morale on the opposite side was low.

"No, they have necromancers in their kobolds, and they definitely have powerful necromancers behind them."

There are still people who know how to do it, and see that something is wrong. It is a pity that no matter how clever the mind is, it is useless in the face of absolute strength.

From the beginning of the contact, the war ended in less than half an hour.

There is no way, the undead will not care about any fighting methods at all, and will directly rush over in waves. Either the other party will be wiped out, or she will be wiped out, there is no other possibility.

This time the impact was successful, and the high-end combat power was directly destroyed, then their world will be the next step.

"Master, do we want to fight back against that city." An undead walked to Du You's side and asked respectfully. Among the undead Du You knew, not all had no brains, many had high IQs.

Otherwise, how to control the army in the future. Even if it is a wave of shocks, someone has to direct where to rush.

Du You shook his head: "No, there is another Tier 8 in the opposite city. They won't bother us for the time being, they can only shrink up. This is our last barrier, don't move it for now."

"The presence of them can help us temporarily block the sight of others. They dare not come over to fight, but they will not let others help. As long as we don't take the initiative to attack, they will think that our strength is the same."

This is true. Let other people come in, it is not easy to send it out, and the relationship between several nearby cities is not that good with each other. If possible, it is normal for them to annex each other. Although the world is also made up of cities, city alliances and city clusters are not absent.

"Then what is our next goal."

"Over there, that piece of forest, this time we can take down the other side. We can build a new city over there, and the situation over there is more dangerous and there are more powerful creatures."

That's right, Du You was talking about a place that was originally far away, but the forest environment over there was complicated and not easy to find, so Du You chose to be here at the beginning. Now that the enemy shrinks his defenses, he can act casually In the depths of the forest over there, Du You has already checked that there are a total of five Tier 8 monsters.

Although the three powers have just reached the eighth rank, they are enough. When it is solved, plus the gains from his side, he will be able to obtain a full eight eighth-tier undead.

Next, this game has to be played. Yes, in Du You's heart, this is a game

Otherwise, just use your own strength to push horizontally, but that is really meaningless. Du You still needs time to allow his clone to grow and spread, and sufficient time is needed to complete the plan.

Besides, if you push yourself horizontally, you may not be able to occupy the entire world, and the will of the world may not be recognized.

On the contrary, it is not a good thing for Du You to attract some attention from the will of the world. This time it finally took advantage of the great changes in the local world to attract the attention of the world will to the past, so that the world will temporarily not pay attention to the surrounding external situation.


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