Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 961: Rotting giant bird falling from the sky

Facts have proved that no matter how big the crab is, it is also a crab, and this thing is indeed edible. In addition to the harder meat, the taste is surprisingly good, and it makes a few people have a full meal.

Even Du You collected some meat and put it in his personal space, planning to keep it for later eating.

After lunch, the group set off again, because they didn't know where the giant beast was, so they had to look for it indiscriminately.

"Unfortunately, there are no such things about the natural disaster beasts in Zhenshicheng, otherwise it will be easy to find. After all, this is only a small city, and perhaps there is information about this in a big city."

Lin Yucha nodded: "Big cities should have this information, but it should not be comprehensive enough. The natural disaster monsters in this world are all running around. We are in a relatively remote place here, so there are fewer. If you get to some giants, There may be more dense beasts. All the way to the north, the density of giant beasts will increase."

These people are just walking north. It is said that there are more human cities in the south. But the north is not absent, on the contrary, the more you go north, as long as there are cities, they are all very big.

Moreover, in this kind of city, there are guardian behemoths, and Du You is flying in one direction now.

In this direction, at their speed, they will be able to reach that large city in a straight line this evening. The Behemoth World is an open world, and it is basically impossible to find advanced materials in such a big city.

A group of people flew all the way. Although they encountered many creatures on the road, none of them could reach Tier 4.

Because in the behemoth world, as long as it reaches Tier 4, it is either a natural disaster behemoth or a guardian behemoth, and there is no other type.

"Look, the front is about to reach the edge of the forest. As long as you go over here and enter the opposite grassland, you will soon reach the loess city." Lin Yushi pointed to the place where the line of sight was limited.

Du You looked up, and sure enough, they were about to leave the forest.

But at this moment, a black shadow in the air suddenly struck in their direction. "Be careful, there are giant beasts, they are Tier 4 and above." Lin Yucha drew out her bow and arrow and waited.

Du You also discovered this uninvited guest. "It's a natural disaster giant, we summon the natural disaster giant dog, so that this guy will run away." Du You has some understanding of the situation of the natural disaster giant.

The giant bird that came, followed a dark green natural disaster cloud in the sky, exuding a special force. When the group of people landed on the ground, Du You found a feeling of weakness on his body.

Although not very strong, it should be the ability of the opponent's natural disaster cloud. Opening the panel, Du You saw the prompt.

"It's a decaying type of natural disaster cloud. Can this be regarded as a natural disaster? It's really troublesome." Du You didn't even think about it, and directly summoned his natural disaster giant dog. A large red natural disaster cloud appeared in the sky.

Two different natural disaster clouds appeared, and they began to conflict with each other and swallow them. After a battle, the Scourge Cloud of the Scourge Giant Dog became stronger, but it was still weaker than the Giant Bird.

The result was just as Du You thought. When the catastrophe giant dog appeared, the rotting giant bird was immediately attracted, and then madly attacked this side, regardless of the danger he might encounter.

Du You's mouth twitched and winked at the two sisters. This guy is not the same crab before. Although his body looks rotten, like a zombie bird, he is actually a living creature. And this guy doesn't have that strong defense, so they can easily break defenses.

Just approaching this side, Lin Yucha didn't hesitate to kill with a spiral. The arrow is constantly spinning in the air, like a drill. The irrational giant bird didn't mean to dodge at all, letting the arrow hit itself.

But this small arrow made the giant bird suddenly lose its balance. The arrow hit the bone position of the wing and directly penetrated it. In an instant, the flying ability of this giant bird was greatly affected.

But the giant bird was too fast to slow down at all, and was still approaching fast in their direction.

During this process, Lin Yucha shot a spiral sniper. Although the giant bird tried to dodge, because of its too large body, there were still a lot of wounds on its body.

When it got close to a certain extent, Lin Yushi also started. A series of thunder dragon arrows mixed with blood-red light soared into the sky. With the continuous shooting skills, Lin Yushi seemed to have constructed a thunderstorm by himself, which was particularly spectacular.

Continuing to approach, Du You also shot. The huge darkness magic power gathered in his hand, Du You did not use any special skills, only used the dark flame arrow formation. A large number of arrows flew out and hit the huge target. Almost most of the arrows hit the target. Few arrows missed. Large size has its own disadvantages.

A black flame was burning on the giant bird, and the screams constantly resounded from its mouth. If you give it another chance now, I believe this giant bird will never get close to these evil stars.

"This natural disaster behemoth doesn't seem to be very powerful either." Lin Yushi whispered.

"This is the case for us. After all, our combat effectiveness is strong, but these natural disaster monsters are already very strong in Tier Indeed, this giant bird who is not good at defense requires them to join forces to attack. It has not died many times, which is very telling.

If it weren't for this giant bird to be attracted by the natural disaster giant dog, and as a result, they didn't even use their own skills, it would not be easy for them to deal with it.

By the time the giant bird approached the ground, it had completely lost its balance. During the whole process, Xiao Zi, who had been flying in the air, was just training and regaining his strength, and had no intention of participating in the attack.

But the giant natural disaster dog that was waiting for it suddenly jumped up, opened its big mouth, and bit the giant bird's neck fiercely. Critical attack, for this animal type of creature, this is already considered a winner.

The badly injured rotting giant bird kept flapping its wings and struggling, but the flames and injuries on its body continued to take away the giant bird's physical strength and vitality. The neck was bitten by a huge creature, and this force was consumed faster.

In just ten minutes, the eyes of the giant bird gradually dimmed, and the struggling movements became slower and slower. At this time, the natural disaster giant dog stepped on the giant bird's body, and tore its mouth vigorously, actually tore off the giant bird's head. For an instant, there was a ball of light in Du You's personal space, and he knew that the giant bird was completely dead.

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