Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 962: Prolific Scourge Behemoth

"Look, the natural disaster giant dog has grown up again." Lin Yushi pointed to the natural disaster giant dog and said.

If you take a closer look, the natural disaster giant dog is indeed growing up slowly, the growth rate is not fast, and the size of the final growth is not large, there is no prompt on the panel, these are basic improvements.

Perhaps this is what makes this world special for the behemoths of natural disasters.

Du You didn't know, but he knew it would be good for the natural disaster giant dog. The red natural disaster cloud in the sky swallowed the green natural disaster cloud cleanly, and the power contained in it was strengthened a bit and the potential was even greater.

This is a rare case of improving one's own ability without increasing the level. Du You didn't know whether this thing was useful for his own battle, but as long as it was something that had an effect, it would be more or less useful.

"I have a reaction." Suddenly, Lin Yucha pointed to the front happily and said.

Du You nodded: "Yes, there is a reaction, and I also feel my advanced materials."

"Is this natural disaster behemoth so productive? Why didn't I have such good luck?" Lin Yushi pouted and said. The two natural disaster behemoths did not get a single advanced material for themselves, which is really depressing.

"It's also right to say high yield. After all, the natural disaster behemoth is very large, and many parts of its body can be used as materials. Moreover, the influence of the natural disaster behemoth is too great. It will always affect a large area around it, which will naturally attract the fear of other people. Or adoration and other emotions. The gathering of this emotion is just the prerequisite for the formation of advanced materials."

While talking, Du You came to the head of the rotting giant bird and dug out two eyeballs. This eyeball corresponds exactly to Du You's own cursing the crow skill. Since being promoted to Tier 4, cursing the crow has basically no effect.

Lin Yucha plucked the special feather on the head of the giant bird. "The eagle's arrow corresponds to this skill, ultra-long range attack." Lin Yucha said very satisfied.

In any case, there are two gains from advanced materials, plus the increase in the strength of the natural disaster giant dog, which is gratifying.

"By the way, has something come out? Is there something suitable for me?" Lin Yushi asked charmingly.

Du You opened the ball, and then said: "There is a bow for you to use, but it is for adding toxins, not as good as you can use." Du You took out the rotten longbow that he had just obtained.

Seeing this longbow with mucus like a rotten bone, the two of them were not interested, not to mention that the quality of the longbow was not as good as they could use by themselves.

Seeing this, I am afraid that only the undead type will choose it, it is really ugly.

Du You put away the longbow, and then let Xiao Zi land down. "Let's go, we will arrive at Loess City as soon as possible, and then investigate the situation around here." Looking at the giant bird's body, Du You shook his head disappointedly.

This thing looks like a zombie, so meat must not be eaten. Even if it can be eaten, no one will choose this kind of thing if there is no shortage of food. A long distance away, you can smell a bad smell.

The natural disaster giant dog that has bitten a giant bird before may also find a chance to wash its mouth.

The group continued to fly forward, and before the evening fell, they finally arrived at Loess City. The city of Huangtu is not made of loess. It may be named because the surface is all yellow.

Soon, a group of people came to the Professional Association. Huangtu City is a big city, so the professional associations here are easier to find, and there are more people in it. It's just that the three people didn't reveal their identities, so they didn't cause any trouble.

After buying a copy, Du You took the two sisters to his hotel room to study it.

"There are so many professionals in Loess City, so there is no need to think about the advanced materials. This city can grow to such a large scale, the guardian behemoth is indispensable. But looking like this, it seems to be an enlarged rooster."

There are pictures on this album, and Du You looks like this thing is a big cock.

"Guardian behemoth, if you kill it, there must be something good." Lin Yushi said.

"Don't do this kind of thing, we are not those who do whatever it takes to benefit." Lin Yucha knocked her sister on the head in an angry way. How could this kind of thing be done.

"I'm just talking about it." Lin Yushi stuck out his tongue and leaned against Du You.

Du You shook his head and said: "It is possible to get advanced materials by hunting the guardian behemoths, but this will definitely not end well. If it can be done, others will have done it long ago and will not wait until now."

"The guardian behemoth is said to be able to restrain the natural disaster behemoth, which has a great effect on the stability of a city. However, there must be many protective people around the guardian behemoth. Among these people, there are many Tier 4 existences, and they may even have been used before. The assimilated professionals, what methods they have, none of us knows."

Lin Yushi nodded, she was just talking for fun before. If a guardian behemoth is hunted, even if other people in the city can deal with the behemoths of natural disasters, the behemoths of natural disasters will often come to harass them if they lose their restraining power.

Under such treacherous days, who knows what kind of blow this city will suffer.

Therefore, for big cities, the guardian behemoth is definitely more than just a symbol or combat effectiveness.

"I see around the There are more than 30 recorded natural disaster monsters. We can choose some of them to hunt. It's just, why no one cleans them up. "

There are indeed a lot of professionals here, but Du You himself didn't want to understand why no one killed these natural disaster behemoths. Each of these natural disaster behemoths can be regarded as a task if they operate well.

Forget it, don't think about it if you don't understand, Du You and the others are going to do it anyway.

In the middle of the night, Du You and the two sisters rested. The next day, Du You and the others left Loess City directly and flew towards the first target.

"This time we choose a natural disaster behemoth of the thunderstorm type. Maybe there are materials suitable for you."

Du You said to Lin Yushi, who also nodded vigorously. For the thunderstorm type, many of my skills are related to thunder and lightning. If this is not what I need, then it must be bad luck.

"The natural disaster beast here is said to be a cat type animal, like a tiger. Master, your summoned beast doesn't have this type." Lin Yucha interrupted.

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